If the Democrats learn one thing from the last week it should be that politics based on quotas is over. Kamala Harris can have a lucrative career but it should not include the title of POTUS.

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This century's American anti-semites are forgetting the precedent set at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, reinforced by policies of Mutual Assured Destruction, spread by proliferation places like the borders of India, Pakistan, Korea and China and finally now by Russia as it threatens its European competitors who have "small populations living in crowded small geographies" implying their perfect credentials as nuclear bomb targets should they continue their adventures against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy. Israel is "believed/known" to have nuclear weapons. We will not be herded onto trains or ghettos again. We are not the same small relatively helpless population you have gotten used to bullying over the last 2 millenia.

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Time to come to grips with the fact that the liberal elites hate Jews. You can easily assimilate into the Republican Party. They are willing to accept 13 week limits on abortion (like in almost all European countries) but reserve the right to continue trying to convince you. They don't care who you sleep with, but don't like porn floats at the"gay pride" parade. They are against censorship and sexually mutilating kids. Come on in. The water is fine. You've been lied to

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Mr. Jacobs may have quartered soldiers in his apartment, but it wasn’t because the Constitution requires it. Just the opposite. See Amendment III to the Constitution. (Duh.)

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Most of the Supreme Court verdicts have concensus. The media promotes the down political line votes, or should we say constitutional lines.

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One of the most dangerous ways that the Democrat propagandists are destroying democracy, is how they frame every single Supreme Court decision as either "for Trump" or "against Trump".

Of course, if the case has nothing to do with Trump, they don't discuss it at all.

But they are actively and willfully training stupid people not to read and understand the Court's decisions and why they are made, but to instead condemn the Justices that were "for Trump."

This is intentional. The Democrat propaganda machine must be dismantled, for the sake of our democracy.

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Such "Me Too" writing. Boys and girls, writing the same freakin' article everyone else is does not make you a leader or stand-out. Write the articles that everyone else SHOULD write.

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And still, no mention of the massive risk of nuclear war we face with a dolt president, and a cabinet of dullards with degrees who can't think their way out of wet paper bags.

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Ed Davey's stunts may make him seem buffoonish, but he's actually a very impressive person -- beginning, at least, when he was very young and cared for both his mother (who died when he was 14) and his grandmother.

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I know many Jewish people who are successful and well off. But it isn't privilege. It's hard work, intelligence, commitment, and tenacity. Those who speak of privilege are often envious of those who have earned success. They call it privilege rather than giving people the credit and admiration they deserve.

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"We sometimes fail to remember that people comprise institutions." Thank you for this observation, Maya. We have illogically placed too much emphasis on institutions and not on those individuals that create and sustain them.

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Groucho Marx sang a song "Lydia, the Tattooed Lady" in 1939. Thanks to the FP, I now know what she looked like.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

I am an American

Performed before every Purdue University football game. A proud moment for all who attend, and the whole crowd joins in for the last 4 words. Contrast this with the Ivy League schools.


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Unbelievable. In today's culture I am among the very very few who even posts Happy 4th on my social media. Most people are so scared of even claiming this is a day of celebration and pride.

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I think we're coming out of that phase. Cancel culture has lost its credibility and bite.

Happy Independence Day, Reena!

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Not a minute too soon! Happy fourth!!

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Re campus antisemitism- at the risk of being repetitive, I'm posting a recent note:

The newest trend in false equivalences (at least per my reading of the NYT)- claiming campus anti-Palestinian sentiment is just as bad if not worse than antisemitism because the pro-Hamas students didn’t feel “safe” or “heard” in being forced to curtail their harassment of visibly Jewish students and screams of Intifidah.


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They didn't feel "heard" screeching imbecile chants through their bullhorns at all hours?

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Sounds to me like Ms Slutsky is still reeling from her Columbia U. meal plan not being utilized during the protests in May.

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Ah, I had forgotten about Ms. Slutsky. Just a few weeks ago I was reading her dissertation on "fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. Her goal was to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism."

I bet she and Joe Biden could have a real interesting conversation.

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Dr. Jill and Dr. Slutsky-what a pair.

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Just another example of the ridiculousness of the progressives. They always have something to give to the brainwashed to keep them foaming at the mouth.

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Saying that Gorsuch (author of Bostock!) and Thomas are in the same bucket of "conservatives" shows some of the ignorance of the conservative movement at large on the Left, unless they're grouped strictly as a matter of degree.

Gorsuch is probably the most libertarian member of the entire Court, and Thomas the most authoritarian (at least among the 6 conservatives).

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Please remember, the Palestinian people are innocent too. I know this publication is pro-Israeli and pro-Zionist, but there are thousands of innocents being killed by Israel and they cannot be all attributed to Hamas using human shields. These people were born into a bad situation and have been stuck in with a terrible group leading them and cannot get out from under them.

October 7 was terrible, but so has been the response.

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I'm sure when you're in charge of the IDF, you'll do a perfect job, pumpkin. Now get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow.

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😂😂😂classic great reply!

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"....the Palestinian people are innocent too."

That argument could be and has been made by apologist for millennia. If the Palestinian people are sick and repulsed by Hamas then show some courage and assist Israel in rooting out the monsters they supposedly hate. If they are too cowardly to assist then I have little sympathy for them. The Israelis have zero interest in running Gaza. Remember they gave it away for "peace." All people have to fight for their freedom and so do the Palestinians.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Every poll since 10/7 shows overwhelming support (>70%) for Hamas and specifically for its actions on 10/7. We all saw the participation of Palestinian "civilians" in those atrocities, the jubilation with which they greeted Hamas bringing both living and dead hostages back to Gaza, the abuse of the living and the desecration of the dead. The notion that they are "stuck with a terrible group leading them" has long since passed its sell-by date.

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This nonsense about how there is daylight between Hamas and the Palestinian people is insane. Hamas is Palestinian. Palestine elected Hamas.

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Unfortunately it's called war. Israel did not start it any more than the US started WWII. Innocent civilians get killed in war, and Israel is trying their best to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Palestine always has the option of surrender, but it must be on Israel's terms.

They broke the last cease fire on 10/7. I wouldn't trust them again. Would you?

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Unfortunately too many Americans knowledge of this region is a mile wide and an inch deep. Palestinians are taught from the cradle to hate Jews. Why in the world would anyone think that there is a difference between the Palestinian people and Hamas.?

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Olivia Nuzzi describes an encounter with Biden:

"My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad in a way I can’t fully convey."

Reminds me of Lewis's character - John Wither, Deputy Director of the N.I.C.E. - in That Hideous Strength. Lewis give his book a subtitle: "A Modern Fairy Tale for Grown-ups."

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Celebrity worship meets reality.

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