“[C]hildbirth and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.” - Paris Hilton
This is the kind of weak person who should forego parenting and why I question some of the merits of surrogacy. The 'lower class' person carrying her child is far stronger.
“[C]hildbirth and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.” - Paris Hilton
This is the kind of weak person who should forego parenting and why I question some of the merits of surrogacy. The 'lower class' person carrying her child is far stronger.
But this way, she can take it back if she gets tired of stinky diapers. The surrogate would probably have to resell at a discount. “Refurbished” or whatever.
This quote from Hilton epitomizes weak America. Life IS suffering - overcoming it to produce and nurture new life brings the greatest joys. Avoiding, shirking and running from it defines cowardice.
Paris Hilton is a perfect epitome of our society’s trend in avoiding pain or simply being uncomfortable, if you could afford it. The coddling of the young generation: you think you don’t like your gender or your body - we will give you another one. You disagree with someone - we will create a safe space where you will never have to confront people who think differently. You want to have a child, but too scared of the childbirth labor- someone will do it for you. Of course, I do not include here couples or women who are not able to have children the natural way and for whom using surrogates is the only road to parenthood. So, they medicate to have the pain go away, pay someone to do the physically painful thing for them, or protest and bully people into doing things their way.
When I read that from Paris Hilton, I thought of the moment after the birth of my first child and the Dr. stood there finishing up “down there” and I said to him, “My mother says THAT [the giving birth] was the easy part,” and he replied, “Your mother is right!” And 30 yrs later, I know she was!
The indescribable joy of holding your infant after giving birth is lost to those who don't take the risk. And there are ways of reducing pain and suffering in labor if one is willing to do it, no shame there.
When she was 19, her thirty-something boyfriend pressured her into making a sex tape, which was supposed to be private. He then sold it after she begged him not to. She felt humiliated and like the tape might ruin her future. So can we maybe quit the guffawing over what basically amounts to revenge porn?
How stupid do you have to be to allow anyone to videotape you having sex? It’s about as stupid as believing a male when he tells you he won’t come in your mouth.
It’s as stupid as preferring a leader who is cognitively impaired to one who is rude.
Paris was not known for making good decisions. I always thought of her as spoiled, privileged, snot nosed, kid who knew she was a spoiled, privileged, snot nose, kid and didn't give a damn what anyone thought as long as she could fulfil her hedonistic way of life.
“Not making good decisions” is a pretty predictable outcome for someone dealing with eleven months of abuse in a “troubled teens” boarding school, having too much money at too young of an age, being groomed by a teacher as a younger adolescent, easy access to drugs, and undiagnosed ADHD. Of all the possible criticisms of Paris Hilton, I think some are more fair than others.
Lighten up Mara. I called you a Dem because everybody is a victim to a Dem. Nobody is responsible for bad behavior. It is the evil US culture that makes us all victims.
Can you please give me a link to Paris' sexual abuse?
Never mind. I looked it up on the internet and all the articles called it "alleged abuse". It is hard for me to believe anything she said because she was such a flake when she was young but then again I was an irresponsible idiot when I was young so I guess I should give the benefit of the doubt.
If she was abused that was horrible but we will never know the truth.
Did you have my previous post deleted and if so why? I wasn't vulgar. I just stated my opinion but somebody on Free Prees a BBS champion of free speech censored me. I find that unacceptable.
Thanks for responding. I will take it up with admin. censorship is a dirty word. I guess some woke/PC nut had it deleted.
I did not mean to upset you. I just expressed my opinion. This BBS is a great place for diverse opinions. There is one poster I find disgusting and disruptive but I would never have any of his posts deleted nor would I asked to have him removed from this BBS. I censor him by not responding to his posts.
We all have to pay continually for our past mistakes. Having sex with older badass tattooed rich guys when you’re 19 counts as a mistake.
She’s fine by the way and I in no way look down on her for this mistake as I have made several myself. My mistakes didn’t pay off immensely like hers did, so perhaps I’m jealous.
If it was actually revenge porn he should have been bankrupted or imprisoned but I don’t know those details.
But thanks for the scolding. Would you like to speak to the manager?
What I’d like is for men to stop using, “But she had sex, dur hur hur” as a punchline, especially when it comes to barely-legal women who were sexually exploited for money. That may be too difficult for you.
Interesting piece, Suzy.
“[C]hildbirth and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.” - Paris Hilton
This is the kind of weak person who should forego parenting and why I question some of the merits of surrogacy. The 'lower class' person carrying her child is far stronger.
But this way, she can take it back if she gets tired of stinky diapers. The surrogate would probably have to resell at a discount. “Refurbished” or whatever.
BARBARISM. God have mercy. This is so wrong.
