So, your boss invites you to a meeting in her/his office to discuss your performance. You decide that you have better things to do. Do you expect to keep your job?

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May 8·edited May 8

Or, you are the CEO of a company funded by a VC firm. The firm says we need to meet next week to discuss company policy and an imminent make or break investment round. You wait until the last minute and send the VC firm an email that says, sorry I have an internal meeting and can't make it.

Meanwhile you "mock[], ridicule[], and attack[] [members of the VC firm] who fund [your] organization"

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One of the nice things about computers is the Internet. One of the nice things about the Internet is Google. One of the nice things about Google is that, in about 15 seconds, I was able to look up "VC" (for "Venture Capital").

I had thought it meant Victoria Cross.

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I was thinking Viet Cong.

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Charlie don't surf.

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Try Googling Don Valentine.......WOW

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234.. Thanks for the tip. I looked up Don Valentine on Wikipedia.

He was an impressive man---to put it mildly.

I'm pretty sure he got, at least, one thing right. He found out what he loved doing, then he went at it full-tilt.

You can't beat that.

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It's because she knows the republicans will not take away the funding.

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Believe it or not, I've seen that.

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May 8·edited May 8

Very arrogant behavior.

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Likely also smart. This move is either a middle finger or an acknowledgement that she was not going to be a good witness....or both.

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Twits like Maher believe their own hubris; so while the move was "smart" it wasn't because she *was* smart. This was ENTIRELY her giving the committee the finger and knowing that she'd be protected and allowed to get away with it.

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The second one.

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I agree.

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The left is had proven that the public will tolerate the blatant and deliberate twisting of reality to make them the ‘good guys’

Look at some of these DAs being charged and in some cases criminal behavior. They just blame racism and get off. The trick is to go on offense when someone tries to hold them accountable. It works every time. I expect to see more of this not less.

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Arrogant or scared? Or flat out not up to the task.

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Katherine Maher is kind of cute for a leftist zombie... Though I guess the word "cute" is a firing offence at NPR.

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Washington is Hollywood for Ugly People.

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I suppose the world would be a marginally better place if---though being led by a bunch of blood-crazy, mass murdering psychopaths, its rulers were also pretty.

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All three !!

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When you're the boss and your co-CEO Hunter Biden can ignore a subpoena without consequences, I guess you can expect to keep your job.

It's a illusion to think that our elected representatives in Congress really control entrenched bureaucracies and interests like NPR.

"For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law."

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And while the “progressives” are revisiting the Constitution as a whole, what authority does the House still have anyway?

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The only consequence this pile of shit will face is to be appointed the United States Ambassador to the Court of St. James, or some other illustrious post reserves for scumbags of this sort.

And the Free Press (aka The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project) will be content to let all of this fade away so that we forget that the Democratic Party is quickly becoming the Ministry of Information for their vision of the New and Diverse United States...

Death to the Democratic Party of America.

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"Death to the Democratic Party of America."

Do you understand how our political system works? We NEED Two Political Parties (with many 3rd parties acting as incubators of ideas). The Problem is today there is only One Party run by Adults. The Republican Party. So Yes I like the idea of "The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project".

BTW What makes you think if the GOP had the power the Democrats do anything would be better?

Our system is The Worst...except for all the others.

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I am not a Republican. But this is a simple matter. A cold and cancer are both "diseases". Which one would you rather have?

Republicans are a cold. Democrats are cancer.

Choose one...

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I'd put it more like this -- the forces of cultural change, technological change, demographic change, gloablism, corporations, etc, are going to destroy whatever we had sooner or later. Western post-industrial liberal society is going to fall. We just need time to figure out what will replace it. What our new global society is going to look like, and whether there is a place for the liberal values of the past like freedom of speech, democracy, privacy, family, community.

So, we have the cancer. Republicans are like chemotherapy. They'll slow down the cancer a bit, while having some bad side effects. But it's chemotherapy on a stage-4; it'll never really be stopped, just give us a few more years to figure out what will come next. Democrats are like smoking cigarettes and eating fast food in Chernobyl. They want to speed the cancer up as fast as possible, so that their masters will be the ones sitting there in power as the global governments take over.

Whatever world we all loved (for me, I'd say the 90s) is never coming back. However, we can perhaps prove the value of Lockean conceptions of freedom, liberty, natural rights, fairness, etc, and hope that as our new global overlords take over, they'll at least consider those values. Sadly, if Trump 2016 and Brexit were any indications they think of any sort of Western populism as little more than a bug to be crushed, and the way to do that is to rip away the idea of negative rights which was how the West became successful and the industrial revolution happened in the first place.

