
Odd thing, I stoped by Barnes & Noble last night (June 30) to pick up "Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History" and after many minutes browsing the shelves of the new etc... I finally asked where I could find it. I was informed "We don't carry that in this store (Burbank CA) but they have 1 at the Grove (16 miles away in WeHo) But I can order it for you and call when it arrives." In that day's of Amazon I am ordering a book at a bookstore and then returning to said bookstore to pick it up several days later? Seems odd to me.

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Follow the money. I don’t think Nellie has “changed her mind” or evolved on much of any of her thinking. Her TGIF column doesn’t exhibit much evolvement. She wants to sell books and make money……and retain her seat at the elitist Cool Kids Club. Sorry…..hard pass

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Anyone can make a simple contribution in the vital effort to expose the hypocrisy of the radical left. Stop referring them as progressives, liberals and well-meaning unless these terms are placed between quote marks. They are none of these.

They are liberal only in their profligacy with other people's money, progressive only in the sense of a malignancy advancing toward the destruction of its host, and well-meaning only if you think that George Orwell's 1984 depicted a just and happy world.

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This is really quite a wonderful piece. I remember when I was a PhD candidate I followed only the Derridian post-modernists. Derrida was a god! I mouthed every post-modern turn of phrase and rejected brilliant professors who were not gulled into this nonsense. Then I got my degree and started teaching at a small college and I saw that the only thing post about post-modernism was it's helpfulness to students who needed to know what the modern was: True statements refer to the real world, and human beings are capable of true statements. In fact we have a moral duty to do our best to form true statements. Post modernism was a a form of lazy thinking more than anything else.

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Glad to hear Nellie is recovering. How did such a bright and capable writer ever end up not learning about the real role of a jounalist. Undoubtedly damaged by her ivy league education. Hopefully there is a continued awakening in our country about these failed institutions of higher learning.

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Nellie's journey over recent years, resonates with me profoundly, more so than almost any other I've encountered. It mirrors my own intellectual evolution. I initially marched in lockstep with the liberal/progressive movement, particularly during the Obama and early Trump years. I too felt outrage, passing judgment, and participating in the cancellation of individuals over what sometimes seemed like irreconcilable differences, especially with the emergence of Trump and during the peak of the COVID era.

However, increasingly I found myself experiencing moments of unease and embarrassment when I couldn't align myself with every facet of the progressive/woke agenda. I grappled with conflicting emotions, questioning whether the #MeToo movement had overreached on occasion, feeling discomfort when expected to unquestionably endorse BLM slogans, all while privately maintaining a belief in the fundamental decency of the majority of law enforcement officers.

I felt a need to introspect when I found myself puzzled by what seemed like trivial matters to my tween daughter, who would admonish me for questioning the authenticity of her friend's gender identity exploration. Attending Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) meetings at our exclusive and liberal school only intensified my discomfort, as I struggled to perceive any tangible benefits for individuals of any racial background from the approaches advocated by the "anti-racism" movement.

My perspective underwent a profound shift after October 7th, and I no longer feel ashamed to identify as a liberal who dissents from certain illiberal ideas propagated by the progressive left.

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Uggg. I would like to point out that the liberal belief, which Nellie articulates here, that its OK to burn and loot stores because they have insurance is completely absurd and bogus. Stores that have insurance aren't magically made whole by it. They never go back to where they were. I sold advertising services to small businesses for years, and saw what happened to them in natural disasters, like floods or hurricanes. Yes, they had insurance money, but a destroyed business has to be built back up in a series of slow, painful steps, and more often than not, they never go back to they way they were. That anyone believes this shows just how economically ignorant they truly are, and how lacking in compassion or any sense of a moral order. May every writer at every liberal paper live in the burned ruins of the cities they've done so much to destroy. They don't deserve to live in civil society.

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I have listen intently to the podcast and read the piece in the Free Press. Its good that Nellie can see the errors of her ways now. She is on a path that will lead her to question many other of her long held believes. As an example Free Universal Healthcare . I dare you to read this piece from 1992 in the American Heritage

You will read about how medical insurance came into being and how Government policies have always made the situation worse and this was written 32 years prior to the perversion of Obamacare.

I still contend and her book confirms it that the lefts worldview is all built upon lies. The soft easy lies that they tell themselves over and over again in their little protected bubbles where opposing views are violently destroyed. The lies become reality to them but they are always built upon the sands and never the rocks. The wave of reality always comes ashore and destroys their world washing the debris back into the sea of reality and truth. The debris is always the lives and property of the poor and lower income people its never the lives and property of the elites that made these decisions.

This is why they have to cancel and destroy anyone and everything that disagrees with them. That is why they can gleefully call us in flyover country deplorables (Nellie you know you agreed with Hilary).

However, She is seeing the light and she is on a new path and we celebrate your escape from the liberal bubble of lies and falsehoods. Something the left never ever gives us. Welcome to reality watch your leftside they are coming for you.

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appreciate this all but have difficulty seeing how the free press isn't just a different version of the elite? i don't see lots of writers here who hail from state schools. . or work as teachers or write for small local papers. so far this content feels like one long sales pitch and yet another site where opinion and gossip are presented as news . don't get me wrong--nice to see more nuance in the typical red/blue debate. but this isn't revelatory. it's just a version of the same.

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Listened to the podcast today (I know, I'm behind), and Nellie commentary made me think of an excellent essay from Scott Alexander -- I Can Tolerate Anything Except The Outgroup (30 Sep 2014 - I would highly recommend it, if you haven't read it -- it's a great explainer for a lot of intolerance on both the right and left.

For what it's worth, I'd love to hear an Honestly podcast with Alexander and Weiss -- I think it would be a great conversation. His essay You Are Still Crying Wolf (16 Nov 2016 was an excellent analysis of the Trump/Clinton election.

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Nellie says the revolution won. I don't agree. America is worse off because of the revolution.

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Just listened to this one more time so my wife could hear it, and I was struck by Nellie's description of anti-racism. It sounds like something Archie Bunker would have concocted. I was literally thinking of episodes of All in the Family where Archie literally says extremely racist things right out of the anti-racism repertoire. How incredibly ironic and scary.

If they've never watched it, I suggest Bari and Nellie binge it ASAP. I suggest everyone watch that incredible show. It's one of the funniest sitcoms of all time and was created and produced by a "flaming liberal"—Norman Lear. Whether you're on the left, right or in the middle, you'll find plenty to squirm about and disagree with. But that's the way it should be. I'm surprised it hasn't been cancelled yet.

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Well my first impression was this was an incredibly convincing narrative of what was happening behind the scenes in MSM and NYT 2016 onward. The manner in which it was described was totally convincing to me and presented almost matter of factly but without a hint of personal malice. That must have been hard. My second impression was that the manifest gaslighting perused by many reporters and media outlets was far, far more egregious than I had assumed. It was worse than I had thought and that was a scary revelation. Entire events were deemed unimportant or dangerously helpful to the ‘opposition’ and thus totally ignored. It didn’t matter what there relevance was for victims of outrageous public disorder.

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Much of this podcast, particularly the final segment on the personal vs the political, read like half the National Review articles I've seen over the past 5 years. I'd be curious to hear your stance on the "Trump caused all this" vs "Trump is the result of all this" argument.

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Another thing I kept thinking as Nellie described the "movement's" (cult's) views was Steely Dan's great takedown of John Lennon's "Imagine", "Only a Fool Would Say That." That great song kept playing in my head throughout the podcast.

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