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“I also admit I am a capitalist.”

This is how insidious Marxism and leftists are. I am proud to be a capitalist. It is the ONLY economic system that enables people of all colors, backgrounds and gifts to succeed.

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Marxism killed a hundred million people in the 20th century and some have the unmitigated gall to where the title, "Marxist" as a badge of honor.

Capitalism lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the 20th century. And supporters of that system are, in too many instances, expected to apologize for that?

Cats living with dogs... up is down... good is bad...

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I argue that Socialism cannot work whatsoever without Capitalism somewhere.

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Your preference for any economic or political system is irrelevant to the discussion. The point of the article is to allow open dialog and debate, and not to let one’s personal beliefs override the ability of these kids to make rational, persuasive arguments.

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I find it ironic that in the discussion about free and open debate the author felt compelled to identify his “bias” for capitalism. It simply illustrates the power of leftists to induce those of us who disagree with them to justify ourselves.

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Capitalism is far and away the best system for allocation of resources and creation of wealth. It does have downsides though. The “consumer culture” creates a great deal of anxiety for individuals if they allow it, “keeping up with the Jones”. Without a clear Christian ethos (which we have mostly, if not entirely, lost) the capitalist system can become all about greed and money.

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A goal of “keep up with the Jones’” is a person choice. An act of free will is always supported by capitalism because it’s foundation is freedom.

Taking out $100k in loans to major in gender studies is also an act of free will

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Capitalism has been around for thousands of years ever since somebody set up a fruit stand and exchange an apple for three sea shells.

Capitalism works. Communism/Socialism doesn't. Pretty simple, eh? To bad the left hasn't figured that out yet and never will.

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And Democrats have been around ever since the first cave man took away his neighbor’s deer, saying, “This is mine because you owe it to me!”

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It occurs to me that slavery--supported by the Democratic Party so strongly that it led to a Civil War--is all of a piece with this mentality: "I'm better than you so you owe me your labor."

Yet more proof that the Democrats have not really changed; they've just changed tactics.

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Democrats changed tactics simply to get more votes & hence more power. Not because they really care. Their policies clearly don't work.

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If anything, they've gotten worse.

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But Communism/Socialism does work. It just works for only a few people. Democratic Party Socialism works great for the Squad members who can run on their sex, race or other affiliation. Communism works great for Putin in Russia and an elite in Cuba - just not for the millions of people who live there - unless you ask Putin or the Cuban elite who will tell you how great it works. Sounds a lot like asking the NSDA how their system works too - their system works great for the NSDA elite and their judges.

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As Orwell wrote, “all pigs are equal, just some are more equal than others.”

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Slip of the tongue? "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

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Russia is no longer the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Not since 1991. And really, bone up on some Russia history. One of the reasons Vlad is in power now (and one of the less discussed reasons the US baited the Bear over Ukraine) is because he chased the Western neoliberal carpetbaggers out of Russia when they offered to "help" and started looting and pillaging former state held assets after the collapse. (And he helped usher the return of the Russian Orthodox Church. Another biggie.)

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so neoliberalism is bad because state agents were corrupt and inefficient at distributing resources? lol

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Yeah, Vlad's a fuckin' saint, the saviour of modern day Russia.

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Nice strawman. That is not what I said at all.

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Well you fooled me.

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I'm not sure if I'd call Russia a communist country. Putin is a dictator, as was Stalin.

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You are right of course but it is still a bloody dictatorship.

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What makes capitalism work is the fact that if you’re an able-bodied young person and you refuse to work, you suffer a fair amount of agony. It’s because of that agony that the whole economic system works.

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And one needs to be unafraid to state that. And that the United States of America and our Constitution is a force for good, not evil, in the world. And the last bastion against one-world totalitarianism. If we have the courage to keep it that way.

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It’s doesn’t look as though we can Bruce. The evil party (Democrats) are in control, the constitution in tatters and the DoJ shredded so I wonder which way is out of this mess. Courage is a start getting rid of Dems is even better so let’s get moving we don’t have long to go!

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Whether it's dems or republicans, if they support the status quo, they're not working for us.

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