So, what might that estimate be? And if there isn't one, what number would you choose?
If you have a very strong opinion that a given number is wrong, then you must have in mind a number or range of numbers that you would consider to be more or less right.
"Wrong" cannot logically exist except in relation to its antonym "right". So, what is "right" in your opinion?
The topic of conversation here was the notion of a credulous press just repeating what it has been told by less than honest sources. The Gaza Health Ministry is one such source. That you can't figure that out makes you less credible than you think.
Then again, you believed that was a real website. Not much to say other than that.
On what basis do you claim that the Gaza Health Ministry is "less than honest"?
I have no idea whether it's honest or not. I do know, however, that you are not honest.
You cited in the form of a link, all the while knowing it didn't link to anything. So, now you admit to lying in addition to simply making things up.
If you're going to troll, at least come up with something clever.
There are many stories out there which cast doubt on the reporting of the Gaza Health Ministry. The fact that a terrorist organization manages it should also raise some doubts in your mind.
That said - your inability to read critically, your lack of nuance, understanding of commonplace gambling terms like over/under, and common sense leads me to believe you are a Bot.
"There are many stories" isn't evidence or proof of anything. And calling a people who are resisting their own dispossession by outside invaders "terrorists" is the opposite of telling the truth. But then, I suppose you would have considered Polish Jewish partisan fighters resisting the Nazi occupation of Poland terrorists. Since you seem so eager to minimize Israel's criminal acts against Palestinian civilians, I wonder what you think about those who minimize the Holocaust. It seems that you're in the same league with such people. How exquisitely ironic.
Oh, c'mon. An estimated made by a source other than Hamas might possibly be credible, depending upon what it was.
So, what might that estimate be? And if there isn't one, what number would you choose?
If you have a very strong opinion that a given number is wrong, then you must have in mind a number or range of numbers that you would consider to be more or less right.
"Wrong" cannot logically exist except in relation to its antonym "right". So, what is "right" in your opinion?
Why is this so hard for you guys?
The death toll is what it is. And whatever it is, it is Hamas, and the nation that elected Hamas, that are responsible for every single life lost.
"Is what it is" is not a number.
If Jews had not dispossessed Palestinians of their land in the first place, not a single "poor, victimized" Jew would have died on October 7.
Your comment is amusing, but then again even anti-Semites are entitled to their opinions, however wrong.
Arabs are Semites and I have nothing against them. So, I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree.
So I guess you reserve your bigotry and ignorance exclusively for the Jews? Hmm…interesting.
I’ll stick with 80 trillion, with the caveat that I made it up, just like the Gaza Health Ministry does.
Unlike you, they haven't admitted to making things up.
You've just -- by your own admission -- made yourself less credible than they are.
The topic of conversation here was the notion of a credulous press just repeating what it has been told by less than honest sources. The Gaza Health Ministry is one such source. That you can't figure that out makes you less credible than you think.
Then again, you believed that was a real website. Not much to say other than that.
On what basis do you claim that the Gaza Health Ministry is "less than honest"?
I have no idea whether it's honest or not. I do know, however, that you are not honest.
You cited in the form of a link, all the while knowing it didn't link to anything. So, now you admit to lying in addition to simply making things up.
If you're going to troll, at least come up with something clever.
There are many stories out there which cast doubt on the reporting of the Gaza Health Ministry. The fact that a terrorist organization manages it should also raise some doubts in your mind.
That said - your inability to read critically, your lack of nuance, understanding of commonplace gambling terms like over/under, and common sense leads me to believe you are a Bot.
"There are many stories" isn't evidence or proof of anything. And calling a people who are resisting their own dispossession by outside invaders "terrorists" is the opposite of telling the truth. But then, I suppose you would have considered Polish Jewish partisan fighters resisting the Nazi occupation of Poland terrorists. Since you seem so eager to minimize Israel's criminal acts against Palestinian civilians, I wonder what you think about those who minimize the Holocaust. It seems that you're in the same league with such people. How exquisitely ironic.
Your comment makes it clear. You are a brown shirt. Fuck off.
LOL. Your name-calling has no effect on me. It's played out - like the overused "racism". You need to come up with new material.
Go back to your human lampshade collection.