Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Wow! I can't even believe he was ever hired as a professor, let alone respected as one, especially by colleagues. His manner of speaking alone screams of the common thug he is. It's been 20 years since college but I can't even imagine any of my peers at the time respecting him when he sounds like this, dresses like this, and presents himself this way. The way he sits in that chair and his mannerisms just scream not to be taken seriously.

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Hudson loves Palestine so much he lives in comfort in N Y C. What an incredible hypocrite.

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I detest everything this professor says...

Almost as much as I detest damned near everything that comes from New York...

But in this instance, this seems to be a free speech issue here. The real question here is how leftist Jews convinced themselves that their erstwhile "allies" were ever actually on their team...?

How much fucking self-delusion does it take to live in New York and be a Jewish liberal at the same time?

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"His course explores art that is “informed by ongoing histories of racism, colonialism, and debt,” and includes lessons on activist movements such as Black Lives Matter and Decolonize This Place (DTP), the New York–based group he founded in 2016."

WHY and then HOW does he get paid as a professor. What administrator green lit this curriculum? Are we suppling federal guaranteed loans, for students to take his course?

The Universities need skin in the game. You sell a student a product (education/class),on credit, with the expectation your product allows them to repay said loan. I would say in this case your product in knowingly defective. Therefore, if the student defaults you should assume some of that bad debt. Now how valuable is this professor's class??

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He has to say it's not true. Otherwise, he has to either condemn Hamas or support what they did. This is truly the coward's way out.

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HELLO and GREETINGS Free Press Journalists - PLEASE check out Amin Husain's back story - something doesn't quite add up here. Thank you

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Niall Ferguson's essay published in The Free Press on December 10th is a must read accompaniment to this article. NYU, The New School and many of our elite universities (like Harvard, Yale, Penn, MIT...) have charted a path toward degradation and popular distrust by employing and platforming faux academics like Husain. Husain's politically self serving and single-minded goal is to proselytize his false narratives and hatred to university students. If the misguided leaders of these institutions do not return to the teachings of Weber or the hard learned advice provided by the Kalven Commission--as Professor Ferguson describes, they will (and should) suffer the fate of the once great German institutions of higher learning. Unfortunately, our modern institutions give us little reason to believe that their academic leadership and governing bodies have the capacity and courage to reverse course. If they don't, and to avoid following them down the rathole they seem determined to follow, we must socially and economically cut off these institutions to avoid being pulled into the amoral and antisocial abyss they seem headed.

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Someone should dox this fellow.

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Just more evidence how in just 20 years, NYC has gone from being a Jewish city to a Jew-hating one.

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As a student at U of Michigan in the 70s, I was drawn to radical ideology, as were many college students back then. Now I see that radicalism was “sexy” to me and represented flinging away the constraints of rational thought to hopefully, hook up with a long-haired, bearded, pot-smoking, poster-waving hunk. I think this guy comes off as sexy and dangerous to these students, and in fact, deliberately projects that image. I’ll bet you anything that he is not a practicing Muslim, but probably uses his radical persona to get women into bed. Some things never change

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Wow. He sounds super intelligent. All those F bombs and words like “whatever “. Yep. Evidence of a true scholar here, one who has done a lot of research and backs all statements up with facts. I can’t wait to sign up for emails from DTP. I’ll be sure to read all of them just as soon as I’ve finished up my anti-racism course work that I paid good money for.

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I’m trying to understand how an individual clearly promoting terrorism and boasts of being a member of terrorist organizations in states not allied with the U.S. has not been detained and deported by DHS.

I think it’s safe to say this person is a terrorist and recruiting in our own country to attack our country. It’s the new militia system in the U.S. and we literally do nothing to stop it.

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The school should be sued and this guy should be deported.

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As is so often the case, a core issue is overlooked. His absolutist position is a zero-sum-game which accepts only one possible solution. He supports people who are not interested in peace or compromise. Feeding off emotion this rhetorical method only results in more death.

Having actually acknowledged complexity of the region he, like so many others, offers no solutions expect Israel must be destroyed.

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I really do live in a bubble of white privilege I guess. Octber 7 shattered everything I had been taught, everything I believed. I can understand how this insane thinking imbued University students, I cannot understand how it went undetected and unchallenged. I have always known Evil exists, I just never felt like I was rubbing shoulders with it.

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O.W. wrote in the lead-in to this article, “In other words, Husain is exactly the sort of person who should be molding young minds at $60,000-per-year NYU.” I urge him and others I’ve read lately to please refrain from sarcasm in the regular Free Press columns, as it can be considered unprofessional, detracts from the seriousness of the topic, and can lead to misunderstanding. Leave it to Nellie on Fridays, as that is her forte and is expected!

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