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This is really scary. The wording, both the abridged and the full, sounds good. Like I would totally vote for it if I lived in NY and didn’t see this article. I would bet it passes. It is horribly misleading and scary :(

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This is so depressing. However, reading that language, it seems to me that it could be weaponized in reverse. Because someone who is a biological female can state that they identify as that, and it is a different gender from someone that is a biological male claim to identify as female gender. It protects all on the basis of their identity. All that has to be done is to claim a differentiated gender on the basis of sex, and that biological sex is not gender.

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A copy of this article should be sent in the mail to every residence in the State of New York. It's an eye opener. Good job!

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the policy of racial preference to right past wrongs has been in place since the sixties....although the SC said it's not constituional....It might have kept me out of spot at college....because my working class Jewish parents I learned then as now were from a privleged class of white people so I had to do penance for slavery. if I complained about this in the seventies then I was "racist." No one at my hs , no counselor ever suggested I try for the Ivy league and financial different from the counselors at the HS s at which I taught who were very involved in helping students find a suitable university.....well I got into a good NY State university....on the basis of my grades. took out loans , got work study on campus and worked from HS grad to univr. graduation each summer as my coevals flew to Luxumbourg on Icelandic airway for their summers. After college grad I got my chance....finally.

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It's amazing how the world is run by Roe vs. Wade and Affirmative Action. Nothing else matters.

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I was standing in line to vote, and I heard more incorrect information being passed amongst people about Proposition 1. Most people had clearly not read the proposition in its complete form, so they were going on knee jerk half-baked or just plain wrong understanding of what a Trojan horse this really is. Shocking how stupid people can be, and how easily they can be led.

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Maybe it’s a jobs program for lawyers?

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I love the "you're allowed to be racist, but just the good kind of racist" wording at the end

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If this passes, the people of New York deserve whatever chaos it creates.

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It seems to me the best way to fight such BS is through laws suits alleging child abuse. You can bring over the best experts from Europe, and point out to the judge you are giving them their best chance ever to bring European law into their court room. How could any progressive judge resist such a deal?

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Thanks for this article!

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" state shall make or enforce any law that shall abridge the privileges or immunities of a United States citizen..." -14th Amendment.

That's what the federal judge will point to as he tosses New York's amendment.

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The question will be, does it do so. That would go to the SCOTUS.

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Passage of Prop 1 will hasten the exit of sane people from the state of New York.

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They be gettin their reparations.

If they are black AND GAY. They won't realize that in their haste to stick it to whitey since affirmative racis - I mean action - was robbed from them

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Unfortunately, this will probably pass because most voters won't know what's in the fine print. And if so, it should be struck down by the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional.

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