Free speech is a literal hill to die on. I am not a 911 Truther but I have lost ALL faith in the Government and doubt anything they promote.

Brave intelligent people always reevaluate historical narratives and question what the “culture” has fed them.

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Thank you for this refreshing interview. Megyn Kelly is emerging as a strong centrist and a voice of reason, at a time when Tucker has gone fringe, the mainstream media have abandoned all semblance of objectivity, and we the country seem to be hurtling into chaos.

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Tucker Carlson is a force for good? The man who impugned the patriotism of Ben Shapiro because he favored a pro-Israel foreign policy? Who listened to a "historian" blame Churchill and absolve Hitler for WWII with nary a dissent? Who went to Russia to "interview" Putin and fawned all over him?

Carlson's views are isolationism seasoned with anti-Semitism. How can such a man be a force for good? Was Charles Lindbergh a force for good in the 1930s? Isolationism is irresponsible at any time. With things as they are now, it is downright suicidal.

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Couldn’t disagree more with your entire statement.

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To me this interview confirms that Megyn Kelly is a moron leading a troop of morons on a delirious march from ignorance to insanity. I can't decide whether the FP is doing well in offering a plurality of perspectives or is just bestowing credibility on idiocy in an attempt to fully inhabit its "heterodox" niche.

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Kelly fills a needed role and one similar to Free Press. The narrative media is such a captured institution that providing open forums and offering counterpoints to accepted wisdom is met with appreciation and often subscribers to boot.

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