It's surprising that Whitmer is not backing Nessel on this, though Michigan's Democrats are more antisemitic than most - Dearborn and Ann Arbor in particular.

Nessel gave Whitmer a pass on the whole COVID mess. Whitmer enforced the same policy that Andrew Cuomo did in New York - forcing nursing homes to accept sick patients. This policy killed thousands - as Michigan had a disproportionate number of nursing home residents die. Whitmer also had one of the stricter lockdown policies in the country (like Newsom, she freely violated it herself), so Michigan's schoolkids are further behind than most in the country. Charges were drawn up against Whitmer, and Nessel quashed them.

The media likes to say that Whitmer not being the VP candidate is evidence of expected sexism from voters, but it's really because she's a controversial candidate who has made a lot of mistakes. She isn't a moderate at all and will obviously back Tlaib at every opportunity.

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Thank God for real journalism. Thank you FP

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They need to kick her out. She ls completely rotten.

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This is spot on. Thank you for an intelligent, well-written piece that calls out anti-Semitism by a well known member of Congress.

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I’m going deaf from all of the nonstop dog whistles. Tlaib is just another cog in the Jew-hating progressive machine.

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I have to say I didn’t appreciate this article. Its tone wasnt professional and could easily be taken for moral grandstanding.

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Completely professional piece. What you’re observing is the writer calling out antisemitism (and a congresswoman who found her 15 minutes of fame). Tlaib and her squad need to go.

Furthermore, perhaps I’m a dunce or too old, but I had to look up “moral grandstanding.” Found the book from 2020 by Tosi and Warmke. Never read it and can’t speak as to the credibility of the writers. But these supercilious terms that when used, quickly shut down the discourse; now I have to prove I Dont have a sister (how the f do I prove I don’t have something?)

I see the same strategy used post 10/7 by the trash heap of anti Israel/Jew/Zionist people who use terms like : genocide and famine. All lies. How can it be proven? Come to Gaza. None of them will but will keep spreading lies. It’s the impact of the term that serves these vile storytellers, not facts.

Stop the fancy debate chess moves. You don’t agree, that’s fine, but let’s speak to the topic at hand.

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I am Jewish and I live in Israel. My husband was in the reserves for 8 months. I understand very well Tlaib’s anti Jewish sentiments.

I and other TFP readers don’t need articles that confirm everything we know and convince others of absolutely nothing.

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Sorry, but I don't get your point. Can you elaborate to make it more clear?

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The way I see it is that folks have not been prosecuted for criminal activity in recent years when engaged in destruction of public property for a cause deemed as “social justice” in Richmond, Virginia or Portland, Oregon or NYC and many other places. Tlaib, and others who justify such behavior (including many state governors) do not live by the Judeo-Christian concepts that infuse Western civilization, creating a stable and free society.

I applaud the Michigan attorney general for following the laws!

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A "progressive feminist" fighting with a member of the "squad". Pass the popcorn.

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The gaslighting started way before October 7. It’s terrible that it took this horrific day for some to realize it. The new Democrat coalition destroyed the Party’s liberal wing replacing it with a toxic soup of authoritarian socialists, Islamic terrorists, with anarchistic sadists.

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"We heard the dog whistle loud and clear. So did Nessel." So do I. A lot of dog whistles!!!

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Lots of confused dogs in Michigan. Combine all that whistling with all the cruel electric fencing put up by idiots who are too lazy to walk their dogs, and it's just a bad time to be a canine.

But a great time to be an antisemite. You have an entire party of supporters. Whitmer a "moderate"? Yeah. So are Harris and Walz. Bernie and AOC, too.

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