Meanwhile, India (er, Bahrat) is developing a VERY strong sense of nationalism, particularism, and populism. By 2100 nearly half the world's population will be of Indian heritage. It would be hypocritical of me to deny them populism while asserting its value in the West. But that seems like a much greater force to be reckoned with than a few people in MAGA hats riding ATVs.

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yeah but... I put it much more succinctly than you...

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"Republicans are a cold. Democrats are cancer.

Choose one..."

And Then What Happens?

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Well, with one you get a cold. It sucks, but you can live with it and you can also live with getting a cold dozens of times throughout your life.

Pick cancer and you'll likely die or, have to undergo extreme medical interventions to survive... and reduce your overall life-span...

I'd rather live a lifetime of catching annoying colds than have cancer even once.

That's what happens.

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May 10·edited May 10

until said cold virus is mutated by foreign "scientists" using your tax dollars and now can kill you.

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The Free Press is the enemy now?

Even if the Free Press was “the Democratic Party rehabilitation project.” Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

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No, it wouldn't. It's like trying to reform the KKK. Why bother at all?

The Democrat Party is responsible for so much sickness, death and misanthropy that it beggars belief why anyone would continue to offer them any sort of support.

And I never said that the Free Press is the enemy. But I think all leftists are enemies of reason. All of them. Without exception. Without condition.

I have unconditional disdain for leftism and leftists.

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May 9·edited May 9

The obscene ass clown show in congressional democrats continues. Like Twitter was before the acquisition by Elon (OMG Elon noooooooo!) Musk, NPR is a democrat owned PR instrument for the purpose of winning elections.

I say this as a historical Democrat who held his nose and voted for Obama twice. The first time because McCain showed he wasn't fit for office when he picked Palin for veep. I now think McCain would have been better, which is more a comment about how bad Obama was. It wasn't reported much in the US but Obama was hated by world leaders.

The second time? Yeah. I'm sorry.

Hilarious Hilary? No. Nellie? Her backing of ISIS and AL Qaeda in Syria and her turning Qaddaffi's kingdom into an ISIS & Al Qaeda redoubt that flooded Europe with refugees, and created more war refugees than WW2 did in Europe and the genocide of the Yazidi disqualifies Hilary from polite company. She is responsible for the attack on the Yazidi that was just like Oct 7th, except that nobody came to fight. Just slaughter, rape, and terror. Hilary has never taken responsibility for any of that.

Joe Biden is senile and his pack of horrors have pushed us to the brink of nuclear war. https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/

The word salad generation will probably die in nuclear fire along with this country that has gone insane. Nobody will be left to care that they ever lived.

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I think of you as a sane person. Obama twice?? How did you not see through the charade from the get-go?

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I could not deal with Palin being a heartbeat from the presidency. Aside from being a fool, she was compromised. It was impossible that Trig was her child. Occam's razor said that Trig was her daughter's kid by Sarah Palin's husband. Intelligence services of China, Russia, heck, even North Korea and France would be (I believe that they already were during the election) all over that.

A veep, compromised by family blackmail material like that? A rather dumb veep who quite likely would inherit the presidency?


A lobbyist friend warned me that Obama couldn't be trusted and had no principles. I was unsure about that.

The second time, Romney was going to lose. I wasn't sold on him. At that point, Obamawas meh. I voted for the incumbent who wasn't horrible. But I did not yet realize what Hilary Clinton was up to in her idiotic backing of Al Qaeda & ISIS. I did not think she could be that stupid. I couldn't then imagine that HRC could create a US blessed jihad in Syria, allowing over 365,000 jihadists from all over the world to practice overthrow of a friendly government in Syria. I was shortly out of grad school then, embracing my new life and my ear wasn't to the ground about Syria (which had long been a very functional ally). I just did not know.

And I did not foresee what Joe Biden and Hunter, and John Kerry would conspire to do in Ukraine in Obama's second term. By 2014 I opposed him. For that I was castigated as a racist.

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Oh yes, my sister called me a racist for not voting for Obama. I responded with policy preferences and was again called a racist. When I reminded her that I have never voted for a Democrat for president (bad foreign policy), I was still a racist. I could not care less about what any of these loser name-callers think. They do it bc that's all they've got.

You're right on Palin & I always wondered why McCain picked her?? Just bc she's a woman??-------political women always seem to think other women will vote for them JUST BC they're women. Dem women do but conservatives will want to see your policies & values. I voted for McCain bc like your friend, I thought Obama was an empty suit. He turned out to be a very dangerous empty suit.

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She was McCain idea.

