
Mrs weiss , would you testify at this new house select committee to investigate censorship by the fbi and others? I know it’s still early but no one outside of you and a few others has as much knowledge of what happened and how it went down .

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Rock on!

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Mazel Tov!

You seem to be ... not only talented at writing, but also ... terrific at reading.

(Reading people as well as books, perhaps. Ya think?)

Rock on . . .

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I am interested in making an investment in this project----Yra Harris

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I have not regretted my subscription at any point- especially when I disagree.

Do not change.

Keep pursuing truth and excellence.

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I'm intrigued by this paragraph: "These people—you—want to be told the truth even when its inconvenient to your politics. You are eager for your own perspectives to be challenged. You want to discuss hard things out loud. You want to seek the truth rather than the comfort of a political team or tribe."

Below it you list many of the powerful stories The Free Press offered in 2022, and I must say, **all of them** align with a politically conservative (dare I say Republican?) worldview. I've thought this often, to the point that I have openly wondered to my friends and family if Bari, Matt, Glenn, and other self-described "progressives" are in fact merely savvy capitalists in disguise. How does it happen that a political progressive can so effectively articulate all the frustrations about the media born by conservatives?

I believe that true progressives and true conservatives are each now marginalized so far out by the Democrat Party propaganda apparatus that we have all of these views in common. We're not the same, of course, but if we can just stop vilifying each other for the small stuff our common antagonist is obvious.

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While there are a number of things that I disagree with in various articles, it’s in the old way that we could disagree and move forward as united people. I am profoundly grateful that at least here there is a real effort to try to present events and commentary without the gaslighting bias of the major news outlets. From a center-right but now-loyal subscriber, thank you!

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Rock on!

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Best wishes for a happy new year and continued success for many years to come. Your talent and work are much appreciated by this reader.

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So glad to see Common Sense/Free Press become so successful so fast. It speaks to the need in this country for a news source we can trust. I think readers come here for independent journalism and stay because it is quality independent journalism. Can't wait to order a t-shirt and coffee mug!

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Thanks, Bari. I am a recent subscriber. I started a Substack newsletter myself due to similar reasons. I am a retired physician who believes that too many sensible physicians have remained silent while our "medical establishment" leaders have misled the public. I include both the government-employed leaders at the NIH, FDA and CDC as well as the Deans and Presidents of our medical schools who are all too dependent on not alienating the NIH, FDA and CDC. Our medical organizations, represented for me by the American Academy of Pediatrics, have been politically progressive for years and take stands on issues without any effort to poll or represent the physicians who are members. Consequently, as our leaders have misled the public and avoided transparency, the public has lost respect for the entire profession. Thus, physicians need independent forums for expressing alternate and dissenting views, quite parallel to your own site. Many thanks.

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Bari - YouTube has done some bad stuff too. Please think about a different video platform.

Happy New Year

Mike Sweeney

Bari's "Irish Uncle Leo"

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Thank you for starting the Free Press Bari. It’s all I read! I lost faith in newspaper reporting and watching news years ago. I had nowhere to turn until you started Common Sense. Happy New Year!

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And thank you Bari for doing journalism the way I learned the basics back in high school. You have demonstrated integrity and a willingness to dig deeper to round out the story as opposed to just taking the initial set of opinions and half-facts and running with them. I look forward to more!

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When will TFP journalists be in the press rooms on Capital Hill and at the White House, asking the questions that so few in the the MSM are willing to ask? Who else will expose the cozy relationship between the MSM and the political class?

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