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Recommended: "Child Myths" by Jean Mercer

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Tantrums: Child development scholars claim it is best to stay by the child, but saying nothing.

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Bari and Nellie’s Baby:

A friend of mine was talking to his brother, who was describing problems he was having with his son. He had read every book he could on raising children. Then he said “Matt (my friend’s son) is a solid kid. You have any books you’d recommend on raising a boy?” My friend said “Sure, I’ll send it to you.”

He wrapped it up with a note, put it in a box and sent it to his brother. The book was “How to Raise Hunting Dogs.” The note said “Works great with boys, also.”

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I am a devout Catholic so very pro-life. Even the Catholic church says you can treat ectopic pregnancy by removing the fallopian tube which sadly does kill the embryo. The fact that many if not most people are unaware of the fact that this is standard treatment is baffling to me - other than the propagandists have been working overtime on brainwashing everyone.

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The fact that the Catholic Church even weighs in on the subject of ectopic pregnancy and what can and cannot be done is absolutely ludicrous.

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“Financial struggles could be a sign of dementia…one year prior to diagnosis, average credit card debt increases by more than 50 percent.”

Does that include national debt too?

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Having children can be the most rewarding and the most frightening thing any sane (pre-children sane) person can do. You NEVER stop being a parent, except that adult children only come to you for advice after they've already screwed up.

We have adult children raised in a two parent household where the father worked, and the mother nurtured. They all obtained at a minimum a Bachelor's degree. They had plenty good examples of what and what not to do by parents that will be married 53 years in August, but they all made horrid stupid mistakes. Brace yourselves! Do not let them pick their mates.

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Story idea: Why is it that the percentage of popular vote is not at all reflected in the number of seats in the French Parliament? WSJ ran that fact but didn’t explore why so few get so much power and influence. Elitism, indeed.

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Please interview Katharine Birbalsingh. She founded her own school in Australia . Here is a link to her interview with John Anderson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMEOXxGypKk&t=1218s

Check out other interviews on YouTube that she's done over the course of the last year. Brilliant woman and considering the state of education in the United States, we need models that work.

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“Memo to any billionaires reading: more of this kind of philanthropy, and less for hustles like Ibram Kendi’s anti-racism center.”

I’d agree IF most MD’s from that school weren’t complicit with billionaires like Bloomberg (the man AND the inst’n) in foisting the damnable mandates on America and the world.

The Bloomberg’s — corporal & corporate — of this world never spend that kind of money without getting an appropriate longterm return.

Money like this only goes further to ingratiate the medical school to non-medical elites.

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Came to the comments for all the conservatives (who for the life of me I don't know why they seem to think TFP should be conservative media) absolutely losing it about how Eli Lake is super liberal and being mad at everything he writes. Did not disappoint.

To be clear, it's entertaining for me to see both leftists and conservatives have meltdowns. Reminds me there's still balance in the world.

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I can’t help noticing the negative spin put on the Republican platform.

“The document emphasizes immigration…in 2016 those views would have sounded radical and dangerous, the country has since moved closer to Trump on the issue.” So, instead of pandering, doesn’t this mean that many people now realize that Trump was right all along about immigration, and that the critics who called it radical and dangerous were conning us into opposing something that we now realize is necessary?

Again, on men in women’s sports, “Trump is playing the percentages.” So, now, it’s Trump who is pandering? Is it beyond the realm of possibility that this is what Trump believes? That even if most people agreed with leftist cries of transphobia, he would still take this position? And maybe, he is even right to take this position?

Eli’s whole post continues with this bias, and I say this as a fan of Eli’s usual posts.

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He’s a leftist at base. It’s what they do.

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Christian antisemitism has been pervasive for most of the history of the Christian religion. Some of it still exists, but in our time it is not dangerous. The dangerous antisemitism in this country these days comes from those among the Muslims who hate all non-believers and especially Jews because of Israel and from those among the leftists who hate liberal civilization and thus the Jews they see as exemplars of that civilization. Events since October 7th have shown that those two groups have a lot in common and even a good bit of overlap. They have something else in common. They may be focused on Jews now, but given a chance, they will be getting around to everybody else. It is a good time for people to keep their eyes open and their powder dry.

My outsider’s advice for the new parents would be to remember that, while we are all human beings, little boys and little girls are different. Little boys on average are more like wild animals than little girls are. The goal should be to civilize him without taming him, so that he grows up to be a man to be reckoned with. We may be needing all of those we can get in the next few decades. Also cover his dick up with something when you change his diapers. Those little rascals can shoot a stream a lot higher than one might guess.

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I've heard it said that when men marry they become civilized.

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Trans “rights” of biological men to complete in sports with biological women ? Where did this “right “ come from? Let’s not buy into progressive misnomenclature.

Mike M (CT)

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I just read that Candice Owens has said the holocaust is a hoax. I used to think she was a great conservative spokes woman.

Now I think she has gone off the rails.

What a shame. She has now lost all credibility and is now to be forever bound to the loony fringe.

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She is a huge disappointment. What can she be thinking?

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I am certainly disappointed.

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River understands nothing about horror movies if he thinks they aren't built to reflect the tensions and obsessions of the times.

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I'm stunned! Shocked, do you hear me, that Rachel would do such a thing. After all she is the gold standard for what the left calls the truth.

Heard today that the MSM is now saying that the WH staff bamboozled them into believing the ever senile Joe was as sharp as a tack. It's like they never ever saw the ever senile Joe's 2020 campaign and never say him speak on the campaign trail.

Hell, I knew his elevator didn't rum all the way to the top and I am not an over paid left wing Journalist/elitist. I'm just one of the idiot, undereducated, not so bright, deplorables. If a dolt like me could figure it out, how come these morons in the press couldn't?

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