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And that was 10 f'ing years ago. These Columbia kiddos don't even remember Obama and anything that happened back then. It's all propaganda on one side or another.

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If you have allies at your boss's level who hate him and are attempting to remove him, then yes you do.

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Thanks Dean. I like when someone says what I am thinking. Saves me the trouble of writing it myself.

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Yep - I think Maher just wrote her own epitaph by not showing up. The kitchen just got too hot for her and she can't deal with the scrutiny. She might be gone by summer, by her own resignation. Any bets?

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No bets at this point. Only hope. She's a walking, talking disaster.

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May 8·edited May 8

It's reached a point where the public is funding an organization with MSNBC or FoxNews level of bias.

Just yesterday, NPR ran a primer on Biden's then upcoming talk on antisemitism. After a single phase suggesting that 'some protestors have made antisemitic remarks', the reporter went on to talk about the problem of white supremacy, discussing Charlottesville in 2017 and years old remarks by Biden denouncing the far right. This was a primer for Biden's speech at the Holocaust museum condemning current antisemitism in the US.

This is exactly what you would expect from FoxNews. In seven years when white supremacists tout antisemitic tropes at a far right event, Sean Hannity will talk only about the 2024 antisemitic protestors.

Like Uri Berliner, I still think there is hope and I'm not ready to defund - but my patience is running out.

Can we simply earmark the NPR funds for The Free Press?

P.S. Uri Berliner needs to join The Free Press staff.

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I was agreeing until you said not ready to defund. Hell, I was ready for defunding way before this latest debacle.

My simple question is “Why do we need the government involved in media at all?” There’s plenty of money to be made for good content. NPR just proves that by bringing in government influence things get worse, not better.

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Asking the real questions. We should not want a news org that is beholden to government dollars.

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NP always make 2 points 1. Public Funding is Vital to NPR, 2. It's only a small amount of money only 1%(?).

So Which is It?

All Things Re-Considered | Analyzing the Ideological Capture of NPR

Peter Boghossian


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What we need to do is start is charging those using the public airways free of charge and not following the rules to be able to do so.

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totally agree about Berliner! Not about the gov't earmarks transferred to the Free Press tho, do not allow the gov't to invade the free press! So excited that I finally found a balanced, thoughtful news outlet that actually allows and appreciates discourse- gov't will just muck that up! Keep up the great work Bari and staff!

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"This is exactly what you would expect from FoxNews. In seven years when white supremacists tout antisemitic tropes at a far right event, Sean Hannity will talk only about the 2024 antisemitic protestors."

Gonna Need Examples.

You really need to stop watching MSNBC.

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Hey, nothing wrong with having a vivid fantasy life.

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I agree. Sign Uri Berliner up.

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I have no doubt the contract is already written and waiting for his signature. One can hardly blame him for taking some time in the interim (not that you are).

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Fox News is nowhere as far to the right as NPR is to the left. And as a conservative, I say that with some regret.

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How many of the other "news" outlets have at least one staunch liberal/Dem as a permanent member of most of their shows? Fox is nothing like the rest although it does have it's issues.

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Yes! Let's have Uri Berliner here. I am sure I won't agree with him. However, he appears to be a true journalist and a man of integrity.

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May 10·edited May 10

Slight difference between what goes on at a far right event and what we are seeing

with the elite institutions of American education. The tendency to excuse or minimize liberal-progressive excess and extremism by dredging up the boogie man of the alt-right is disingenuous at best. The same narrative drew false equivalencies during the summer of BLM and Antifa looting by arguing that the right was the real threat. Sorry, not buying it.

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Fund TFP? Jumping from the fire into the frying pan, just a slower measure of death.....one thousands cuts instead of one.

Why fund NPR at all? Why not fund Newsmax or Fox News?

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We are $34 trillion in debt and have an annual deficit of another trillion despite neither being at war nor in a pandemic. Remind me again why we're funding a leftist news network which more than half of America despises and which is headed by an incompetent partisan?

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Oh she is not incompetent. She's on a mission. She's very good at what she does.

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You’re exactly right. She understands she is untouchable. And knows just the right NewSpeak to use, and how to say abominable things in ways that not just disguise the hatred but make her and her readers/listeners feel supremely virtuous. She super slick. Well-practiced.

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She is only "good" at what she does because she is permitted to speak nonsense. In a rational world she would not be permitted to lead any serious organization.

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May 9·edited May 9

This is by design.

<putting on tin foil hat>

If you tilt you head a bit, you can see a direct corollary between the Chinese 'march through the institutions' revealed in the Mandiant report (https://www.mandiant.com/resources/reports/apt1-exposing-one-chinas-cyber-espionage-units) and how all our systems have been compromised and are being manipulated.

