Except on properties where somebody who object to Your prayers sets the rules. Just like a referent can ban playing football and other activities from his church. Another referent might actually decide to allow kids throwing balls as part of a children's prayer group in his church. In the end it's all up to him and neither my business or Yours. And now transfer this to the football stadium.
Except on properties where somebody who object to Your prayers sets the rules. Just like a referent can ban playing football and other activities from his church. Another referent might actually decide to allow kids throwing balls as part of a children's prayer group in his church. In the end it's all up to him and neither my business or Yours. And now transfer this to the football stadium.
Except on properties where somebody who object to Your prayers sets the rules. Just like a referent can ban playing football and other activities from his church. Another referent might actually decide to allow kids throwing balls as part of a children's prayer group in his church. In the end it's all up to him and neither my business or Yours. And now transfer this to the football stadium.