The dock worker strike is an emergency for our country and having a weak president and an absent

Secretary of transportation means we, as a nation, are in trouble. Someone needs to invoke Taft Hartley and force a settlement. Or do as Reagan did when he dealt with the Air Traffic Controllers. It was a tough decision and costly, but it worked.

We need a strong leader with wisdom and good advisors. We have none of that, currently.

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3 mins ago·edited just now

At first blush it sounds strange to vote on gender issues. There are so mamy important issues to consider, why does this rise in importance? Good question. I agree with Megyn Kelley that this topic is very important. If the left can change reality and change the very fundamentals of science by getting everyone to agree that there are as many genders as you care to mention, that one can change their gender on the whim of their feelings, that we are "assigned" a gender rather than this being a biological fact from the moment of conception, then all realities and facts are up for debate. Get the masses to accept as true something that is patently false, and we can convince the masses of anything! Last weekend I saw an "all genders" bathroom with a drawing of someone in a dress, someone in pants and someone in half pants- half dress. No. We can't have this bending of reality. It simply isn't true and I refuse to be gaslighted and bullied into thinking it is. I resist.

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Biden-Harris Labor Secretary says she has “not been very focussed” on dock worker strike that just started and will cost the US an estimated $5 billion a DAY, which includes driving up prices (supply and demand) on many products.


This is the same woman who said we need to “extinguish Trump”.

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The IDF has revealed today that what Hezbollah has prepared for for years, 100 meters from the border is truly unimaginable. They were planning to invade Northern Israel with a massacre that would have made 10-7/look like child’s play

The IDF ha# found and destroyed tunnel infrastructure and confiscated massive amounts of weapons and explosives

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How long did the US expect this to go on? What if Washington got missile attacks everyday? How long before they got balls to do anything?

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Thank you for the acknowledgment of Helene, it's hard to find anything in the news. I'm in Greenville, SC and haven't had power since early Friday morning. I had a tree on my house that demolished my porch and snapped multiple roof trusses. I have 4 other huge trees in my yard but I have running water and a great neighborhood and church that's helping the community. My discomforts are NOTHING compared to what's happened in western NC, parts of TN and Appalachia. It's absolute devastation- they don't have clean water, diapers and formula for babies, whole communities were swept away and more. My family in VA had no idea we'd had anything more than a storm, if even that. We couldn't tell nothing was publicized because no one had power or internet and cell reception for days. Thank you for the blurb! We will take anything we can get. Please especially look for ways to help Western North Carolina. Asheville area has resources but the tiny, poorer towns around it have nothing and seemingly no one right now. It's truly horrific.

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We have friends who live near Greenville (such a beautiful city!). It's devastating to see the impact of this hurricane on you all. Praying for you all from Kansas.

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It’s all I hear about presently?

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Tennessee just sent 700 National Guard troups to Kuwait. 😜

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Remember when hurricane Sandy hit NYC in 2012? Of course you do - because the national media wouldn't let you forget it. Appalachia gets hit ... who cares?

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Wow. This FP “front page” wasn’t the usual garbage. Fire Oily Wiseacre and hire Madeleine Kearns for the position full time and I could seriously consider resubscribing. The lack of petty snark was refreshing.

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Bravo Megyn Kelly. TFP trying to attack the right from all angles and she stood her ground.

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When asked who’s getting her vote on Election Day, Megyn Kelly “serves her opinion straight, no chaser: “Honestly, I shudder to think of Trump losing. I have said openly that I’m going to vote for Trump.”

So Bari, Nellie, Olly…how about a straight answer with no chaser, who’s getting your vote?

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I vote to save the Republic.

Drives me batty, every sign that states I vote for Democracy.

Did these folks never say the Pledge of Allegiance?

“And to the Republic for which it stands”

We are not a democracy;

we are a constitutional republic.

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Who the fuck is Lana “marina” Del Rey?

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31 mins ago·edited 30 mins ago

She's the (much, much darker) version of Taylor Swift - and she's been front and center in the minds of much of GenZ for well over a decade. She made a short film called "Tropico" in 2011 that tells you all you need to know about her. It's on YouTube.

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Best day on the Free Press. This is why I subscribe. I’ve had doubts recently, but not today.

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"Or, as Minnesota Public Radio put it in their reporting, Walz was “so proud of his extensive experience abroad that he occasionally used to exaggerate it.” "

What a beautiful line from NPR that perfectly sums up how vacuous, shallow and corrupt they are.

Imagine opening a history book and reading "Hitler was so proud of his army, he ocassionally would show it off."

OR "The CDC was so intoxicated by their influence and power during Covid they ocassionally would exaggerate its danger."

Our brave NPR media ... you can't hate them enough.

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As a retired Marine, I am not bothered by Walz retiring before his unit went to war because he, at least theoretically, earned it. OTOH, no one with even an ounce of integrity who has not been to war would make claims like "weapons of war that I carried in war." The Harris campaign tried to brush it off by claiming he misspoke. After 20 years of active duty and 24 more years as a contractor to the Marine Corps and the NRO, I can assure you that it was no slip of the tongue.

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Am I the only one who can't access Honestly podcasts? First, it was with VD Hanson, and now with Kelly. It gives the right big heading but plays something else. Then when trying to listen on the Spotify app, it says it can't play it right now and again switches to another podcast I have no interest in (maybe they want me to listen to it?). Maybe TFP should consider publishing a transcript?

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now to figure out how to stop paying for FP!

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finally unsubscribing from this (i thought was a good place for even handed news reporting) … an agenda and croc tears rag.

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Don't let the door hit you in the... well, you know...

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