“There will never, ever be a case of a rich woman choosing to be a surrogate for a family that she has no connection to. This alone tells you everything about this horrendous exploitation of poor women.”
Yeah, funny how you never hear of multi-millionaires who feel “called” to be surrogates for some random middle-class suburbanites.
“There will never, ever be a case of a rich woman choosing to be a surrogate for a family that she has no connection to. This alone tells you everything about this horrendous exploitation of poor women.”
Yeah, funny how you never hear of multi-millionaires who feel “called” to be surrogates for some random middle-class suburbanites.
“There will never, ever be a case of a rich woman choosing to be a surrogate for a family that she has no connection to. This alone tells you everything about this horrendous exploitation of poor women.”
Yeah, funny how you never hear of multi-millionaires who feel “called” to be surrogates for some random middle-class suburbanites.
and you never will..