
I say this as a woman: Dos Equis' "The Most Interesting Man in the World" beer commercials were some of the funniest, cleverest, most entertaining commercials ever, and they made me want to drink beer.

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Don’t drink this bad beer.

Good stuff sells despite politics. Don’t just chase “the market.” Make something so “damned good” no one wants something else. I am so tired of boycotts. They are meaningless.

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AB would probably have done much better to put a real woman, someone like a police officer, firefighter, nurse, doctor- you know, makes a valuable contribution to society rather than a flighty fake girl influencer.

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As a religious conservative you are right that not many are drinking Miller Lite, most I know prefer craft beer.

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"Here’s a little-known fact. Women were among the very first to brew beer, ever.”

It's a little-known fact?

That 50 percent of the population had a hand in preparing among the most common beverages of all time?

When most water was not safe to drink?

Maybe it's "little-known" because it is uninteresting and unexceptional.

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Bud, hear me out. I can fix this in a week.

Bring back Augustus Busch IV

The guy who invented 'Whatzzuuuuuuuuuap' and the Bud Wei Zer frogs has got this in his sleep.

You can spend an ungodly ammount of money trying to figure out exactly how to thread the needle of not pissing off Kid Rock and Ru Paul in the same tweet while actually selling beer... and it probably won't work because people at some point have to injest your shitty product and it's not compelling.

You may think this is a bad idea, but consider this - do you know if SpaceX is secretly funding death squads in the Congo to get lithium for Tesla batteries? I'm not saying they are, but who could possibly know because Elon is on the news daily busting unions, blowing up rockets, impregnating B-list concept artists etc. No journalist has the time. Seriously though I hope he buys Blackwater next, or maybe the Pinkertons for the lolz.

Looking over August's Wikipedia key sections include multiple deaths and a helicopter DUI, the dude is a pure Chad. Get him really loaded on some Bud Heavy, have him drunkenly ride a Clydesdale through midtown Manhattan to watch the InBev ad team tilt against the Bud Knight in time's square to see who gets to keep their job, like a Medival Times with kegs.

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All must bow before the Woke Narrative....Until they won't or don't. One side starts these rows. Most of us now are sick of it, after trying to ignore it and hoping it would go away. Man the barricades! Resist!

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It must be effective to use girls to sell beer.

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Testing 1 2 3

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Glad I am immune to all this shit because I drink Fat Tire

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Ah, just the commenter I need, a columnist from the government bought, paid for and controlled Globe and Mail. Please tell me more about what I should think.

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I prefer Stella & Old Speckled Hen. Heineken & Blue Moon are also preferred & none come with WOKE!

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PR companies run ads and companies like AB need short term loans from banks who judge them on fake ESG scores. At the end, the execs are simply out of touch with their end users; Coors light caters to the same marketing shyte in different terms.

Bottom line: Drink what you want and buy what you want based on whatever scheme you accept and let the PR firms be damned.

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These ads demonstrate what Charles Murray wrote about in his book "Coming Apart" more than 20 years ago: America is run by a group of elites who have no idea how most of the American people live, or what they think and believe. Nor do the elites care about what most Americans think and believe.

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Do these marketing 'pro's' not see what is happening to Disney? Stay out of the culture wars.

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I have read elsewhere the AB's decision to partner with Mulvany is largely due to ESG programs. Much like the Stonewall Championship scheme in the UK, the HRC is rating company's based on various criteria about how great they are for (LGB)TQWTF+. The HRC's recent downgrade of AB seems to prove this hypothesis . I think these corporate stunts will get worse before they get better, Bud is doing generic Americana commercials in my neck of "fly over country" but it will be interesting to see if they recover, I'm hoping they continue to take a hit until they drop out of the HRC scheme entirely.

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What's ESG?

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If you have any investments, you should learn about this-quickly.

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Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance

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Ah ok thanks.

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