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“As 2024 heats up, we’d love to hear from you. What would you like from our coverage? What stories do you feel aren’t getting enough attention?”


Send a reporter into a crime-infested Democrat hellhole to observe the gangbangers, carjackings, prostitution, and drug dens and THEN have them write about how they think it totally makes sense that an above average percentage of the people in the area are registered voters who always studiously fill out their ballot, lick the envelope, and mail it in……

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I live in one of the “crime infested Democrat hellholes” you’re referring to - Portland. I find myself more of a centrist these days and often enjoy your observations Kevin, but on this I gotta say - you might want to come visit and consider that you might need to reconsider your generalizations. I flew in from a week in Florida (literally a mile from Trumps home) last night. Currently sitting at a beautiful city park (in Portland) on a sunny morning about to watch my Freshman son’s baseball game. I don’t know what else to tell you except that your generalization of a democratic hellhole doesn’t really exist….except in the clickbait and headlines. Seriously go visit one of the places you’re referring to - I think you might be surprised to find people raising children, enjoying life, community, family’s…just like I assume you do. I think there’s an high probability that we are more alike than you may realize.

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So many voters are happy not paying attention, patting themselves on the back, secure in the knowledge of being on team Good Guys, with no clue of what’s happening.

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Why not cover all the people fired under Biden’s vaccine mandates—despite the fact that the vaccines were never even tested to see if they prevented transmission before the rollout? Also ask how letting in thousands of unvaccinated migrants and flying them to different cities made sense while firing unvaccinated American workers? Please ask for the “science” that justified this policy.

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We are in for a potential TB epidemic because of this. And they thought Covid was bad.

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Don't forget about the pedophiles.

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But, Kevin, THEY LIVE in an area like you just mentioned, in California!

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"AtLanTa iS a tRaSH hEap rUN bY bARbaRIC imBeCiles"

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😂😂😂please FP give the honor to Kevin he has everything, he is on point and has a great sense of humor.

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I have always thought--and indeed have upon occasion been told I do - that I had a good sense of humor. I have plowed through the unending sream of Kevin's comments on every site we both share, BUT - "there is no evidence that those unhinged despicable parasite sacks of shit" doesn't even get a brief smile. Of course, I thought Johnny Carson and Carol Burnett were hysterical but then I am a "woman of age. Perhaps one needs to be younger and male to appreciate Kevin's humor. When I once commented to him about what I considered his grossness, he wrote back that it was part of his charm. Cary Grant had charm - Kevin, dear, not so much.

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Kevin would never be so self-absorbed as to claim charm for himself. I believe I ascribed that quality to our dear Kevin.

Moreover, his legions of female fans contradict your belief that one must be young and male to appreciate his humor. I also find him hilariously incisive albeit I clearly lack one of those attributes.

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Please do not draw attention to our little underground circus!!


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Send a reporter to interview a few of those entrepreneurial sorts with tables full of merchandise on Lenox Ave near 135th St about their supply chain.

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Sadly, I fear TFP wants to become part of the MSP. No controversial topics of lately, ladies who lunch festival in LA, the very mainstream political coverage (couldn’t tell which mainstream rag it sounded most like), perhaps I don’t know who Bari as a journalist/pol/influencer really is, and was influenced by her ouster from TNWT. Maybe we would like to hear about the anonymous many who also got cancelled.

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Nelly, Bari wasn’t ousted by the New York Times, but their treatment of her, after she wrote a “fair & balanced” article, forced her to resign! How DARE a democrat Lesbian go against the WOKE Left narrative! It’s ugly watching them “eat their own”

Having said all that about Bari, it’s true she’s Left leaning, sometimes disturbingly so, without apology here at TFP. But thankfully she has provided a platform where the Middle Majority, both Left & Right of Center, can gather without fear of being cancelled if we disagree with her, or each other.

What I’ve found is TFP gives me some hope the pendulum may be swinging from Far Left back toward Center.

