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I was just wondering, as an idea and as something I'd like to know more about, if anyone can cover the situation with babies born alive during botched abortions? Is it true they have to just wait and watch them die?

Also, good stories.

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That's actually saying they don't have the right to kill but they do have the right to let them die. It also says some parents give birth to babies who will die based on fetal anomalies so they can hold them before they die, which is also considered abortion. I don't think this article said what you meant for it to say, or at least, it didn't answer my question.

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Trying to define the “limits” of the first amendment is a slippery slope. An infamous Supreme Court Justice used the “Yelling fire in a crowded theater” as justification for placing limitations on freedom of speech. Too many of our Presidents have used a perversion of the First Amendment to stifle speech they didn’t like. As for Finkelstein, she’s a chip off her father, a selfhating Jew. They’re too stupid to realize that when they’re loaded on cattle cars it won’t be because they hate Israel but because they’re Jews.

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If polls showed that voters split almost equally on who won the debate, I wonder if they really watched. Even the liberal MSM generally gave JD Vance the win.

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Which bear won the fight? Not talking about the vice presidential debate.

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"The University of Wyoming’s women’s volleyball team forfeited a game against a team from San Jose State University that included a biological male." This makes the third team this season to refuse to play against San Jose State.

Congrats to the UWy team for standing up for fairness and in recognition of basic reality. Courage is a relatively rare virtue and these gals showed it in spades. Thank you.

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Longshoremen? Again? No automation? Where have we heard this before. The pathology of avoiding the market always leads to death. Hopefully it continues the slide for the Cackler.

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If I own a port and can cut dozens of $150,000/yr (plus healthcare & benefits) jobs with machines, I’m doing it. Union asking for a ban on technology advancements seems more like a mafia tactic to steal money from corporations.

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We believe they should respond proportionately. What utter garbage. The US record since WW2 is 1 win, 6 losses, all the losses caused by responding proportionally. Israel is undefeated over the same time period. Maybe we shouldn’t be telling them how to fight a war. Stick to what you know, Joe.

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Helene-trump and musk are doing the government’s job. Biden has to get out of the basement or turn over the reins officially to Harris.

US and Israel - if Biden had any kind of spine, there would be no houthis now, no Hamas and now no Hezbollah or Iran. We have a lot of fire power in the Middle East waiting for the word from the White House.

Women in sports. Read that again and tell me where it says transgenders can participate? NCAA should be ashamed and should be hauled into congress for a hearing.

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Good idea to reference essays supporting both sides of port strike. Only one problem, the anti-strike essay hit a paywall so one can't read the entire essay.

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"Peter doesn’t agree with Maura Finkelstein’s views on Israel. But, he writes, she is entitled to them, because the First Amendment applies to everyone: “It was a social media post, an opinion, and Finkelstein had every right to broadcast it to her 4,000 or so followers.”

Peter does not seem to understand the 1st Amendment. The amendment protects free speech in a public place and restricts the GOVERNMENT (meaning the Federal govt, not state or local) from acting against anyone's speech. It does nothing to protect any who make unwanted speech in a private setting. A university is private. It can fire those who make statements that hurt its reputation or which the management finds repugnant.

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The First Amendment restricts government constraint on speech but not private employers. However, academia is supposed to respect academic freedom, and many universities claim to do so in their regulations and policies. So it is a legitimate question whether firing this professors is consistent with academic freedom.

There is a long list of universities marginalizing, persecuting, and firing professors during the past decade for objecting to university policies of "diversity, equity, and inclusion" (DEI) as anti-academic, anti-merit, anti-male, anti-white, and antisemitic. Few people and no mainstream media have rushed to their assistance. On the other hand, most universities have rushed to the assistance of students, professors, and outsiders demonstrating and vandalizing university property and harassing when not abusing and expelling Jewish students and professors. Few have been punished, and those with token punishments, and most have been let off entirely. Is there a double standard?

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all would be nice if the Supreme Court would draw a hard line where Freedom of Speech is guaranteed and where it is not. I would always want the right to fire anyone whose speech did damage to my private brand. And we know the Feds cannot (I mean, the "Brand" IS the freedom of speech). There is a lot of gray area in between, including universities.

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You have to worry about the 48% who thought Walz "won" the debate.

