The techno optimism piece is very unbalanced. The homage to Nietzsche toward the end seems to undergird the general take. The precautionary principle is categorically bad? The take, if nothing else, is incompatible with a non-secular worldview. It is possible to celebrate human ingenuity without making man out to be functional gods. It’s folly.

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Trump unlocked the mean in our world, the good thing about it is we know how much mean there is the bad is we've to figure out how to deal with it.

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It also opened up eyes to the fake media lies

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Morons. Acedemia is filled with morons.

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I request more videos from Ben Kawaller! He's great. Much better than Jordan Klepper. My only preference is that they be longer, get more in depth with each person, I get the sound bite thing for them to be shorter but I'd really be curious about longer interviews with regular folks that I normally wouldn't have the occasion to have these kinds of conversations with. In the era of long-form podcasts, the thing that is missing is longer-form representations of regular people. Andrew Callahan is often doing a great job of this, there's a niche waiting to be filled there.

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Great interviews. More please. Turn him loose in the wilds of flyover land--exotic foriegn lands at home.

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Biden’s history as a firm supporter of Israel gives him the unique credibility when he visits to offer the advice to its government and people that Bibi and his far-right lackeys have totally forfeited. He alone may be able to convince Israel NOT to step into Hamas/Iran/hiszbullah’s trap by invading Gaza.

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As is often the case, so many people are uninformed but still happy to offer their opinion. Such as the mythical terrorist attacks by Israelis on Palestinians in Gaza.

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More Ben Kawaller vids please! It was like a breath of fresh air amidst the sheer heaviness that has been the last while. What an enlightening view. 😊

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Maybe a short multiple choice civics test is in order prior to voting for anyone younger than 25? Or, maybe at least 4 years of real work experience? Currently, they’re voting for either their best looking professor’s chosen slate or Lebron James’.

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I take exception to Ferguson's statement that the U.S. "failed to deter" Russia from invading Ukraine. More accurately, we affirmatively made sure it would invade. We did so by, for decades, expanding and attempting to expand NATO to the east, despite Secretary of State James Baker's assurance to Gorbachev that we wouldn't. Putin warned us many times that Ukraine in NATO was a line in the sand, but in November, 2021, we signed an agreement with Ukraine allowing it to apply for NATO membership. We were begging for this war.

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I would NOT call that comic relief. Tragedy, more like it.

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More evidence, as if it was needed, that “elite” college students are completely ignorant of history and lack knowledge, logic and the ability to reason. They have been taught to uncritically parrot left wing views peddled to them and have minimal exposure to alternative views (by design of the academy which has excluded diversity of thought and cancels those who aren’t puppets of progressive politics).

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Wait a sec. Regarding the video, isn't UCLA the school where all those rich parents lied about their kids' athletic accomplishments in order to grease their way in? Why bother? Judging from those interviews, two holes and a heartbeat get you in.

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The UCLA interviews just HAD to provide comic relief. I mean, people who can't even tell you what a woman is are sure to come up with nonsense regarding the international crisis in the Middle East.

I find it equally amusing that Biden would even be asked if the US could handle two crises at a time - asked of the leader who can't even walk and chew gum at the same time.

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