Wow. Julia clearly struck a nerve, didn’t she? Makes me wonder if you know deep down that she’s right and just refuse to accept it. Take a chill pill. Life’s too short to spend it so bitter and angry.
Boomers have been shitting on Millennials and Gen Z’ers for *decades*, now it’s our turn. Dishing it out without being able to take the hea…
Wow. Julia clearly struck a nerve, didn’t she? Makes me wonder if you know deep down that she’s right and just refuse to accept it. Take a chill pill. Life’s too short to spend it so bitter and angry.
Boomers have been shitting on Millennials and Gen Z’ers for *decades*, now it’s our turn. Dishing it out without being able to take the heat is the most Boomer thing ever. So is self-mythologizing to the point of being unable to self-reflect.
Heh. I would ordinarily find it highly amusing that the commenter who literally unsubscribed from this publication because a portion of a piece hit too close to home would tell me to “chill” because I very mildly called them out on it... but hey, what do I know? I’m just another dumb Millennial 🤷🏻♂️
Wow. Julia clearly struck a nerve, didn’t she? Makes me wonder if you know deep down that she’s right and just refuse to accept it. Take a chill pill. Life’s too short to spend it so bitter and angry.
Boomers have been shitting on Millennials and Gen Z’ers for *decades*, now it’s our turn. Dishing it out without being able to take the heat is the most Boomer thing ever. So is self-mythologizing to the point of being unable to self-reflect.
Wow. Chill.
Heh. I would ordinarily find it highly amusing that the commenter who literally unsubscribed from this publication because a portion of a piece hit too close to home would tell me to “chill” because I very mildly called them out on it... but hey, what do I know? I’m just another dumb Millennial 🤷🏻♂️