
I stopped watching 60 Minutes many, many years ago . It is Leftist Propaganda.

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Wow! Long trip!! Glad you made it home safe!!

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We have legalized drugs and gambling. They were made legal so the Government can get in on the profits. Seems everything is a money or power grab, probably always had been, but with today’s anything goes moral compass society is crumbling.

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I used to trust 60 minutes implicitly, but I've become much more doubtful of the quality of their reporting . My doubt is anchored in its reporting on the supposed “mass unmarked graves” and “burials of missing children” associated with residential schools in Canada, creating a narrative about the genocidal nature of the residential schools, As the 2023 book "Grave Error" by C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan. has shown, the horrific narrative spread by 60 minutes and others was wrong, egregiously wrong.

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Intelligence "experts" are starting to sound as credible as psychics at this point. From the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian" counter-intel to supersonic Russian weapons giving them the runs, they're starting to sound like overpaid clowns. It's the reason I don't believe most conspiracy theories; I genuinely believe they're too incompetent to pull anything too complicated off, secretly. More likely is that anything major they did accomplish, there would be a tell-all book with multiple hacks claiming all the credit within hours if not seconds.

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Joe Nocera, you are correct. The future scandal: prop bets. The butterfingered wide received. Oops the snap was low. I had a case of the yips. A preview of coming attractions.

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"First, a pair of studies conducted at the National Institutes for Health, which were published last month, found no unusual pattern of injury among the embassy’s employees."

That is just the first step. Soon the NIH will declare that Havana Syndrome is a national security threat, but that there is a miracle "vaccine" that must be administered to all Americans, no exceptions. Any dissidents must be silenced and jailed.

Does anyone believe what government "health" bureaucrats, or, better, big pharma agents, tell us? "Public health" is thoroughly discredited after their covid fiasco.

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The Atlantic article by David Frum is from a year ago. C'mon, you can do better.

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Jose Andres called. He wants his dead people back alive. Can you guys connect him with someone in the IDF to explain to him that if he keeps it up, they'll kill more volunteers?

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What is there to debate? A panel on how to deport 7 million people as quickly as possible is what we need to be working on.

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Evidently Savodnik has effectively memorized the Democrat talking point that Republicans torpedoed an immigration bill with "tons of border-security concessions" because Trump told them to keep the issue alive for the election. In reality, that bill didn't do anything to solve the problem, it still allowed millions of cheap-labor immigrants into the country to work for Mitch McConnell's friends and donors. The Republicans in the House did pass a strong border-security bill called HR2 last year. The Democrat-controlled Senate will not consider it. I don't know why Speaker Johnson won't just attach HR2 as an amendment to the Ukraine/Israel/Taiwan military aid appropriation the Democrats want so badly and then go to conference.

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Yes...and well on their way to world domination. We worry about DEI, let in millions of illegals and give them Visa cards. They will trounce Taiwan when they are ready and we will do nothing about it.

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Is that true or did you read it in The Grauniad? If it COST you $4.5 million rather than put $4.5 million IN your Bahamanian bank account, you aren't part of a betting scandal. My sincerist apologies for England foisting this oik "journalist" on you all.

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I can see how a grant to become the world's greatest female chess player will help Candela, but how does it "meaningfully improve society".

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The piece on rebuilding the FSK Bridge in Baltimore contains this line near the beginning:

"Decades of neglect have driven Baltimoreans out of their city to the suburbs and out of the state."

Neglect is the wrong descriptor. Decades of one-party rule and the imbecilic policies therewith are the cause of Baltimore's distress.

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Baltimore is an interesting place. Some parts are declining for sure as evidenced by armed guards patrolling outside of Chik Fil A , the mall and other businesses shut down in inner harbor and the huge groups of people on 4 wheelers and dirt bikes roaming the streets. Other parts are still thriving like Fell's Point.

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I am a big sports fan, but I don’t think betting should be part of it. Shoeless Joe Jackson is not in the Hall of Fame and neither is Pete Rose. Ohtani is bringing this conversation into the mainstream. Just play ball! Whether it’s baseball, basketball, football or hockey. Betting has no place in it. These are children’s games where players are making millions and fans are paying good money to attend. It’s really a shame that sports has come to this.

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