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Having both a parent and a child alumni of NYU I am disgusted by these Pro-Hamas protests. As a grad of Columbia I am ashamed. Show these losers the door. If they are so anti settler/anti-colonial how do they have the nerve to stand, live and desecrate land that is not theirs but that of the Canarsie/Lenape Nation ?

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If they want violence, i think many people in our country are getting really tired of their antics and would be happy to oblige. They should be careful what they ask for.

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You know who else supports armed struggle? Israel and the US.

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From the looks of the photo, they would probably want to be armed; just about anybody could stomp them flat.

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The Palestinian cause serves as the entry point for the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Under the pretense of justice, it normalizes anti-Semitism and violence, even portraying them as virtuous. This is precisely what is happening here. Unwittingly, these naive and uninformed students become the bearers of a regressive, dangerous, and highly proselytizing and expansionist ideology.

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If The People’s Solidarity Coalition rejects “bigotry of all forms,” is “strictly anti-Zionist,” it is also “de/anti-colonial, anti-imperial, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchy, non-hierarchical, abolitionist, and disability justice–oriented.” IT MUST ALSO BE ANTISEMITIC

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Can you say “Kent State?”

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They’re so enamoured with violence against others, but would generally avoid that same violence occurring to themselves.

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Why do we put up with this moronic BS?

The vast majority of Americans support Israel. There are a handful of agitators at NYU getting way more attention than they should.

It's time for Christopher Wray to actually do his job and start arresting those who want to attack our nation.

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Sorry but what do they do when fired

Upon with live ammunition

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Do the even know what they are saying. It seems like asking someone to string together as many catch phrases as possible.

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If the NYU student groups believe NYU is a colonialist enterprise with blood on its hands… then why are they paying to attend?

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The NYU Hamas loving snowflakes will get their asses handed to them very quickly if they turn violent... they need to strongly consider how it will feel to have to eat their keffiyehs instead of hiding behind them...your whole future, short as it could be, will be revealed

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Nah... in most of the places where this stuff is happening, the government approves and is in on the scam. When they make arrests, it's just for show... they wait until the news cycle turns over, and then they drop all the charges. The "students" who are doing this stuff know that government jobs will be waiting for them when they graduate.

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It’s fucking simple. EXPELL them.

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Great post short and sweet!

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When schools dont deal with a problem at the outset it just gets worse - like an infection that is left untreated. Unfortunately in this case there will be many more people impacted than just the patient with the infection. Its time for all of these schools to enforce rules, teach some history and start expelling students for behavior that does not comply with the rulese they signed up for as part of their enrollment. Lets see how long they decide to keep it up when mom and dad realize their tuition has gone up in smoke

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I know a way to solve this issue. History. Real history. Starting with the Jewish diaspora beginning after the fall of Jerusalem. About 4000 years ago to the current day. Young people don't know their past, their country's past or the world's past. Much less than the 'Zionist' Jewish past.

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