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A+ comment score Honey. 👍

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The pendulum has been swinging, but way to the right. The Republican Party as we knew it is dead, and is now the MAGA Party, with Repubs scared shitless of offending the Trump Cult of Personality and being canceled or worse. The fiasco with Kevin McCarthy this week, led by a creepy sex trafficker of underage girls, shows today's GOP has become a national embarrassment.

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Actually she resigned from The Times (assuming that TNWT should be TNYT); her resignation letter is most ikely out there somewhere, and that drew me as well. Disappointment ensued but I've made my peace by embracing the occasional busted clock moment and the largely sane commentariat. An unusually free-for-all, that.

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Yes, TNYT. You’re spot on!

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Strangely enough, she never provided an example of "censorship"....only that some people thought here takes were stupid. Which they usually are.

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Yeah there’s no evidence that the psychopathic barbarian perverts who got their boss fired because he published a piece by a Harvard-educated veteran and US Senator, about how stopping communist revolutionary rioters is fairly important, because this op-ed was a “violent attack on our bodies”……….there’s no evidence that those unhinged despicable parasite sacks of shit ever caused censorship to happen.


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Yep. Correct. No evidence. Zero. None provided by her in any outlet.

Although, she claimed she was struggling with "self-censorship." Which to Bari and her moronic sycophants is the exact same thing as "censorship."

You cannot provide one single shred of evidence, KevinDurant.

Just like you couldn't for your claim that "Planned Parenthood offices are castrating children."

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While there is way beyond overwhelming evidence of censorship, what you are doing is referring to evidence as ‘not evidence’, which is not exactly a sophisticated ploy.

The infinitesimally small fraction of evidence that you would be willing to call evidence is a private email or text from Nicole Hannah Jones, for example.

So all you’re really saying is that we don’t currently have possession of Nicole Hannah Jones’s cell phone. We also don’t have a video of OJ killing his wife.

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So, Nikole Hannah-Jones emailed/texted the NYT editors and told them to censor/spike one of Bari's stories? That's your claim now?

The fact that black people were in what would become "America" in 1619 is emotionally distressing. I understand.

Fascinating take. How "thought provoking." Did Bari make this claim that Hannah Nikole Jones texted the editors and told them to censor/spike her op-eds as well?

Where can I find this information you claim exists?

What is the overwhelming evidence provided by Weiss that her op-eds were censored/spiked?

I'll wait....

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I'd like a deep dive into our country's insolvent finances and doomed social programs, along with an outline of how each candidate intends to ignore the problem and eventually deflect the blame.

I'd also like to see some kind of journalistic investigation into just how often Democrat politicians choose appointments and promotions based on race, sex, and sexuality, knowing full well that it is illegal to do that.

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"how often Democrat politicians choose appointments and promotions based on race, sex, and sexuality, knowing full well that it is illegal to do that."

As opposed to Republicans doing the same thing? You don't recall Trump choosing Amy Coney Barrett for SCOTUS because she was a woman and George Bush I choosing Clarence Thomas because he was black?

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Yeah you can blame Republicans for occasionally doing that also OR, if you aren’t a fundamentally dishonest person, you can blame the totalitarian Democrat retard assholes holding an identity politics pistol to the side of their head.

What you’re doing is the exact same as standing next to a looted building that’s on fire and saying

“Look this conservative also has a BLM sign in his window so it’s both sides!!!”


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Dammit. Did I forget to add "Oh, and fuck off, Kevin," just to prevent this sort of banshee bandsaw attack against my perfectly worded statement? My bad, bro :-)

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So now you are just going to lie about how you tried to bothsides identity politics even though people can just scroll up 2.5 inches and see you doing it??


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I have no need to lie, since both sides engage in identity politics.

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Yes, and I explained quite clearly, including a colorful analogy, how it is both reprehensibly dishonest, and also flat-out retarded, to pretend that these two things are the same, which is *precisely* what you are doing.

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Oh, dear, you're right and I'm wrong and I'm ashamed at being retarded and thus drawing the ire of The Mighty Kevin? . . .

. . . said me never.

