
Informative, detailed, and funny, funny, funny.

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Liz Truss quickly and calmly answered the question about the definition of woman. She's also said men cannot become women. What gender ideologists do not grasp, but may come out as Dr.Hilary Cass' report on the excesses of the GIDS at Tavistock, is that individuals who think they should be the opposite sex demonstrate body dissociation. This often stems from trauma/abuse/autismspectrum, thus, a "gender dysphoria" diagnosis is not stable. The ideology also insists that families be defamed and disavowed. Link below to Women's Declaration International, Isla McGregor (Tasmania)

Mother erasure and female erasure are forces contributing to the election of Liz Truss.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

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“Liz Truss can be beaten. I should know. I’ve defeated her twice," said the former, utterly forgotten Labor politician about the woman he trounced so badly she is now Prime Minister.

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You shouldn't portray Liz Truss as the underdog in the race who became GB's next PM, because that's clearly not true. For many weeks leading to the vote she was actually frontrunner in that race and her rival Rishi Sunak trailing her in all relevant forecasts.

You obviously seem to be a big fan of her, but I certainly do not share Your enthusiasm for her beginning reign. I think GB would rather need the pragmatism and experience of someone like Rishi Sunak than the ideological rigor of someone who considers herself as the second coming of a Margaret Thatcher. Especially in the light of the disastrous outcome of the politics of her equally ideological challenged predecessor.

But that's just my humble Opinion and You of course are entitled to have yours. In the end we both have to wait and see how she actually will perform as MP. So far we can both only guess what that will be like. Clear to me is only one thing. She has definitely cut her work out for her. GB is facing severe problems and it wouldn't be an easy ride for any new PM who's just coming in. Also the only Queen most Brits ever knew just died which can easily spark a national identity crisis on top of everything else.

That's why I think someone experienced and pragmatic with a calm hand is much more needed now rather than someone with a more radical ideological approach in GB.

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Liz Truss is to issue 100 new gas & oil licences. It takes over 5 years from an initial find until oil & gas is produced from a field.

It takes 6 months to build onshore wind farms & the energy is up to 11 times cheaper than oil & gas.

The solutions are there, the will isn’t. Again, the wisdom of Liz Truss, bought and owned by the oil companies. But she's "spunky, hard-working"--and of course, right wing. "Common Sense" my ass.

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Boris’ line on women in burqas (looking like mailboxes) may be offensive, but damn it’s funny.

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“She wasn’t always a weirdo…she had once been one of the cool kids.”

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She also is willing to call out bullshit - particularly “woke” bullshit. For ex., in one of the debates or town halls (can’t remember) with Sinai, she was asked “are trans women women?” Her answer: No.

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"....the brazen, even smugly outlandish behavior of her immediate predecessor, Boris Johnson—who, in celebration of Team GB’s first gold in the 2012 Olympics, ziplined and got stuck; cheated on and dumped his long-suffering second wife to marry Tory communications adviser Carrie Symonds (now Johnson); said women wearing the burqa looked like mailboxes; and once quipped that business investment in Libya could start once the “dead bodies” had been cleared away.

He couldn’t stop cracking jokes..."

my plumber used to say there must be a place with lots of horses heads. Because there are notthing but horses asses here. Good riddance, Boris.. it's not liberal or conservative, it's useful wthout stupid partisan labels, silly!!!

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If flying to Moscow to personally warn Russia not to invade Ukraine is "stupid," well, we need a whole lot more of that kind of "stupid" in this world.

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Nobody saw her coming? You can’t be serious. I was reading political analysis that they’d most certainly elect a female. It’s politics. It was obvious the male wouldn’t do considering the spot the right is in in the UK. The political choice was for Truss. Neither candidate is a serious person. But a female allows the right to escape the horror of the question about (the ever present hoax) that is the patriarchy in modern western politics.

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Reading Hayek changed me as well.

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Talk about biased "reporting." My questions are multiple after reading this hit piece. First is, how did a person lacking grace, charm and charisma rise to prominence so unexpectedly? One wouldn't know by reading this trash, but many should have expected it. If they didn't, it was because so many share the biases of Zoe Strimpel.

If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes the truth; the overriding truth of Naziism. The intelligencia and the press are overwhelmingly slanted to the left. Therefore, a conservative automatically has a steep mountain to climb to gain any political recognition. In today's world, Winston Churchill would likely never have gained the recognition he rightly earned. Nor would Margarette Thatcher or Ronald Reagan. Certainly, not George Washington or any of America's founding fathers.

It remains to be seen whether she succeeds as PM, or if she will be hammered in England like Trump is and has been in America, where the left lives and breathes lies.

Another question occurs to me. How in the world did Zoe Strimel get published on a site named Common Sense? Or, is Common Sense another sly lie?

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"Zoe Strimpel is a historian of intimacy and gender."

Wow. Like an intimacy-studies & gender-studies double major without any of that silly biology? Lordy.

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Nigel Farage's tepid endorsement: "I'm sceptical about whether Truss will govern as a Conservative, but it's in the national interest she succeeds... so I hope - and I mean it - that she succeeds." Mainly concerned about candidates saying "conservative-sounding things" to get elected & then between elections raising taxes & increasing the size of government. I guess we'll see.

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Her cap on household energy prices is a real puzzle. I can see doing something for low and middle income families. But should castles and large estates have their energy subsidized by UK taxpayers? Still, I’m excited to see what she does.

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