
One would think a "series" would include more than one article. Great idea. Lousy follow-through.

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Kudos for the saturated fat section!

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Your TGIF today is why I made the decision to subscribe to TFP. This article cinches it!

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The reason why drug companies advertise their products on TV and cable is to control the narrative CNN won’t bite the hand that feeds it. Since large % their revenue comes from drug companies.

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Thank you so much for this excellent new series. I look forward to reading more.

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I love that you're reading Weston Price and Sally Fallon. <3

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Please make this a regular or semi-regular article! I really enjoyed it! Thank you

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Regarding books on health, food, nutrition, etc:

I highly recommend The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong In a Healthy Diet, by independent journalist Nina Teicholz.

This book made me stop worrying, and just eat meat, cheese, butter, and full fat dairy, completely guilt free.

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I'm going to read this with great interest, but also with my bullshit detector turned up to full sensitivity. The term for alternative medicine that works is...medicine.

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Tim Minchin!

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I too am a physician. I like this idea and appreciate your efforts. Like @UnbridledMD I have found myself questioning "evidence" constantly. That said, I've had to remember that the non-science science we've seen much of in recent years does not mean nothing is true. We just have to be much more discerning.

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I am so tired and confused, reading conflicting health advice from every quarter. My latest obsession has to do with the blood sugar versus cholesterol conundrum. It seems you can have one but not the other. Very much looking forward to this health column.

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This new column is a great idea! Sounds like it’s past time for me to get my Nellie T-shirt.

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Great new addition to TFP! Health is the one part of our crazy world over which we have personal control -if we so choose. Looking forward to more. Some in-depth interviews or articles would be appreciated.

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As it’s about health and how everything is about how everyone is trying to kill us you can call it TGISUF


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You don’t get microplastics from a melting food container, far more from cosmetics.

Of course no apology about the maternal deaths, because it’s about the narrative

Of course obesity is the biggest problem, so why create a new one with untested drugs. Eat less, exercise, join the white power.

Puberty blockers. We tell people below age 21 to stay away from pot because it rewires the brain, leading to all sort of development issues. But crap designed to do so, a-ok.

These people are all pedophiles.

Oh, the gender activists are insane.

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Hey by the way, how did you write an entire health column without mentioning Huberman-gate? C'mon man.

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