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I 100% would never expect shame from someone who is willing to equate the people operating within the constraints of a diabolically evil and perverted society, with the Nazi pieces of shit who created the conditions of said society through psychopathic manipulation and extortionate tactics.

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Republican and Democratic leaders are the same "Nazi pieces of shit who create the conditions of said society blah blah belch," they just wage their battles on different fronts of the Culture Wars. Democrats weaponize DEI and cancel-culture. Republicans weaponize abortion bans and drag queen story hours.

If you don't know that you're an idiot. If you do and won't admit it, then you're evil.

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Well, THANK GOD you posted that, because I was beginning to fear that I actually HAD to hire people because they were black or female, regardless of their qualifications. You know. Diversity and inclusion, and all.

For the record, I could care less WHO or WHY they hire who them do, as long as they prove qualified. Like the two examples you offer.

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I didn't say a thing about private sector hiring. The issue was "politicians choosing appointments based on race, sex, and sexuality."

I might agree with you that Barrett is doing a good job. Thomas, though, is an stain on the court that no amount of Comet can scrub away.

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Huh. I must have missed something. As a lawyer who practiced constitutional law for 35 years and taught it at a law school I always found Thomas's opinions well-reasoned even when I disagreed with them. And having rich friends who are generous to you is neither criminal nor unethical unless you allow such generosity to influence your legal opinions. There is no evidence of that at all, and I'm in a position to know that no one on the Court or who actually knows Thomas believes that for a second. Perhaps you can explain "stain."

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I'm happy to "stain" myself:

1. Taking bribes wins the gold medal for judicial bad conduct.

2. Appearing to take bribes even when you haven't wins silver.

3. See Nos. 1 and 2.

I happen to agree with some of Clarence Thomas's opinions and disagree with others, so I'm not judging his judicial ability. Everyone is going to agree and disagree with any judge, no matter who that judge might be.

But his gift-taking smells as bad as perch in a Dumpster. "Having rich friends who are generous to you is neither criminal nor unethical unless you allow such generosity to influence your legal opinions." That is not what the public believes about judges who accept vast amounts of money from "friends." The public is right--the optics are poisonous to public trust, and justices work for us, not the other way around.

Your statement may be technically true--I'm not a lawyer--but accepting as many gifts and trips as he has from Harlan Crow and others is ghastly for someone on the single highest court on the land. Same with Samuel Alito; such gifting should be forbidden. Why? Because this court must not only BE wise and ethical, it must be seen as wise and ethical. Taking dough from rich "friends" sends precisely the opposite message.

SCOTUS positions are unelected and lifetime. Their rulings cannot be challenged. They are as close to royals as America gets. Because of that, justices need a strong ethics code that disallows taking gifts from anyone other than immediately family, and even then only up to X amount, with every single gift value-assessed and reported.

If a SCOTI can't abide by that ethical conduct, then he or she can decline a spot on that bench. They need to choose what's more important to them: a Supreme Court position or the ability to take money from friends. With all the lawyers in this land who'd kill for that job, we can afford to be insist on the former.

Taking tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and "forgetting" to report them? The public considers that bribery, regardless of what statutes say. If the President of the United States cannot legally accept gifts, neither should anyone on the Supreme Court.

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Accepting gifts from someone who has business before the Court in exchange for allowing your legal opinion in his case to be influenced is unethical and illegal.

Accepting gifts from a friend who has business before the Court can, depending on the facts and circumstances, create the appearance of impropriety even if such gifts are not intended to and do not in fact influence any opinion.

Accepting gifts from a friend who has no business before the Court whatsoever is not improper at all no matter how generous the friend or lavish the gifts. It is the appearance of impropriety only to those who cannot think very clearly.

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My thinking is exceptionally clear, counselor. Any justice who accepts gifts as large as Clarence Thomas did should remain in private practice, not on the Supreme Court.

To think otherwise is to be blind as to how much accepting those gifts tarnishes the image of SCOTUS as being an impartial arbiter of facts.

Perhaps your own thinking is muddied by being part of that institution for most of your life. Gift-taking of such magnitude looks bad to the public, period, which is why presidents are forbidden to accept them.