She probably didn’t tell the real reason...she’s old.
This quote from Hilton epitomizes weak America. Life IS suffering - overcoming it to produce and nurture new life brings the greatest joys. Avoiding, shirking and running from it defines cowardice.
Paris Hilton is a perfect epitome of our society’s trend in avoiding pain or simply being uncomfortable, if you could afford it. The coddling of the young generation: you think you don’t like your gender or your body - we will give you another one. You disagree with someone - we will create a safe space where you will never have to confront people who think differently. You want to have a child, but too scared of the childbirth labor- someone will do it for you. Of course, I do not include here couples or women who are not able to have children the natural way and for whom using surrogates is the only road to parenthood. So, they medicate to have the pain go away, pay someone to do the physically painful thing for them, or protest and bully people into doing things their way.
When I read that from Paris Hilton, I thought of the moment after the birth of my first child and the Dr. stood there finishing up “down there” and I said to him, “My mother says THAT [the giving birth] was the easy part,” and he replied, “Your mother is right!” And 30 yrs later, I know she was!
She is too self absorbed for motherhood.
The indescribable joy of holding your infant after giving birth is lost to those who don't take the risk. And there are ways of reducing pain and suffering in labor if one is willing to do it, no shame there.
Absolutely. Three greatest days of my life were when my kids were born.
In fairness to Ms. Hilton, she does not have birthing hips.
On the other hand, I have seen video evidence indicating that she’s not *that* afraid of childbirth…..
When she was 19, her thirty-something boyfriend pressured her into making a sex tape, which was supposed to be private. He then sold it after she begged him not to. She felt humiliated and like the tape might ruin her future. So can we maybe quit the guffawing over what basically amounts to revenge porn?
How stupid do you have to be to allow anyone to videotape you having sex? It’s about as stupid as believing a male when he tells you he won’t come in your mouth.
It’s as stupid as preferring a leader who is cognitively impaired to one who is rude.
Were you brilliant, wise, and made all the right decisions when you were 19? You'd be the only one.
Great point!
Paris was not known for making good decisions. I always thought of her as spoiled, privileged, snot nosed, kid who knew she was a spoiled, privileged, snot nose, kid and didn't give a damn what anyone thought as long as she could fulfil her hedonistic way of life.
She enjoyed every minute of it. She was that generation's Dylan Mulvaney.
“Not making good decisions” is a pretty predictable outcome for someone dealing with eleven months of abuse in a “troubled teens” boarding school, having too much money at too young of an age, being groomed by a teacher as a younger adolescent, easy access to drugs, and undiagnosed ADHD. Of all the possible criticisms of Paris Hilton, I think some are more fair than others.
I’m an independent who understands that eleven months of forcible vaginal penetration constitutes sexual abuse, no matter how much money anyone has.
And I have better ways to spend my time than to continue this pointless conversation, too. Have a nice day.
Lighten up Mara. I called you a Dem because everybody is a victim to a Dem. Nobody is responsible for bad behavior. It is the evil US culture that makes us all victims.
Can you please give me a link to Paris' sexual abuse?
Never mind. I looked it up on the internet and all the articles called it "alleged abuse". It is hard for me to believe anything she said because she was such a flake when she was young but then again I was an irresponsible idiot when I was young so I guess I should give the benefit of the doubt.
If she was abused that was horrible but we will never know the truth.
Did you have my previous post deleted and if so why? I wasn't vulgar. I just stated my opinion but somebody on Free Prees a BBS champion of free speech censored me. I find that unacceptable.
I don’t know anything about why your post was deleted. Take it up with admin.
Thanks for responding. I will take it up with admin. censorship is a dirty word. I guess some woke/PC nut had it deleted.
I did not mean to upset you. I just expressed my opinion. This BBS is a great place for diverse opinions. There is one poster I find disgusting and disruptive but I would never have any of his posts deleted nor would I asked to have him removed from this BBS. I censor him by not responding to his posts.
We all have to pay continually for our past mistakes. Having sex with older badass tattooed rich guys when you’re 19 counts as a mistake.
She’s fine by the way and I in no way look down on her for this mistake as I have made several myself. My mistakes didn’t pay off immensely like hers did, so perhaps I’m jealous.
If it was actually revenge porn he should have been bankrupted or imprisoned but I don’t know those details.
But thanks for the scolding. Would you like to speak to the manager?
What I’d like is for men to stop using, “But she had sex, dur hur hur” as a punchline, especially when it comes to barely-legal women who were sexually exploited for money. That may be too difficult for you.
Eliminating sex jokes is a policy position we can all get behind……
Don't waste your time looking for decency from this crowd.
Very true!
Great point. I had no idea.