This isn’t news this has been known for a very longtime. The parents have been milking the death of their son over a drug deal gone bad for money. One more piece of evidence that the left lives in a world built upon lies. George Floyd wasn’t killed by the cop but by his own ingestion of drugs along with his bad heart. A cop following his…
This isn’t news this has been known for a very longtime. The parents have been milking the death of their son over a drug deal gone bad for money. One more piece of evidence that the left lives in a world built upon lies. George Floyd wasn’t killed by the cop but by his own ingestion of drugs along with his bad heart. A cop following his training is in jail over that lie and billions of dollars of property and hundreds of people died in the riots. And thousands more die everyday because of the lack of proper policing 4 years later. This is why you can never vote for a Democrat ever.
On the matter of George Floyd......There can rarely have been a story more starkly at odds with easily discoverable fact than the imaginary plight of large numbers of black men in the 21st century USA living in fear of violence and oppression at the hands of their white fellow Americans. Any fair-minded narration of events of the summer of 2020 would – after acknowledging that the actions of the officer did indeed warrant urgent investigation - have moved on to also acknowledge that the incidence of black men dying at the hands of police in the USA is dwarfed by the problem of them dying at the hands of other black men.......
The cringingly awful liberal establishment's knee-bend-fest in 2020, is - for me anyway - the stand-out instance of our Western cultural rot. And reminders of its monstrousness cannot be flagged too often.... although Yes it is a crowded field.
Don’t forget Nancy P. and her sycophants donning kente cloth scarves to take the knee. The (primarily) Ghanaian tribe that wore kente cloth (originally cotton, becoming silk fabric alternating with cotton in the 1800’s) was able to afford to buy silk because they got rich selling Africans to Europeans as slaves.
Not asking for expertise. You've said that the Hamas figures must be wrong because they're liars. So, what do you think is the right number of deaths, more or less? Like, say, a range between X and Y. Would you agree that 1 death is too low a number? How about 10? 100? 1000? And so on.
I doubt very much that you consider it tragic. As for who is responsible, there is no doubt that Jewish Zionists created this whole situation by getting the British to give them other people's land. Those dispossessed people have a right to resist. And if they get killed doing so, it's not their fault. It's the fault of the invaders they are resisting.
His guess and my guess and (I'm guessing) your guess have exactly the same relevance as my guess about the number of toilets per capita in Moscow. Which is exactly zero. Unless -- I'm guessing -- you have an agenda.
I'm not the one who brought the subject up. The person who did appears to strongly disagree with estimates that have been made of the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza. So, it's not unreasonable for me to ask that person what they think a credible estimate might be.
If you and that person have a problem with that, then I would say you and that person are the ones who have an agenda.
So, what might that estimate be? And if there isn't one, what number would you choose?
If you have a very strong opinion that a given number is wrong, then you must have in mind a number or range of numbers that you would consider to be more or less right.
"Wrong" cannot logically exist except in relation to its antonym "right". So, what is "right" in your opinion?
What I do find interesting in Hamas's number, is their claim of so many more women and children than men. Doesn't that automatically prove that the men are hiding in tunnels?
My google search tells me 47% of the population of Gaza are under eighteen years old. If women are half of the remaining population, then adult men make up only a little over 26% of the population. And, yes, I would expect most of the Hamas fighters who are hiding in the tunnels to be adult men.
This isn’t news this has been known for a very longtime. The parents have been milking the death of their son over a drug deal gone bad for money. One more piece of evidence that the left lives in a world built upon lies. George Floyd wasn’t killed by the cop but by his own ingestion of drugs along with his bad heart. A cop following his training is in jail over that lie and billions of dollars of property and hundreds of people died in the riots. And thousands more die everyday because of the lack of proper policing 4 years later. This is why you can never vote for a Democrat ever.
It is news to me! I had no idea that Matthew was killed over drugs or that he’d been “intimate” with one of his killers.
Yay!! I can’t wait for the one party state!
On the matter of George Floyd......There can rarely have been a story more starkly at odds with easily discoverable fact than the imaginary plight of large numbers of black men in the 21st century USA living in fear of violence and oppression at the hands of their white fellow Americans. Any fair-minded narration of events of the summer of 2020 would – after acknowledging that the actions of the officer did indeed warrant urgent investigation - have moved on to also acknowledge that the incidence of black men dying at the hands of police in the USA is dwarfed by the problem of them dying at the hands of other black men.......
Not to mention blacks killing whites at over ten times the rate that whites kill blacks.
If we're going to have a competition, I vote for Hands Up Don't Shoot as the further departure from reality.
The cringingly awful liberal establishment's knee-bend-fest in 2020, is - for me anyway - the stand-out instance of our Western cultural rot. And reminders of its monstrousness cannot be flagged too often.... although Yes it is a crowded field.
And the foot washing.
Don’t forget Nancy P. and her sycophants donning kente cloth scarves to take the knee. The (primarily) Ghanaian tribe that wore kente cloth (originally cotton, becoming silk fabric alternating with cotton in the 1800’s) was able to afford to buy silk because they got rich selling Africans to Europeans as slaves. fact a photo image of that is in the article I linked to.
Don’t forget the genocide of 80000000000 women and children in Gaza.
How many people have been killed there?
Who the fuck knows for sure. But whatever is being reported sure ain’t the truth.
What's your guess?
Not my expertise. But I do know that if the people reporting the stats are Hamas, then they are lying
Not asking for expertise. You've said that the Hamas figures must be wrong because they're liars. So, what do you think is the right number of deaths, more or less? Like, say, a range between X and Y. Would you agree that 1 death is too low a number? How about 10? 100? 1000? And so on.
How many hostages are an acceptable number. Your eminence surely must know the moral answer.
No amount is acceptable. But you didn't answer my question. Are you going to answer it or not?
Whatever the number is, it is tragic - and entirely Hamas’s fault.
I doubt very much that you consider it tragic. As for who is responsible, there is no doubt that Jewish Zionists created this whole situation by getting the British to give them other people's land. Those dispossessed people have a right to resist. And if they get killed doing so, it's not their fault. It's the fault of the invaders they are resisting.
My best guess is to take the under listed on
Your link doesn't work.
And nothing comes up when I type in that web address.
So, what's the number they give that you find credible?
His guess and my guess and (I'm guessing) your guess have exactly the same relevance as my guess about the number of toilets per capita in Moscow. Which is exactly zero. Unless -- I'm guessing -- you have an agenda.
I'm not the one who brought the subject up. The person who did appears to strongly disagree with estimates that have been made of the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza. So, it's not unreasonable for me to ask that person what they think a credible estimate might be.
If you and that person have a problem with that, then I would say you and that person are the ones who have an agenda.
Oh, c'mon. An estimated made by a source other than Hamas might possibly be credible, depending upon what it was.
So, what might that estimate be? And if there isn't one, what number would you choose?
If you have a very strong opinion that a given number is wrong, then you must have in mind a number or range of numbers that you would consider to be more or less right.
"Wrong" cannot logically exist except in relation to its antonym "right". So, what is "right" in your opinion?
Why is this so hard for you guys?
What I do find interesting in Hamas's number, is their claim of so many more women and children than men. Doesn't that automatically prove that the men are hiding in tunnels?
My google search tells me 47% of the population of Gaza are under eighteen years old. If women are half of the remaining population, then adult men make up only a little over 26% of the population. And, yes, I would expect most of the Hamas fighters who are hiding in the tunnels to be adult men.
We live in an empire of lies. The democrats and their lapdog media have perpetrated hoax after hoax, yet their loyal voters are too demoralized to reason with even if you show them real evidence. Here is a list of all the major hoaxes: