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I haven't read The Washington Post since the passing of Charles Krauthammer. We so need his voice now!

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Isn’t Biden a “convicted felon” as well? What about when he was jailed with Mandela ?

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Equating speech and all visual and performative expression is a terrible idea,conveying information and ideas must be protected--activating reward centers detached from reality is not. I mean, at a certain point, is smoking crack "expression"? The right hemisphere has to come in and say "nope" at some point, when people try to reduce everything to disembodied logic.

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You make a good point. Maybe Bari needs to decide what TFP is. I cannot think of a newspaper that publishes comments under fake names. Social media does, and its a sewer of disinformation, bots, etc. I signed off of Twitter when Musk bought it and vowed to create free speech on his sight. It has become a star wars bar. If TFP is social media, I’m out. If TFP, like other Substack publications, is a way for authors to directly connect to a community that is looking for real reporting and discussion, I’m in.

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Garfield was showing over Memorial Day weekend, where it rained in much of the northeast, and it’s the only kid/family movie playing. Maybe make better kids movies!

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Fucking isn't speech. Speech is the communication of an idea, sex is a behavior. The conflation of porn with speech was a great coup, but free speech is necessary for a democracy, whereas porn is not.

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It is expression, to be fair - especially given that porn is filmed. That still falls under the 1st.

It’s a stretch to argue an at-will employer like a university is bound by the 1st Amendment, but it IS an argument.

Additionally and noteworthy (especially in cases where public opinion may deviate from principle), this is a republic.

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Personally, I do not wish to see Professor Gow or Ms. Wilson without cloths on. Just the thought of it is pornographic, but not in a good way.

Let him keep his job, can't be worse than the Pro-Hamas profs at the Ivies.

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Tony Fauci was not indispensable. He was totally expendable, as would be anyone in that position. I think I personally know a dozen infectious diseases docs or allergy experts who could do as good a job or better as director of NIAID, and that means their are hundreds or more nationwide who could do that job just as well. Is this my nativity? I don't think so, given he was wrong about masks, school closures, and the lab leak, pursued gain of function research even though the scientific community had been split about it. And he wildly misled the media and the American public about what the clinical trial data actually said and could not possibly say about vaccine effectiveness in 2021 and then what real life data revealed about risks versus benefit and who should and should not get boosted in late 2021 and beyond.

He might represent science to the nitwit class who never heard of the NIH or NIAID before COVID, but he was just another political appointee who managed to ingratiate himself within the Washington establishment for forty years. No small feat, but not exactly Einsteinian.

He's the science version of Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell, both smart enough and strategic enough to stay atop their heaps of partisan nincompoops.

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I don't understand why these newspapers don't fire these kids. There are many young people all over who did not attend Ivy schools and have a normal appreciation for our society. This is called fighting back rather than giving in. There have been many moments in history when one must stand up and do the right thing or suffer terrible results. This is one of those times. Grow a pair!

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"Elite universities are moving away from the ideological litmus tests that have come to dominate campus."

Cancelling DEI statements is no more than cover for the more extreme DEI policies that universities strictly follow, such as preferred admissions, hiring, promotions, and funding for members of "victims" categories (females, BIPOC, LGBTQ2S++, Muslims, disabled) and systemic rejection of members of alleged "oppressor" categories (whites, males, Jews, in some cases Asians ["white adjacent"], Christians, heterosexuals, able), as well as racially segregated living, eating, and recreational spaces and ceremonies, such as graduations. The systematic coddling of Jew-hatred organizations and occupations and cancellation of consequences for overt bigotry, harassment, and violence is another clear result of DEI indulgence for crimes by "victims." The "oppressors" are "getting what they deserve." The vast bureaucracy of DEI political commissars devote themselves and their institutional power to enforcing DEI ideals, especially the benefitting of members of "victims" categories and the exclusion or punishment of members of "oppressor" categories. Most of our universities are thoroughly rotten, and only reform imposed by state legislatures has a chance of cleaning them up. Even private universities receive much of their funding from taxpayer dollars allocated by government, and that too could be a serious pressure point. If anyone cared to apply the constitution and civil rights laws to universities, that as well might help cleaning house.

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Harvard is stopping the requirement for faculty hiring submitting DEI statements in favor of DIB statements. Sounds like the same beer in a different bottle?

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Maybe I’m missing something but why is TFP spending reporting cycles on a story like this? —especially a headliner, as opposed to ‘stories we’re following’’. Just one reader’s reaction.

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Which story bothers you? The one about the professor who makes porn? Perhaps because we need to protect free speech? Why does his porn activity have anything to do with his job? I thought an examination of the subject was worthwhile. You not so much?

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I thought the professor story merited reporting as another indicator of the destruction taking place in our culture. But have no sympathy for the prof, is sick to post this online and deserved termination.

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I'd bet big money that if that professor wasn't white and was a card-carrying alphabet soldier posting gay porn they wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.

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Sadly you're probably right. After all some people support drag queen story hour!

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“She is now Mexico’s first female and first Jewish president. ¡Mazel tov, presidenta!”

As we would say in our “mameloshen” (Yiddish language): “Yener Jewish”

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Boonie Sandas is more Jewish

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The Mexican Jews are not so happy.

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Shout-out to Edward Blum for going after private money now.

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The Professor has no 1st Amendment rights with his employer....only with his government. Read the 1st does not talk about an employer.

Rules are rules......and if he broke them...he needs to be reprimanded accordingly.

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"Rules are rules......and if he broke them...he needs to be reprimanded accordingly."

Exactly as were the Jew-hate campus occupiers.

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