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"They used to be my friends." RFK Jr.

America 2025!

One Party will purge you, seek to destroy you, and unfriend you if you dare to voice ideological impurities.

One Party will embrace you even though many if not most of your views run counter to their ideological tenets.

I was a big RFK fan before I switched to Trump.

Wish I could get his campaign team to stop asking me for even more money.

Trump and RFK are the epitome of what politics is all about The Art of The Compromise.

One could even say The Art of The Deal.

God knows I wouldn't want RFK for Commerce, Treasury, Defense or a slew of other cabinet posts.


He is perfect for a country that has seen the obesity rate go from 13% under Kennedy to over 50% today. And yes our Commander in Chief could afford to lose some weight.

He is perfect for a country whose elites Left and Right are beholden to Big Pharma and Big Ag.

He is perfect for a country that fired nurses, soldiers, teachers, and police/EMTs for refusing to take a vaccination when we were critically short in each of those professions. A vaccine by the way that even Fauci now admits neither prevented one from getting COVID or from transmitting it to others.

Anyone who listened to Warner, Warren or Hassan yesterday should not be just ashamed of the Democrats but scared to death that these clowns hold leadership positions in our government.

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Babylon Bee reports that yesterday's hearing was sponsored by Pfizer. WAPO said that's fake news.

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Thank you for this. Absolutely hilarious.

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All the credit to the hilarious Walter Kirn! He and Matt Taibbi are the best.

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Walter Kirn on the America This Week podcast this past Monday was joking about how Trump throws out proverbial dog bones so the MSM will focus on that and not legit policies. Just silly things (Gulf of America, musing on Truth Social about if he can serve a third term) that cause the TDS drones believe are legit and just lose their minds over. Similar to the Bee being genuinely factchecked by news outlets. It was a hilarious image of the media going nuts gnawing and slobbering on those bones while

Trump focuses on doing the work.

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Brilliantly spot-on post!

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This is what I would expect RFK Jr and team to investigate. In 1986 the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed that freed Pharma from all liability resulting from childhood vaccines. In 1983 children received 24 doses, 7 injected vaccines and 4 oral. By 2016 children received 74 doses, 53 injectable and 3 oral. May not be the vaccines but the volume!? (source

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Agree but let's let him at least find out where the bathroom is located. I believe he will blow us away if he is confirmed. BUT you are 100% correct that this is an issue that needs to be looked at.

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How many of the Senators questioning RFK Jr are receiving kick-backs and campaign donations from big pharma? How does a Warren and Sanders become millionaires while working at Senator pay? RFK Jr may have been spawn of Camelot but he has been kicked to the gutter like a ratтАжdue to the revised opinion of the elite dems.

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I have to say, Elizabeth Warren seems very high strung. Almost close to a system shut down.

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Please someone slip that Chief a valium.

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The Chief worried her Big Pharma Wampum in jeopardy

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Excellent question. Unfortunately think powerful folks in both political parties are too beholden to special interests to care much about what you and I think.

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Do you seriously think you could not ask that same millionaire question about countless other senators? It's a serious issue but your singling out just two D senators show your true partisan interests.

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I did only cite 2 but the question can and should extend to all Senators and Representatives. My comment was in direct response to yesterdayтАЩs hearing.

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I knew exactly what you were saying. Think grmfeld was being a little disingenuous.

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"disingenuous?" Hardly.

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Sorry, we see it differently.

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Completely agree that this is bipartisan corruption through influence peddling.

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I live in Massachusetts and canтАЩt understand how anyone votes for Warner or Mackey!!??

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I lived in the greater Boston area for 21 years. I had no idea just how liberal it was until I moved away from it. I loved the Boston area for all it had to offer. Where I live now cannot compare to it in its entertainment, restaurant, ethnic neighborhoods, and historic places to visit. I miss that. But I am so glad I donтАЩt live in the greater Boston area anymore. The two family house I bought there in 1972 for $55,000 was split into two condos, each of which now is worth more than $2.5 million. A school teacher could afford to buy a house in Newton once upon a time, but no more. Oh, and by the way, I also lived in Rhode Island for 20+ years. Even more liberal than greater Boston.

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Grew up in Western Massachusetts which is quite different than Eastern Massachusetts. I now spend most of my time in Southern Maine and Whoa crazy Progressives. Like they arenтАЩt even what I would consider Democrats

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Spent several weeks in Maine last autumn Gorgeous but the inmates are running the asylum.

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Right you are about RI Lived there for a year and it is off the charts.

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I am often in or near Boston and other parts of Mass. and I am not surprised in the least.

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Interesting you make no mention of his anti-vaccine campaign, particularly regarding the safe and effective measles vaccine. A campaign that has literally caused death of children across the world. Your attempt to blame the campaign against RFK on mere politics completely misses the mark.

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As someone not very well-versed on this issue, tell me where IтАЩm wrong: in my mind as a layperson, a vaccine is something that prevents you from getting a horrible disease like polio or mumps.

Fauci et al chose to water down this definition for the Covid vaccine: first, they said it would prevent infection and spread. тАЬOh, no, youтАЩll still get it, but you canтАЩt transmit it.тАЭ тАЬ OK well, you can still get it and transmit it, but your symptoms will be milder.тАЭ

It seems to me that RFK is not the person responsible for eroding public trust in vaccines

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A very good point. If there is anyone who is a Bond like villain in all this it is Fauci. A malignant dwarf worthy of a Shakespearian villain.

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Anyone Warren and McConnell are against are my kind of people.

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Count me in.

