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So the invalidated went to a new app to feel valid only to become invalidated when feeling valid stopped? You don't say...

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The same can be said of our government, we want only the best views of it, not its reality.

Or as have said for awhile, we get the government we deserve.

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I’ve never heard of this.

Boy is this a sad app

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Son…look up from the screen. There’s a big ole world out there waiting on you to interact with it.

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Thanks for this, Jonas. When my kids started using it, I thought “Great, finally some authenticity,” but quickly it became, “I wish BeReal would go off now because I’m doing something interesting,” which defeated the point. I’m on social media and guilty of all its ills. Maybe the only way to actually be real is to put down our phones and live in the moment, our moment, not someone else’s.

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Just download the Hobiz app and meet people IRL. If you're in Netherlands or Belgium there is also Amigos for meetups. Real life is better than the interwebs.

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As an avid BeRealer myself, this makes me sad. I still have a few friends that use it, but like is stated in the article, the vast majority have dropped off. I agree with all your sentiments, very well written. Only a matter of time before it gets shut down:(

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The burning question in my mind is what happened to the data gathered from the users by companies that no longer exist?

To whom did they sell the scraped data and how mych profit is generated from the defunct user accounts?

The world may never know! That’s the real issue at hand.

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"...whenever the app went off I snapped a picture of myself, whether walking through campus, attending a party, or even just staring at my computer in my room."

Hey, there... Real people don't do this.

Enjoy your internship at the Free Press (aka The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project)

For what it's worth, real people also don't live in such a hypocritical bubble as this publication appears to be... and never forget, no matter how bad it gets, Trump is worse. Much, much worse. Be real, buddy. Vote blue, no matter who!

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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