Heartbreaking and moving story. I am a fan of the author but I have a caveat for this article. He writes that Shaban is "...the only genius currently active in Israeli popular music, in my opinion, though if you live far away and don’t know Hebrew you may have to take my word for it..." Not true at all. I am a Hebrew-speaking Israeli and I must protest and say that we have so much musical talent in Israel that it's hard to overstate. Ishay Ribo, Hanan Ben Ari, Amir Dadon, Ivri Lider, Idan Raichel...and the list goes on. And by the way, they have been appearing before IDF troops to show their support and boost moral. Taste is a very individual thing.

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amazing. thank you.

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This is the kind of popular culture a serious society produces.

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My heart aches, my soul screams: where is justice, where is vengeance? It is not yours, the world says. You're only a Jew.

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Love the sentiment

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Thanks for this report. Stuff like this is why I'll continue to support this effort.

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I’m moved to tears. Thank you for sharing this story.

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Thanks for the reminder, Danny. Andrew Sullivan is one of my favorite bloggers and I read that piece but had forgotten. It happens to old men.

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Beautifully written and beautiful song !

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I have read all of Matti Friedman’s books and look forward to every article he writes. He captures the Israeli angst with sensitivity and great insight.

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“Who By Fire” - such a fascinating story. I look forward to reading more of Matti’s work.

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"the name Palestine originates in the Roman effort two millennia ago to conquer Judea and erase its name after crushing a rebellion by Jews who were raised on the stories of Moses and Joshua".

No. While it is true that the name "Palestine" was USED by the Romans to try to erase the name of Judaea after the Bar Kochba revolt, that was not the ORIGIN of the name, which long predated Roman rule, and was used as a neutral common name for the area for centuries. It was used that way by Herodotus in the 5th century BCE, and also by Aristotle (4th century BCE), who describes the Dead Sea as being "in Palestine".

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A version of philistine.

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A human heart can produce music. May this be an instance where music can produce a human heart.

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Thank you. Only a heartless son-of-a-bitch would not be moved.

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> as the name Palestine originates in the Roman effort two millennia ago to conquer Judea and erase its name

Any proof of that? It sounds entirely believable and I have no reason to doubt it, but is there any proof?

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It's not true: see my comment above. What the Romans did was change the official name of the province from "Judaea" to "Syria Palaestina" after the Bar Kochba revolt in the 130s CE, but the "new" name they chose was already a popular and widely used designation for the region.

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Sounds like you have the facts there.

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