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I think your time line is off. RFK has been out there campaigning against proven safe and effective vaccines for years if not decades before COVID came along.

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Are you not capable of understanding that two intelligent people can look at the same data and come to different conclusions. RFK is not and never has been 100% correct but neither are the myopic haters who believe anytime he asks a question that he is going to kill children. May be we all take a breath and try in a calm and thoughtful way debate issues not our prejudice.

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I realize that; IтАЩm simply trying to explain why he has so much support. ItтАЩs directly traceable to Fauci and the entire health establishment lying to us for the last five years.

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Bravo! Thank God you are now free to express that opinion. Criticism like that would have gotten you cancelled just a few years back.

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Let's just say I disagree with your foundational premise about the health establishment "lying" to the public. FWIW, RFK should have stuck to environmental law.

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This is a very simplified answer to a very complex issue but the biggest concerns for most parents are 1. The extra ingredients in vaccines that are incredibly harmful (aluminum, mercury, aborted fetal tissue, chicken tissue) and 2. The insane amount of vaccines being recommended/mandated (depending on the state) starting in utero and continuing at birth, 2 months, 6 months, etc., which was not common 30-40 years ago (when hardly anyone has autism or food allergies).

ItтАЩs a risk versus gain calculations for parents, without knowing a lot of what is causation versus correlation but definitely knowing our kids are being pummeled by so much bad and without fully developed immune systems. Many of the vaccines recommended now are also 3-4 vaccines in one, which ups the risk.

You have to ask yourself - if vaccines are safe, why are vaccine producers protected from lawsuits?

Plus many vaccines are just silly - chicken pox?! IтАЩm an 80s kids and remember the chicken pox parties. DonтАЩt recall anyone dying.

IтАЩm not anti vaccine (except the covid hoax one) but when it comes to kids, I will not blindly follow the тАЬscienceтАЭ and am grateful I live in a state with exemptions.

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Best comment I have read so far today including my own.

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Thanks Lanny, but I merely dabble in this comments pool, youтАЩre an advanced swimmer so I take that as an honor ЁЯШЙ

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If you are a Newby you coulda fooled me. Well done my friend!

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Haha nah not a newbie, been a sub since the very beginning but usually donтАЩt comment and donтАЩt have my phone during the day. Had 7 hours to kill at the auto shop and then kids home sick so here I am lol

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By the way I wanted to compliment you on your comment. Reasonable people can disagree in a reasonable way. Your question showed a sincere desire to discuss an issue.

I think the difference really comes down to how we see people. Kennedy doesn't want to ban the measles vaccine but he does wish to ensure that folks know the danger inherent in it. Like Kennedy I believe you give folks the information and they make the decisions. BUT you have a good point on any issue that comes to children. You and I just see this one differently.

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I've been listening to Kennedy since COVID, I have lost track of the number of times he has debunked the anti-vaccine myth. His children are vaccinated. Instead of regurgitating Democrat talking points try reading RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global war on Democracy and Public Health. It is over 400 pages of superbly researched if dense findings. There was a time when Democrats used to be wary of Big Pharma and Big Ag. BUT money talks and they now see the light. Absolutely disagree with Kennedy on most issues. God help us if he was the Interior Sec but he is perfect for this job.

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I always say to people that dismiss RFK Jr. have you actually listened to him in an interview?? For most itтАЩs a no

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I have some very Liberal friends who without a trace of irony adamantly tell me they would never listen to him.

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Yes. MAGA is all about not purging and embracing those with different ideological viewpoints.

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Bang goes the drum.

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What a cogent refutation, Steve.

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T-1000тАЩs TDS.

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thanks sometimes I can be slow on the uptake. Nancy no need for you to say "all the time."

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I saw a bit of the hearing yesterday. What shocked me was how old and decrepit, and ill prepared, the senators were on both sides. Warren has three questions, screeching the whole time, and then literally read from a poorly drafted statement likely created by a 27-year-old staffer the night before using ChatGPT. Tom Tillis rambled for 5 minutes making no point other than to kill time. I cannot think of a more vile group than the US Senate.

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"old and decrepit" Yes that pretty much defines this group of power hungry old folks on both sides of the aisle.

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Take it from someone who lives in North Carolina......Thom Tillis is a sorry sack of shit. The Wall Street Journal uncovered and reported that NC Senator Thom Tillis is the one that recruited Hegseth's sister in law to claim he was physically abused his ex-wife. Hegseth ex-wife immediately denied it, but it stayed in the news and almost cost Hegseth his confirmation. Tillis is one of the most despicable RINO's in the Senate. May he burn in hell.

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Evans tell us how you honestly feel about TillisтАж;-)

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Dave, iтАЩm glad you put the little wink symbol at the end of your sentence. As someone who expresses her views passionately, I have been thrown that sentence, тАЬtell us how you honestly feel aboutтАЭ as an insult more times than I want to remember. So thanks for the ;)

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Woah I didnтАЩt know that Tillis was behind that covin op again Hegseth! We live up in a very rural part of NE NC but work in Va Beach so we miss a lot of the NC news.

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I'll second your nomination of Tillis for this honorific title.

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Surely there has to be a group more vile than the U.S. Senate but like you I'll be darned if I can think of which one it might be.

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Mayor Johnson of Chicago and all his city council, governor LardAss (Pritzker) and all his minions

They are even worse than the Dems in US Senate

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Amen, and McConnell & Pocahontas are #1 & #2

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Yes it's called all the democrats in Sacramento.

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OK, OK, OK, cut me a break. It is early and I haven't had my Diet D.P. yet BUT yeah you got me.

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