To dismiss the public’s suspicion of ulterior motives as “only to those cannot think very clearly” is the arrogance that makes the public write off our institutions as “to hell with them all, they’re all corrupt.”

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The notion that a judge should be prohibited from benefiting from the generosity of a close friend when neither such friend nor his generosity has any reasonable or discernable connection with the judge's duties is grounded not in reason but in envy. I also believe you are mistaken about the rules for US Presidents, at least as they pertain to domestic gifts.

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Envy. Of course. Why didn't I think of that? There couldn't possibly be an ethical concern over this level of gift-giving to the Supremes.

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By arrogant I don’t mean you personally. You seem quite thoughtful to me given our conversation. But the public is less and less trusting of SCOTUS, and wide-open gift-taking makes it worse. The practice should end now.

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Is there a difference? A different standard for racial-based hiring in government vs the private sector?

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Unless a private company has been found guilty of discrimination in race or gender hiring practices, or has federal contracts with DEI clauses built into them, government can't dictate who private companies hire and can't mandate DEI training.

It appears that your company swallowed the DEI Kool-Aid all on its own, and it is regurgitating that poison onto you. My condolences, and I'm serious--you shouldn't have to sit through that stuff when there's real work to be done.

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Well, it's my company and there is no Kool-Aid is sight. You clearly miss the point. Mine AND yours.

Moving on to more intelligent banter.

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Intelligent? It's YOUR company. Why on Earth are you making your employees and yourself do the DEI dance?

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Shane, you are a fool. I think I was very specific. There is no DEI at my company (my company, no Kook-aid]. My mistake for [satirically] responding to your rediculous post. Racial-based hiring is wrong, even if you have DEI contracts. Please. No more replies. I won't make the mistake again.

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No, Rich, I'm not a fool. If you want a more intelligent exchange, then say what you mean clearly so I don't misread it. Your "satire" was anything but, so I assumed you wanted a serious reply, which is how this exchange went into the Dumpster.

Don't worry, though, I won't bug you any more.

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It's fair to say it's the Ivy League graduates on both sides pushing identitarian bigotry and moral revolution. But looking outside of political leadership, I'm also referring to businesses and other institutions, and I find it ridiculous to suggest that Republican leaders are as identitarian in their judgements as Democrats are. But I am definitely opposed to any and all forms of ethnic social engineering by political leadership, regardless of the party doing it.

I say this on the day that my company announced a new mandatory DEI training course along with a suggested series of additional supplemental material. I already know these trainings explicitly support hiring and promotion on the basis of sex and race. I'm required to be "educated" on why this is moral truth.

Don't tell me Democrats aren't abusing my rights. I work in a politically hostile environment that explicitly tells me that Marxism and identitarian bigotry are morally superior.

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"I find it ridiculous to suggest that Republican leaders are as identitarian in their judgements as Democrats are."

It's not ridiculous--Republicans are just as vicious as Democrats in using identity politics to get ahead. They're only in different areas of the Culture Wars.

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That's a massively broad change of subject and ignoring the fundamental point about ethnic and sexual discrimination being inherently wrong.

Republicans are not discriminating to anywhere near the same extent as institutional Democrat leadership. This newsletter has reported extensively on the specific mechanisms of who, how, and why. I view your denial and deflection as a form of support for the abuse.

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"I view your denial and deflection as a form of support for the abuse."

Enjoy your time in DEI school. I hope they serve snacks.

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If you work for a private company, "Democrats" aren't abusing you. Your bosses are. As for "rights," you have none unless you're in a union.

That's not to say that DEI isn't a steaming bowl of crap. It is. But in a private workplace, you have to eat it with a smile or find a new job. Sad commentary on the American way of work.

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Not true, Shane! Our Plastic Injection Molding Co. (not Union, with very satisfied employees!) placed an add for a machine operator, no experience required, we’d train.

A Black man applied, but after a tour of our Plant, said he didn’t want to run a machine, but he’d work in the office. The Plant had no AC and the small office did.

