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Julia: Anyone who starts an argument with the phrase " Okay, Boomer" loses, hands down. And, really, you blame Covid lockdowns of the very, very recent past on Gen Xers, or God forbid, boomers?! If your entire argument is not supposed to be taken seriously, but is an exercise in sarcasm, get back to Writing class now! Free Press: Gen Zers writing to an audience of other Gen Zers (and not well) makes me come close to hitting the unsubscribe button. I've actually done this, but I missed Nellie Bowles too much. Finally, Julia: Grow up.

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Wow. Julia clearly struck a nerve, didn’t she? Makes me wonder if you know deep down that she’s right and just refuse to accept it. Take a chill pill. Life’s too short to spend it so bitter and angry.

Boomers have been shitting on Millennials and Gen Z’ers for *decades*, now it’s our turn. Dishing it out without being able to take the heat is the most Boomer thing ever. So is self-mythologizing to the point of being unable to self-reflect.

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Wow. Chill.

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Heh. I would ordinarily find it highly amusing that the commenter who literally unsubscribed from this publication because a portion of a piece hit too close to home would tell me to “chill” because I very mildly called them out on it... but hey, what do I know? I’m just another dumb Millennial 🤷🏻‍♂️

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