
Reading the Free Press recently, an impartial reader would think that the only thing going on in the world is the war in Israel. Similarly, the paucity of articles written from the perspective of the average Palestinian's viewpoint, such as the horrors of bombing their schools and killing thousands of children, gets hardly a mention…if at all. When the Free Press offered such promise as a beacon of free speech, it is heartbreaking to see its mission disintegrate.

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Why do conservative blacks have to state their blackness before telling us that things like Affirmative Action are terrible. It’s like a gay redneck who tells you he’s gay before slamming on gay people. Eli Steele has met people like Harvard’s President all his life? Well, I and plenty of people have met people like Steele all his life.

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Regarding the SNL skit regarding Stefaniak and the college presidents-it is offensive. It is insulting. Let me make sure i understand this right, it is 2023, and it is still fair game to target an assertive, white woman as hysterical and out of control. Are we in the 1970’s here? If you watched the actual footage, you saw a woman being direct and incisive in her questioning of the three female presidents, failing to answer her questions unequivocally and unable to even give eye contact. At least Claudine Gay was able to look the panel in the eye.

Shame on Saturday Night Live for engaging in stereotypes and thinking somehow that passes for humor. Gone are the days of true creativity on SNL-bass o matic, Cone heads, and those wild and crazy guys. Pepsi-not coke.

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Claudine Gay should be fired. I don’t care what color her skin is.

I haven’t watched SNL in like 30 years. Awful “lefty” sketches and jokes. It hasn’t been funny in a loooong time.

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“ I thought John Fetterman was a phony. But because he supports Israel, I know he is wonderful and excellent.”

Here we have another single-issue voter.

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Well, well, well,....look at that. Fetterman bends the knee and Oliver and TFP do a complete 180 and he's no longer a stroke-riddled, slovenly, brain-dead schlub cosplaying as an "Everyman." He's now the "Statesman For Our Times!"

What a pathetic transparent joke TFP is.

Tried to tell you. Comprof right again.

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The Free Press formerly advertised itself as free of systematic bias, but we see that in this and other articles the publication campaigns politically and is quite explicitly doing so. Also, we see here and in other articles that Zionism is the main priority in the Free Press.

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You can’t bargain with stupid, Mother Nature or evil. How or why would one expect the academic community ( the culture) to call their leaders to task ( hold them accountable)for their inability to acknowledge the errors of and poor choices of the current policy on college campuses?

What if this culture is prevalent starting in elementary education?

Is it Political?

Is it special interest groups ?

Is it off shore or foreign money?

Is it clouded judgement caused by the inability to tell the difference between moral right and wrong ? Ethics?

Could it mean we no longer find value in human life?

Could it be a failure of the national news narrative to provide information with out propagandizing ?

Do we humans need to be reminded that there is a higher power that serves as final authority?

How would that look on the 6 o’clock news

Go figure

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I imagine there are lots of other people, or groupings of people, that Savodnik, ever alert to snarky first impressions, has been, and will continue to be, incredibly wrong about.

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Is SNL still on the air? Who knew!

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Most of us were wrong about Fetterman and two counts: Not only has he been anti-fanatical re Isarael's war with Hamas, but his cognitive abilities have improved remarkably since his stroke. Bravo! Be on the lookout for a second stroke Fettermans. They happen often.

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I remember when SNL first hit the air, I was in high school. I stayed awake for the musical guests. There were some skits that got a small giggle from me, but for the most time I found it unfunny, mean, and cliquish.

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Could you imagine if SNLs Point / Counterpoint sketch was aired today? What would it sound like?

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Theory, DEI, woke... all part of an ideology that promotes mediocrity and destroys the meritocracy.

We know why. College-educated females, primarily, and minorities, launched into the economy and found that their higher education that made them puff with pride did nothing, and in fact might have hurt them in their delayed development, to prepare them to succeed in the dog-eat-dig world of the competitive US economy. This was hard to take... especially for the children of upper class Baby Boomers... the post-war generation that consumed the most per capita therapy while also becoming the most skilled in the ways of high-level work and economic achievement.

We also had the problem that leftism had the stain of decades of failed liberal economic and social policies, plus the run on crappy public schools with teachers unions funding the Democrat political machine, that demonstrated the inconvenient fact that these things were primarily responsible for the very bad outcomes in the black community.

What do you do when you are a highly educated leftist feminist who discovers there is no remaining glass ceiling but that the job requirements for advancement require more work than you ever expected, and that black outcomes are continually harmed by your left-leaning politics?

You, the feminist, collude with your comrades to come up with an ideological excuse that makes advancement easier for you, while also scapegoating law enforcement and working class people as the culprits causing terrible black outcomes.

And you own control of the education system because as many of these feminists got their degree but found the access to high-status careers more difficult than they expected, they followed that old principle "those that can, do... those that cannot, teach."

I applied for a cool business program for my company that has a completely diverse workforce but was declined because I did not meet any DEI criteria.

And thus checking the “black” box “was to move off the merit track and onto the race [or gender] track isn't really the current issue... it is that it has been weaponized as a racist tool meant to hobble and harm people of the working meritocracy so that the mediocre can loot more of the spoils.

DEI is racist.

Woke is racist.

Theory is racist.

Those three college presidents are racists.

It is neoracism and it needs to be rooted out of our system.

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