We employed Black, Mexican (legal!) and women, with no concern about who they slept with!

He turned us in to OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration” and the IRS! It was a nightmare but after about 6 months resolved in our favor.

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This isn't the same thing, Honey. I was talking about DEI training in a non-union environment. If your company's management ordered its workers to attend mandatory DEI training, your workers would have to do it or risk being terminated.

But this case wasn't about DEI; it was about a jackass of an applicant trying to extort you. The government ruled in your favor and against the jackass. Good for government for sticking up for your rights.

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Shane, I stand corrected. My point was just that even without DEI or Unions (which, BTW, our employees voted against organizing, bc they are paid & treated VERY well!) Companies aren’t always just free to discriminate. Does that happen, surely, but I don’t think everyone understands the employer/ company owner doesn’t have free rein - at least not if they want to run a successful business.


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You’re welcome, Honey, a pleasure chatting with you. Yes, companies walk a fine line in hiring—-they don’t have to do DEI training, but if they don’t, they might be accused of discrimination. It’s tough running a business these days. I’m glad mine is a one-man shop: me. I’m a swell boss and employee:-)

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They get away with the illegal behavior because they know Democrat schools, politicians, lawyers and judges will back them up and defend them, as we have seen countless times.

Every one of the layers of corporate ownership in my business stack is from a city that represents a Democrat powerhouse. It's not mutually exclusive to say "it's your bosses" and also "it's the Democrats".

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Journalistic investigation!!?? HA! That's the ROTFLOL of the day. Good one!!!

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What can I say? I dream big.

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The replacement for Dianne F is a black lesbian from what I understand...so 3 boxes checked on that one.

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A Black Lesbian (that’s ok), but she she isn’t registered to vote in CA. Oops, no problem, that’s easy to fix! All boxes checked now!

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With questionable California residency from what I read.

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Maryland now has three senators and I, as a Californian, have one. However, given the ideology of both her and our current senator, I'd be much happier with none!

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Good point.

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She supposedly owns a home in California, wonder for how long? Reminds me of Hilary moving to NY to run for Senate there. Modern day carpetbaggers, a system created by the Democrat party.

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I agree. But I read she has to change her voter registration to Cali. I find this egregious - she has not even voted in Cali, how can she be an informed advocate for the citizens of Cali? This is a sore point for me because my little town has a couple of folks who dominate the FB forums with their incitement to vote progressive. One is a German national who resides here with his university professor wife. The other is a self-proclaimed Republican/conservative who does not vote. I got cancelled for bringing these two facts to light. I think they are paid.

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And her state of residence is Maryland.

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I second this!

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Taking the voter rolls and running them all or representative samples through whatever the current systems banks use to verify addresses for credit cards. The banks will never knowingly send a card to an address they can't confirm, but is that the same standard we send ballots? If large amounts don't verify, but the ballots go out anyway, and no one sees or verifies who votes and puts that into drop boxes as no one watches. Nothing to see here, right? Intelligently covering this will inform that, sadly no one does in any media outlet.

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The Public Interest Legal Foundation has done a lot of work to document numbers of illegal voter registrants and voters. Browse their reports:


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Great link TF. Thanks.

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I believe there are New Yorkers who are trying to do that and are being hounded and charged for their efforts. It's no coincidence that Tammany Hall was a Democrat operation. Just like the fabled scorpion - it's in their nature.

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We still get ballots for the former owner of our house who moved back to England 10 years ago. We also still get ballots from the state we left to move into that second place.

I've always voted in person, but I'm beginning to believe that we should be required, by law, to submit change-of-address notices to county registrars when we relocate. Maybe people should be required to submit notices -- changing address or not changing address? -- when they buy or rent new homes. Goodness knows it would be too much to ask our already overworked bureaucrats to maintain honest lists of current resident voters.

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For years a ballot for my deceased mother would arrive in my mailbox even though she never lived in my home! I would bring the unopened ballot to my local polling place on election day and still one would show up for the next election. It took about three elections cycles for it to stop. What a mess.