The Chicoms are party agnostic so all efforts are to both create division and distrust in the US populace, to the point where we can't react to a takeover of Taiwan. That's the short take.

<taking foil hat off>

Go read the recent speech by the Argentine prez; he explains it much better than I. He has the long take.

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It's because people like Maher are insulted by the mere idea of having to account for themselves. They are obviously on the right side of history, so who is the ignorant conservative, who they are trying to drag kicking and screaming to the utopia that is surely just around the corner, to try to call them to account for anything? It's why Biden only does interviews with sychophantic celebrities, why the student protesters allow for no dissenting voices, why the people on your social media feeds who are constantly posting political memes will disown you forever if you ever disagree.

These people think they know everything. They bring whole new meaning to the words arrogant snob. And they absolutely in no way will ever entertain the idea that any criticism from the unwashed masses could ever have any merit or be worth even acknowledging.

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NPR literally posted on their Instagram a report supporting the ban of Jews from praying at their holiest site because of “religious balance” between the Temple Mount and the Western Wall (where Muslims of course are allowed to pray, but of course they don’t mention that). Some of the most disgusting reporting I’ve seen. And there was no sense of responsibility that conspiracies regarding the a Temple Mount have a long history of sparking violence against Jews.

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Sounds like NPR is the equivalent of CBC here in Canada. An example: CBC used to run a classical music radio station. Three hours a day is now devoted to "About Time," a programme devoted to music by minority composers (women, POC, gays, indigenous) that has not been successful or widely known. In other words, music that has failed in the marketplace, but we must be made to listen to it, not because it deserves a second chance, but because of the identities of the composers. Now normally a radio station playing music no one likes would not be a recipe for success, but CBC gets away with it because it is funded exclusively by federal taxes, and in return, they never say anything critical about the federal government. Unsurprisingly, listener numbers have plummeted.

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nobody listens to about time it is pure crap CBC? A lost cause

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Government should not be in the art, entertainment or news business period.

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Some of my friends are NPR listeners who got all huffy about Berliner’s article. I asked them how they would feel if the government was funding a station which exclusively ran Hannity, Alex Jones, and the like. I guess the expression radio silence fits here.

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Taxpayers should not be funding NPR. It's clear Maher despises at least 50% of America and yet she feels entitled to their money.

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Funny how the term “objective” was thrown around when the post modern staff of NPR rejects the goal of objectively outright… They prefer their version of moral clarity which they insist I must also be forced to fund…

I have no use for Fox either but at least they are not in my pocket…

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Not exactly the behavior of a leader. Duck then lamely trying to cover your tracks. Time NPR cleaned house.

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NPR obviously wants what this lady is selling. Why would they clean a house that is exactly how they want it to be?

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All I know about her is that she's quoted as saying something like the truth is less important than the story in journalism...

She's gotta go. That's some bad news bears, man

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87-0. That's the 'score' for the political affiliation of 'journalists' in the newsroom when asked whether they were Democrats or Republicans.

Putting aside all the arguments and strawmen that are about to come out regarding NPR's 'unbiased views that consider all things', isn't this the one thing that shows what's at stake here?

NPR is a publicly funded organization that is a PR arm for the Democratic National Committee. Listen for 10 minutes and you will understand that. It's not complicated.

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From a reading of The Constitution I find no reference to Federal sponsorship of media. Our news sources are a cornucopia of divergent views. Non, except NPR, receive Federal funding.

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May 9·edited May 9

The comparison with right wing news outlets that the Democratic congressman made is absurd. The whole point is that NPR is NOT supposed to be a partisan outlet. It’s NOT supposed to have an ideological position, right or left. This congressperson seems to be saying it’s hypocritical for Republicans to be concerned about NPR’s bias, when they’re not concerned about right-wing outlets. But again, that essentially concedes the point that Berliner is making, that NPR has become a left-wing outlet. I don’t think it’s hypocritical to be concerned on the one hand that a public neutral outlet may have lost its neutrality while also being ok with the existence of partisan outlets. I do agree that some right wing outlets sometimes spread false or misinformation, but that was not the subject of this hearing, the subject was bias.

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Came here to say this.

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I consider myself fairly left, but you can't turn on public radio without hearing a feature about some demographically minuscule identity group, or a story told through the lens of race. I love that people seem to be embracing their inner self and declaring it to the world, but does NPR need to offer them a megaphone every time? The fact that the right in this country is MAGA doesn't mean it's OK for NPR to curate their output down to gender and race issues.

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Come on, just join us defectors. The blue bus has crashed and burned already.

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