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The Democrats are Soviet style attacking America. When Khruschev was removed from office they wrote the letter for him, called him to Moscow, had him sign it and he was never heard from again. Joe Biden has not been heard from for over a week. The DNC has state delegations saying they will vote for Kamala. They are pledged to Biden because that is what the voters voted for. That is a violation of rules and law. But Democrats do not give a damn about a representative democracy. It is solely power and they sure do not give a damn about the people of the United States or their party members.

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As an independent, I was really hoping for a centrist Dem to take Joe's place. In what world is Harris a better option to win the swing votes? Then again, I live in NY so my vote doesn't matter. We would vote for a ham sandwich if the Dems ran it.

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"she lied for nearly four years about Biden’s mental capacity"

No one had more interest in booting Biden than Kamala Harris. Seems like he's feeding the goats in a petting zoo.

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The assassination attempt and murder of an American hero.

The elevation of a person, Kamala, of very questionable judgement and very average intelligence whose strongest presidential credential is her gender and the color of her skin.

America is now coming to understand that DEI is more than a republican talking point, it's actually a threat to our society and a threat to ones safety and wellbeing.

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Kamala Harris: The poster child for equity hires!

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One Day later & NOW Our nation is even more fragile, fragmented & still being lead on a wild goose chase. & *VISIBLE* to the world.

TRUMP is a convenient constant continual source of colorful DIVERSIONS to redirect & keep stoking that fire the FP said last week was an IMPERATIVE to lower.

24 hours later & they’ve lost the ill, mentally compromised elderly President after his X msg.

This is ongoing, growing worse & is ILLEGAL. The irony of having laws that are USELESS because those tasked to *ENFORCE* are in on it.

Why NOW is Harris not invoking the 25th??? Doesn’t work with the ever changing “plan”.

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On Day later & NOW Our nation is even more fragile, fragmented & still being lead on a wild goose chase. & *VISIBLE* to the world.

TRUMP is a convenient constant continual source of colorful DIVERSIONS to redirect & keep stoking that fire the FP said last week was an IMPERATIVE to lower.

24 hours later & they’ve lost the ill, mentally compromised elderly ongoing, growing worse

That said, your concerns about Kamala are +EXTREMELY+ && very *VALID*.

Here’s a snapshot of my perspective: Replacing her merely validates everything we now know. It is implicit agreement with WHAT has been perpetuated in OUR COUNTRY is not only ok but can continue after this inconvenient REVEAL (i.e., The DEBATE). If we, the people, just let it go & are grateful to have an ugly open convention play out, & once concluded get out of it, someone or someones more acceptable than Kamala & not ill like President Biden, simply an acceptable quote, anybody who could win against Trump. & that’s the new acceptable bar for we, the people, who are Democrats, along with some undecided voters – there’s another slip on the dangerous, slippery slope,

BUT what about the UNELECTED who have been, are & will continue to run the country, & have either incentivized or placed fear into any & all who participated & continue to, including & especially the press.

It is their job to keep a level playing field. The internet changed EVERYTHING FOREVER & so let the out of the loop Americans make use of the internet to find TRUTH- period.

If, we all or the majority say, too busy, can’t, won’t, la, la, la, I can’t & refuse to have ears to hear & listening could poke my conscience & I don’t want to come out of my blissful bubble because me && mine are just doing great… then we are at the mercy of the few who have already made great headway at our literal expense to REIMAGINE the world & who gets what & how much , or any at all.

This remains an CONSTITUTIONAL crisis & WHAT message does this send to our allies, our enemies && our children.

Playing along & placing another puppet (I don’t like the word so feel free to suggest another one) to simply hand wave the entire last 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks &/or 3 days by swapping in a VP who is not qualified & could not possibly have been in the dark all this time sends many REALLY BAD messages.

Fool us ALL once & now EVERYONE has NO say whatsoever? I feel like a hostage; at the mercy of the rich, the well placed, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the intellects == the elite, those who are able to manipulate an entire generation using their adult children to do their bidding - the middle tier of quasi educated but USEFUL to whomever had been, is, & will continue running & redesigning the world.

They are above the common man & are sticking their middle finger at us & we’re like 👍 ok just make it go away…

THAT’s exactly what got us here- Covid lockdowns certainly pushed things along, yes?

This is absolutely absurd if one simply assembled & viewed in sequence the mainstream media from the Debate forward to today it’s a level of lunacy that CANNOT be understated.

We’ve literally reached, forgive the vulgarity, but how else can one communicate the utter GLARING CONTINUAL OUTRIGHT CONTEMPT that is being leveled to every single American who isn’t aware. Whether in words or deeds, we are being told , who are you going to believe? The lying cheating metaphoric ADULTERERS *or* your very own eyes?

Who has been reporting & who provides the latest scoop? Any & all press. Where do they get their information? Who are their sources & are they remotely *CREDIBLE*? Some sources: any & all known mega donors or unknown; other press agencies & their opinion writers leaning so far left they should have already tipped over && of course the unending insiders who are close to _______ but wish to remain anonymous && then there’s X & every facet of social & business online platforms && all the streaming services… smartphones, disappearing text messages & let us THEN throw in the very real actual AI & who is overseeing all things AI.

Think of me as your technological “deep throat”.

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Megan Kelly (You Are NOT going to believe This!)

Kamala Harris' Cringe Vibe and Political Failures Take Centerstage as She Becomes Likely Nominee


Jul 22, 2024

Megyn Kelly is joined by Charles C.W. Cooke and Jim Geraghty of National Review to discuss if Kamala Harris has an actual shot of winning the presidency if she's the Democratic nominee, her cringe and awkward moments that attempt to cover up her nervousness, young people online trying to make her awkwardness seem cool, her political failures during this administration, and more.

