Governor Whitmer must have put in a call to the Harris campaign and asked , "do i go with Congress Woman Tlaib or with the rule of law? Votes or morals. I will wait for your answer". In addition it is amazing that Harris has taken such a radical and generous stance by giving Israel the right to defend itself. That must have been a very difficult position to take. I saw a man down being kicked and punched by a group. He was defending himself by covering his head and neck and staying in the fetal position. This is not a defense that can be sustained.

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When you invite into a country to become citizens a whole lot of a certain kind of people who do not share your core values, and do not want to be part of the social contract, it's suicidal. We will know American Islam has changed with its first Million Muslim March for pluralism, free speech, and gay rights.

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Will Islam ever get its Martin Luther?

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They have. More than once. Look at what happened to Europe in the decades following the Protestant Reformation.

I think the question you might be asking is "Why hasn't the Enlightenment arrived in the Islamic heartland?" Or "Will Islam ever get its Spinoza?"

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Mr Hammoud is voting for Trump whether he realizes it or not.

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Trump's right. Letting a lot of Muslims into the country is backfiring. They don't become open minded and accepting of Jews and Christians; they retain the same vile bigotry that pervades the Muslim world. They should go back, in my opinion.

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Lebanon is nothing more than a modern day Iranian satrapy. Hezbollah (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the IRGC-QF), has been waging a campaign of terror and dominating Lebanese politics since the 1980’s. Starting with truck bombs against French and American targets, they moved on to bombing a Jewish Community Centre and embassy in Argentina. They kidnapped foreigners and supported Shia militias against coalition forces in Iraq. They then worked with the Houthis in Yemen in that little war where about 200K people were killed and helped Assad (and Russia) to massacre tens of thousands of civilians opposed to the Ba’athist regime in Syria. They are one of the worst drug trafficking organized crime syndicates in the world.

Please explain to me how this is resistance? Yes, vote for Stein, she’ll solve all your problems.

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This a wonderful piece of journalism.

It was concise in the presentation of interviews. It was devopmental in its intersecting themes. And it was compelling and sympathetic

in its analysis of the matter as presented by the subjects. And informative of the objective evaluation of the present dilemma.

Move over George Orwell

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Hammoud believes that Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza is not merely a war, but an “extermination.” Frankly, exterminating Hamas may be the only solution. Hamas is an army of terrorists in total control of Gaza. While Israel does not want and does not start wars, Hamas does want and start wars. But for Hamas and its twin Hezbollah, there would be peace in Gaza and Lebanon.

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Many civilians in Gaza are secretly glad that Israel is destroying Hamas. Similarly, most Lebanese are rejoicing at the takedown of Hezbollah, which is viewed as a foreign occupying force.

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Netanyahu and Israel have been reaching the Lebanese ppl urging them to evacuate to stay safe. They tell the people of Lebanon that the fight is with Hezbollah and only Hezbollah.

When Israeli citizens are returned to their homes in the North , then the6 too will be safe to return to their villages and build a peaceful society.

The Hezbollah missiles are specifically aimed at civilian areas to kill as many Israelis as possible.

How do ppl not see the difference

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Good reporting. I can't tell which side Francesca favors, and that is how it should be.

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“Don't bring the violence from the Middle East to America,” he added.

I always ask, is Islam compatible with the West?

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“Don't bring the violence from the Middle East to America,” -- I wish this could be true, but it seems the Intifada is here.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I do not shed a single tear for the bigoted Arabs hosting vigils for martyrs in Michigan. The Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is staffed with ex-Hamas terrorists — don’t trust a word they say — and Michigan is crawling with Hezbollah influence (feel free to learn more https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/Hezbollah%27s_Operations_and_Networks_in_the_United_States_June30_2022.pdf)

Enough with the cultural relativism. The reality is if the Islamic Regime in Iran would just stop arming and funding terror with the sole aim of destroying Israel and the West, there would be no conflict. So these Lebanese “American” people can maybe reflect on if they want to live here, where Israel is our nation’a strongest ally in the region — a bastion of Western democracy and a pluralistic society — or in the caliphate. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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Enough of these gibbering, willfully delusional Palestinian terrorist-supporters already.

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As an American Jew, in my opinion, all Jews should vote for Trump. There are two issues in the campaign for President and that is the safety of Jews in America and the well-being of Israel across the ocean. Trump provides the strength to stand up to the protesters here in America and the wherewithal to keep Israel as vibrant democracy in the Middle East. On top of those issues are the economy and the border and immigration and … we better have all sides represented in the election process. There was cheating last time out and there will be cheating again.

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How does Trump feel about Tucker and his guests?

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What does it matter? Why would anyone care? Does your vote depend on such an insignificant answer?

What do harris and biden feel about Nelson Mandela? The felon and violent revolutionists. Why we are at it. what about your thoughts on the matter.?

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I think that if Trump thinks it's ok that Tucker had that Holocaust denier on his show, and I’m sure Trump does (he’d probably say it’s “insignificant” in the grand scheme of things), then I’m not going to vote for him. Not minimizing or dismissing Holocaust denial is significant to me. And you can't criticize Harris for "strange bedfellows" without acknowledging some strange ones on the right. Unless, to you, a person's associations don't matter. They do matter to me, and I have a feeling they would to you as well if Harris associated with someone whose opinions you find repellant and dangerous. Those are my thoughts.

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The person you are referring to is hardly a "bedfellow." The media successfully ties Trump to every political scandal and strange bird in the country, no matter how far removed. Why should he be asked about a person who appeared on a journalist's show, or podcast, or whatever it is that Tucker has going for him these days?

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Unfortunately we do not have the luxury as in the past to make lists of the pros and cons of the candidates policies. This election is all about the safety of Americans for now and the future. Abortion vs. Life or deleting Algebra from 8th grade so everyone can feel smart, won’t matter if we end up in a world bowing to Iran ( Hezbollah, Hamas) China, N Korea and Russia.

If you value security for yourself and future generations, there is only 1 candidate to vote for.

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