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MD Greene, I STILL get a ballot for my husband, who died February 1, 2009! He was a registered Democrat. Numerous calls have been made through the years, yet like clockwork his ballot arrives. Growing increasingly irate at this, about 6 years ago, I asked the woman who took my call WHAT I HAD TO DO TO STOP THIS!

Admittedly, out of frustration, I snidely told her I thought Democrats were environmentalists, and they should think of all the trees they’re killing to make & send ballots to DEAD people!

I kid you not, her response, “If you know who he wants to vote for, I don’t see a problem with you sending it in for him, until he gets back” and hung up!

Perhaps she was being sarcastic back at me, or perhaps not!

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Clearly, she thought your husband at some point would be resurrected.

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She was too lazy to help you accomplish an honorable goal. She may well have preferred for you to submit a fraudulent vote. She ought not to be working in a public election office.

I am very sorry for the way your honest requests were mishandled. I would like to think that a local politician, of either party, would take an interest in getting the matter resolved.

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She wasn't.

She's a Democrat.

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Exactly Bruce!

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When I lived in Chicago years ago I volunteered for True the Vote. The purpose was to ID voters not connected to their current address and flag them to the BOE. We found “voters” with addresses that were abandoned buildings and a doctor’s office. Also, lots of kids who registered at college but hadn’t been there for years. Of course, True the Vote ran into some trouble with democrats. Can’t remember what happened. Why are democrats so afraid of clean voter rolls?

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They will lose every election hands down that’s why I think they petrified.

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Was this former owner of your house an American who lived in Britain for a while, came home, and then moved back? Or a British national with British, not American, citizenship?

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My understanding is that she was an English native who worked for some years of her adult life in CA. I have never met a British citizen who went through the effort to become a US citizen, but that does not mean it could not happen. OTOH, she had moved back to Britain when we bought the house. I have no explanation for any of it except that we knew the ballots were not ours and we held onto them after they arrived in case she wanted to contact us and have them forwarded. (At least she knew the address, after all.) After several years of no contacts, we just put them in the recycling bin.

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Interesting thing to have happened! Where on Earth would the county elections commission had gotten her name and address to mail her a ballot, I wonder.

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MD, there is already a plethora of address change data (taxes, mail address change, Social Security.....) that registrars and states could use to clear their roles. They just don't. You die and it seems that Social Security and the IRS have your status change before you reach the pearly gates. But.....

Your example isn't the problem. Of course, voter fraud isn't new. In my youth, I knew a couple of guys who harvested names form the cemetery to put on voter roles for a certain party. But the scale today is off the charts, largely empowered by fake ballots via mail-in ballots and harvesting. And maybe via computerized voting machines - I haven't come to a conclusion on that one yet.

Friends have served as poll watchers to try and keep things honest, but gave up. The system has more holes for cheating than Swiss cheese.

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It’s a rigged system Rich there is no chain of custody, no voter ID, 2 months early voting I could go on -Australia outlawed Mail ins at the turn of the 20th century for the very reasons stated above.

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Nope. I’m writing this from Sydney Australia. Mail-in voting is legal and widely adopted in both state and federal elections, and uncontroversial. You have to enrol first - can be done on-line, and the Electoral Commission verifies your identity - and then you can vote by mail or in person (on-line voting is not yet possible, but it’s coming). Voting is compulsory - citizenship is both a privilege and a responsibility. And by the way, Election Day is always on a Saturday. This is not hard, guys!

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Nope it’s not to hard in Aus, here in the US it is.

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Also, Australia has compulsory voting.

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Which is exactly why it won't be outlawed here

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It depends on where you are. I am in Texas and have been a judge at a polling place. We require ID and confirm addresses. Our system is up to date except for recent moves. If you say you are eligible to vote in my county but your DL (or ID) says otherwise you can verify your new address in a few ways and cast a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is subject to validation by the county Election Administrator before it is counted.

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I am in Texas, as well. I'm glad to see YOUR county is doing something right. I can assure that others aren't. You, of course, are aware of all the alleged issues in Harris County. But.... the discussion/issues seem to focus on Blue states/cities. The longer it has been Blue, the larger the problems.