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By rallying behind Harris, Democrats are compounding their mistake in supporting Biden until the unmistakable evidence of his advancing senility forced them to abandon him. Harris is a proven loser, a nonentity who's in the VP spot thanks to her gender and racial pedigree (Asian and Black, with a Jewish husband). Worse for her November prospects, her political instincts and record are to Biden's left. This is exactly the reason so many middle Americans prefer Trump — in spite of his serial lies and crimes (siccing the Jan. 6 mob on the Capitol to try to reverse his election loss; stealing Top Secret documents, disparaging the Constitution) — to left-wing Democrats who talk down to them and despise them as "deplorables." It was precisely such condescension in so much of what Obama said and did that handed the White House to Trump in 2016. Bottom Line: If the Democrats want to rally Americans to defeat Trump again, they can't do it by relying on "progressive" voters. Most Democrats, like most Americans, are centrists, with little patience for noisy outliers like the Squad and cranks like Sanders and Warren. Do not crown Kamala. Nominate a moderate in an open convention who can appeal to the center, someone in the mold of Joe Manchin. Otherwise, resign yourselves — and doom us all — to four more years of Trump!

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That was very eloquently stated!

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Very intelligent post, thank you.

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That would make sense, but the out of touch elite consultants think Americans are sitting around the dinner table talking about climate change, pronouns, the patriarchy, student loans, police brutality, DEI, and critical race theory.

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This is going to be like Hilllary Part 2 where these consultants were so, so wrong.

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They’re handcuffed by their own morals/ethics. You can’t pick a DEI vice president (equality of outcomes) then skip over the same DEI pick because she’s not the best qualified candidate (meritocracy).

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Wouldn’t you TFP readers rather see the Ds run competitive candidates that might bring sanity and adult behavior back to our national politics?

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First, since you’re offering a comment, one could assume you’re a TFP reader and, yes, I’d personally like to see that but Harris doesn’t fit your description. She’s as far left as one can get and intellectually lacking so her inauguration would only guarantee the acrimony in this country would get worse. We’re sick of the woke DEI elitist BS and we don’t need another puppet in the WH who’s strings are being manipulated by those very people.

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The people Sadovnik spoke with sound like clueless idiots. It is sad that a huge swath of America has kids who shoot up schools, steal daddy's AR-15 and shoot at Trump, take fentanyl, etc. So much of this is unfortunately within the "real America". Most of the country is existing in unprecendented prosperity. Trump and Vance can't do anything for "their" people, the pro-wrestling fans at their rallies and conventions.

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Fact Check: There are not "vast swaths of the U.S. where kids are shooting up schools." Enough with the absurd hyperbole, already.

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Oh please - Mr. Fly over country. Those drug deaths are on Joe and KH.

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Hulk Hogan/Kid Rock 2024!


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And Hilary is standing there smiling in the background....or maybe that was just a bad dream.

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Kamala Harris is no Barack Obama. I was all in for her when she first came on the scene as VP. She wore her white suit while accepting the nomination representing women's suffrage, then went on to approve some of the most anti woman, pro rape laws our country has ever seen. Because of Biden changing the legal status of women to include gender, Male rapists are allowed in female prisons. Men who committed crimes as a men can realize they're really a woman post conviction, and serve their sentence in a cell with women. They call this "equality." Harris fully approves this. She has accomplished nothing as VP, and has said nothing of substance. The only positive thing about her are her impersonations on Tik Tok repeating her nonsensical word salad's, mixed in with cackles every few sentences. She supports pro Hamas protestors, and will ride on her race card. She has nothing else. No ideas, No vision, No direction. Democrats can rally around their new candidate that may become the first, cis-gender-birthing person- who was- assigned- a -vagina- at birth- president (to use the language of the woke leftist cult) Let's hope not. I couldn't handle hearing that cackle for 4 more years.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

At least she is consistent. That is consistently incompetent and unprofessional. All you have to do is look at her record as a DA in the San Francisco Bay area.

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WAPO obsessing over prononciation is puzzling. How hard is it to say “grifter”?

Don’t cry me a river. It’s not ad hominem if it’s true.

The president suspends his campaign by way of twitterX? Amazing really. We’re a long way from Kansas Dorothy.

I suppose it makes sense. Best way to reach the majority of journo’s and propagandists. But I thought the MSM crowd was leaving twitterville after Musk took over. Hmmm. Guess not.

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Sounds like an ordinary party convention. Of course whoever represents the party in power is said to be responsible for all of those problems. That doesn't mean it's not true.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Republicans have been presented a truly golden opportunity to win the election and are engaged in their usual suicidal foot-shooting.

Just as Barr told Donald in ‘20 it was his election to lose, that is even more apparent today and Trump’s and Vance’s responses demonstrate their ability to misread the desires of the voters. Voters want to see candidates behave in a ‘presidential’ manner, not 6th grade troublemakers.

Republicans have the only candidate. Let him stick to communicating what he proposes for America and how he will accomplish it. Those undecided swing voters do not want to see Trump/Vance descend into puerile name calling.

Let the Republicans demonstrate the contrast between an organized party ready to govern with a chaotic group that has no unification, candidate or positive proposals for America.

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You are right, but idealistic. The American public seems to have a 6th grade mentality. Trump and Vance are just the thing.

Until we select “philosopher kings” we are stuck with what we get.

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Hulk Hogan.

Kid Rock.

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Beyonce, George Clooney, Michael Moore!!

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