It pleases me that the slogan sounds much better in French.
And they're right, of course. Too many people don't think any further than the grocery store, which has always had food for them to buy. They don't realize what is involved in getting that food to the grocery store:
- the land that must be kept clear and fertile (which involves eq…
It pleases me that the slogan sounds much better in French.
And they're right, of course. Too many people don't think any further than the grocery store, which has always had food for them to buy. They don't realize what is involved in getting that food to the grocery store:
- the land that must be kept clear and fertile (which involves equipment being manufactured, maintained, and fueled, and fertilizers being made and transported)
- the seeds that must be grown the previous year so they can be planted
- the tending of crops to protect them from failure (and then the weather may not cooperate)
- the harvesting (again involving equipment and all that comes with that)
- the transportation to processing plants (which involves vehicle upkeep and fuel)
- the processing (which involves maintaining equipment and getting packaging supplies, which also have to be manufactured and transported to the location)
- transportation to stores (more vehicle upkeep and fuel)
Urbanites are much closer to starving than they realize. When they attack the chain of production and transport (by voting for policies that damage it), they are pressing a razor to their own throats.
"To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you! You ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed."
So I've had a lot of very left friends in my day - and I have never heard any one of them say something like that. Maybe it's their kids you're referring to..
Actually, some of the hunting groups such as Ducks Unlimited have been instrumental in conservation. And right now in the UK, it should be eat more Bambi because for a variety of reasons, there is an overpopulation of deer which is causing ecological harm to the Highlands.
Deer are very prone to overpopulation (and ultimately starvation) when they have no natural predators. It causes significant problems here in the Midwest.
It’s out of hand in VA. I’ve alone had multiple deer accidents. They’ll run right into your car door, not to mention running in front of you. Bring back wolves and mountain lions to the Blue Ridge Mountains! Of course I’m kidding, mostly…
Mountain lions have returned to the Midwest. The DNR people used to pooh-pooh reports of mountain lion sightings back in the 90s, but once people started using trail cams, there was hard proof. There have even been a few incidents of the big cats having to be relocated because they were hanging out too close to residential areas.
Yeah, Mountain lions are no joke. They’ve been spotted in Kentucky so they’re probably in the Blueridge in small numbers. No wolves as of yet, although I’ve personally seen a coy-wolf in the George Washington National Forest on the BRP and it was waaaay to big to be a pure coyote! We do have those of course. The same day a bobcat and a black bear ran across the road in front of me about 30 yards or so. Not together though🤣
It pleases me that the slogan sounds much better in French.
And they're right, of course. Too many people don't think any further than the grocery store, which has always had food for them to buy. They don't realize what is involved in getting that food to the grocery store:
- the land that must be kept clear and fertile (which involves equipment being manufactured, maintained, and fueled, and fertilizers being made and transported)
- the seeds that must be grown the previous year so they can be planted
- the tending of crops to protect them from failure (and then the weather may not cooperate)
- the harvesting (again involving equipment and all that comes with that)
- the transportation to processing plants (which involves vehicle upkeep and fuel)
- the processing (which involves maintaining equipment and getting packaging supplies, which also have to be manufactured and transported to the location)
- transportation to stores (more vehicle upkeep and fuel)
Urbanites are much closer to starving than they realize. When they attack the chain of production and transport (by voting for policies that damage it), they are pressing a razor to their own throats.
But isn’t the grocery store where food comes from?
And electricity comes from that little socket on the wall.
My favorite Lefties-have-shit-for-brains example:
"To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you! You ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed."
So I've had a lot of very left friends in my day - and I have never heard any one of them say something like that. Maybe it's their kids you're referring to..
Head in hands.
Actually, some of the hunting groups such as Ducks Unlimited have been instrumental in conservation. And right now in the UK, it should be eat more Bambi because for a variety of reasons, there is an overpopulation of deer which is causing ecological harm to the Highlands.
Deer are very prone to overpopulation (and ultimately starvation) when they have no natural predators. It causes significant problems here in the Midwest.
It’s out of hand in VA. I’ve alone had multiple deer accidents. They’ll run right into your car door, not to mention running in front of you. Bring back wolves and mountain lions to the Blue Ridge Mountains! Of course I’m kidding, mostly…
Mountain lions have returned to the Midwest. The DNR people used to pooh-pooh reports of mountain lion sightings back in the 90s, but once people started using trail cams, there was hard proof. There have even been a few incidents of the big cats having to be relocated because they were hanging out too close to residential areas.
Yeah, Mountain lions are no joke. They’ve been spotted in Kentucky so they’re probably in the Blueridge in small numbers. No wolves as of yet, although I’ve personally seen a coy-wolf in the George Washington National Forest on the BRP and it was waaaay to big to be a pure coyote! We do have those of course. The same day a bobcat and a black bear ran across the road in front of me about 30 yards or so. Not together though🤣
When the prey (deer) are extremely abundant, predators are attracted.
Wolves to the rescue!