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I did see that. People coming up in carloads to vote. Outside of hours and authorized locales. All in under the guise of covid emergency. That is why I know the 2020 election was in fact hijacked. But you do know there is serious pushback against the Harris County Clerk and Election Administrator over that right? Not so in Democrat states though.

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Right. If I recall, the State (Abbott) took control of the country election process. Or was that the school district? Or both!!? :)

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Both. I think the elections takeover is in court as we right.

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I still get election related communication from KY when I’ve been in OH since 2017. Also, I get communication from MI. I’ve never lived in MI.

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Why was a Brit getting a ballot

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Presumably she had lived in the US long enough to qualify for citizenship and then decided that she preferred to live in her native country.

I never met the person and threw out the ballots that arrived at her former address. If she wanted absentee ballots forwarded to her new address, she could have requested them.

That state has mailed out ballots to all registered voters for some years now.

I remember reading a few years ago that one small apartment received 24 mail-in ballots, which presumably included ballots for persons who since had moved elsewhere.

Interesting fact: Two years ago, a felon was arrested in the state for another charge and was found to be carrying 300 empty ballots in his car. To my knowledge, this matter was never pursued, but I think it should have been a matter of interest. Why would such a person want a bunch of ballots?

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Yeah I wonder why MD - could it have been a rigged vote?

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Yeah....the story is bullshit.

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Sorry, it's not. I don't lie.

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Don't engage with it. It is an exercise in futility.

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Yes, it is. A British citizen did not get U.S. voter registration sent to your house.

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This happened in Los Angeles County, which has more than 10 million residents if you count the homeless derelicts. Either she became a US citizen or she lied to the voting registrar or the registrar did not verify her eligibility. All I know is that she received mail-in ballots at what was then our address for years after she had left. I'm done with you now.

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Don’t engage him. He is a rude, unpleasant, lonely troll. Go to his home, notice he doesn’t subscribe to any accounts on the page click the three dots and he is gone.

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At least the Brit had a heartbeat and arguably an active EEG.

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Cover all the stores that have closed thanks to democrat policies. Cover the unfettered gang robberies. Ask shoppers how they like having to get a clerk to open a locked container so they can get a tube of toothpaste. Ask the cops why they no longer do anything.

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I'm with you on this one! I moved from the insanity happening in Seattle down to my college days stomping grounds of Arizona last year for the very reasons you mentioned (and others).

As a right-leaning independent I was definitely the stranger in a strange land.

How can people be so adversely affected by policies yet continue to vote in the same leadership year after year.(?) What will it take?

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Both parties, Phil. It’s inexplicable to anyone but a MAGA die-hard why they “continue to vote in the same leadership year after year”.

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Agreed! As A Californian, I listen in wonder to acquaintances who bitch about the crime and homelessness in LA and still vote for no-one but a Democrat. Cognitive dissonance!

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It’s bc. there aren’t any decent types in the Republican side. I know many Women Democrats who would vote for Niki Haley even though her Abortion ideas are not liberal enough.

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God knows!

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Are you implying that Mayor Bruce Harrell can't fix the problems that Councilmember Bruce Harrell helped create?

I think the only thing will be when these people experience crime the way Shivanthi Sathanandan did in Minneapolis.

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Oh, I'm not blaming Bruce Harrell at all - he can't help himself. I'm blaming the people who put him (and his predecessors) in office.

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Ask Pava Lapere, Josh Krueger, and Ryan Carson how their progressive activism improved their lives and communities. Oh wait...

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Oh shit you just reminded me of a hilarious idea where someone goes through the arrest reports and matches the names up with registered voters. Party affiliation is obvious but the percentage that are registered is the part I’m curious about.

“Oh so you registered to take part in our elections and you also do carjackings? Cool cool.”


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I'd like to see an article about people that the Dem's claim cannot manage to get an ID. It's racist or something? Who are these people? Please interview people from all over the country. You have to have an ID for pretty much everything.

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You have to have a photo id to get into the Dem/Soc national convention.

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Typical. That annoys me beyond measure.

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You will LOVE this video (if you haven’t already seen it, it’s from 2018): https://youtu.be/yW2LpFkVfYk?si=FTAYt6SjEYN-E3aU

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Oh my gosh. Love it. That was so accurate. White liberals who don’t know what they believe or why they believe it because it was told to them to believe about the ID’s. How insulting they were to black people.

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Elles, unless they meet the illegals AT THE BOARDER, before The Biden Crime Family Regime gets to them first, you won’t find any American citizen who doesn’t have / or doesn’t have easy access to an ID!

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* BORDER (auto correct is not my friend!)

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My theory on that is not that they can't get an ID it is that they won't. I believe the Dems have a much higher percentage of voters who won't vote if there is even a slight barrier to vote...such as getting an ID or leaving the house. Which to me doesn't say much about what they actually think of their voting block.

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It does not say much to me about the quality of the votes either. I have a real world example. The college students at Texas State University, encouraged by parties (real ones) hosted by that bastion of progess, "Beto O'Rourke, turned out in droves, some bused to polling sites, to Vote Blue No Matter Who. They elected a 19 year old District Clerk with no experience. District Clerk's essentially facilitate the administration of state courts in Texas. He is an abomination. He sent juror summons to jurors to the clerk's address, for example. The newly elected self-proclaimed District Attorney took issue with that. The boy clerk has moved to remove said district attorney.


The D A answered and counterclaimed.

The sweet child nonsuited (withdrew) his claim immediately. Too late though, the counterclaim survived.

The boy's name is Avrey Anderson. Research him for further information on why Vote Blue No Matter Who is foolish. I use the terms boy and child because his conduct has been very, very childish.

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Have you noticed one of the Senators from Pennsylvania & wondered how or why he was elected? The same could be said of the recently deceased Senator from California who was repeatedly re-elected. She had been demented for some time. Does anyone think that the electorate of Kentucky, re-electing an impaired Mitch McConnell was prudent? It's all about power & money with idiots, morons & imbeciles the electorate.

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We do not elect the best and the brightest. They are all out doing real work in real jobs like doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief,

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True. Very true.

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Bussing voters seems to be a Texas tradition; that was described in my absolute favoritest movie, Charlie Wilson's War as how he won his district.

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Texas State busses in the incident I had described. You know, paid for by the taxpayers. I actually saw a furry. But on CWW, read the book. The movie is good but the descriptions of how Wilson finnagled his war are eye-opening. The whole thing is an exercise in unintended consequences though. Yeah the USSR scurried out of Afghanistan after enough of its troops went home in body bags or maimed and mutilated, but that episode informed Russia's disdain for the West and angry Muslims were unleashed. Less than 20 years later, 911 resulted. Now it is the Ukraine sacrifice. I am by no means an isolationist but every pot is not worthy of stirring.

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Oh yes, our nation-building efforts have not ended well. Whether unintended or not is a question in my mind one day after the 30th anniversary of the "Mogadishu Mile" and Slick Willy's immediate decision to cut and run....those efforts apparently were not worth the sacrifice of TF Ranger.

RE: the movie though, Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Gust was, I think my favorite character/portrayal of all time - the dialogue about bugging the scotch bottle is classic.

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That little boy doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground. Very childish.

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You've made a valid point. It's just puzzling how someone can make it without an ID. You have to have an ID to even have your utilities turned on. Maybe I've got a mental block trying to understand it

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because needing utilities in supporting the White Patriarchal regime

or sumpin like that

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Agree completely. Show us specific examples of these people who have no legal ID. Whomever they are, they don’t drive, they do not bank or even cash a check, they never purchase alcohol, they never enter into any type of contractual agreement, etc., etc.

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Yes! I guess they walk around all day in circles. I guess they eat bark and dirt because there is no way they could buy appliances either. Or call or text anyone because ATT, Verizon etc wouldn't let anyone sign up for their services without an ID.

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Very funny 😄

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