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The Left are blinded by their partisanship. They do not know the Truth when it slaps them in the face. This is what decades of propaganda, essentially brain-washing, from the Left Media does to the public. It is frightening so many Americans have been turned into Marxist zombies

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Contrary to views of the past 30 years, I agree with Gov. Walz that “Free Speech “ does Not cover yelling fire in a crowded movie theater and it doesn’t cover knowingly lying or hateful speech on Social Media. Back in the days when America was calmer, we accepted that our Government kept some things secret for the general good. When managing a large corporation obviously some things are kept secret. In the case of Prof. Finkelstein, she has the right to publish her hateful beliefs, but the College Administration also has the right to act when she is out of step with their policies.

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Ah yes, the "general good", the ultimate canard. Let me know when my decisions fit your amazing view, especially when you define hateful speech, whatever that might be.

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The First Amendment prohibits the GOVERNMENT from making laws abridging the freedom of speech. It doesn’t apply to entities not the government. It certainly does apply to the government making a law against “hateful speech” IOW, they can’t do that. Oh they try and then it gets slapped down.

People like John Francois Kerry, who fought in Vietnam and got medals, along with imbeciles like Walz want to do away with the First Amendment. They are the dangerous ones. They are the ones breaking norms. They are the ones truly against democracy.

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Yes, they are "the ones truly against" the first amendment of the constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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“...who play a vital role transporting essential goods across America, deserve a fair share” of record profits made by “foreign-owned shipping companies.” And she calls Republicans Facists...

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On Sunday, Biden said he doesn’t “believe” in using the law to force workers back to the docks. But his hesitancy could kill off his vice president’s chances of winning the election and tip the scales toward Trump.

One can only hope.

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But he "believes" he can force BS vaccinations and cripple the economy for two years. Can't piss off those donors.

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I'm not a fan of the present administration, But....

"Hanlon's Razor is a mental shortcut which teaches us, in the words of Robert J. Hanlon to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” In other words, rather than questioning people's intentions, question their competence."

This is the more likely expalination.

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It’s more than clear they are incompetent. But I think they are also malevolent evil people. No one can continue to be that totally inept without malice involved.

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I definitely agree.

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"Biologically male volleyball player?"

Do they have a penis? That's the key, I suppose.

The Free Press keeps changing the definitions.

They don't know what a woman is.

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Neither does 90% of the democratic party... so there's that. We have someone running for the highest office in the land on ONE qualification, and even she can't define what makes her 'qualification' valid.

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There is no way that is statistically correct.

About as correct as saying 90% of MAGA is racist, which you would take great offense at.

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Since it's not true, I might. Probably not.

My skin is pretty thick.

Since 99.99% of the people I know (it's the Midwest here) are republican, nearly everyone has a college degree, if not 2 (and not a liberal college amongst them!) and I don't know a single person who is even close to 'racist'. At least, the Webster and / or Oxford definition. I've seen democrats classify a LOT of things as 'racist', that aren't.

I don't know more than about 5 democrats who don't equate sex to gender, though, and get rabid when you tell them Science doesn't recognize more than 2 sexes. Pesky genetics, eh?

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Oh, yes....the "Webster's/Oxford definition" should be the standard. I'm sure you apply that to everything else as well. ;)

Ah....but your 90% claim is true.

You probably get enraged by accurate teaching of U.S. history in school, so your skin is probably tissue paper density.

You're right, Karyn......the Haitians in Springfield do the Charlottesville marchers....Birthers...etc.

Sex is biological. Gender is social. I really don't know why you people have such a hard time understanding that obvious, straightforward concept.

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Sex is biological; gender is imaginary. There may or may not be social consensus about an imaginary symbol. Right now, the majority of Americans think gender is personal, not social, and should not be forced on others.

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Sex: Boys have penises.

Gender: "It's A Boy" door hanger in materinity wards are blue.

Gender: Boys play football.

Sex: Girls have vaginas

Gender" "It's A Girl" door hangers in maternity wards are pink.

Gender: Girls are cheerleaders for the football team.

So, Philip, check out any local High School this Friday evening and enjoy the imaginary show.

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Oct 3
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Yeah, right....

That's why public bathrooms are such a big issue - because women are worried about being raped by the chromosomes.

Nope. Penis vs. Vagina.

Don't change your argument/standard now because a woman won a gold medal in boxing.

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I was told by The Free Press - for MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS that if you have a penis, you are a male.

Then....a female boxer, who has lost to other female boxers in the past, wins a gold medal, then NOW everyone wants to talk about testosterone levels, chromosome counts, etc...etc...

The female boxer has no penis, was raised a girl, has had no alteration to sex organs.

No penis = no woman.

So.....don't change your rules now. :)

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It’s always been about X and Y chromosomes. Period.

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Sure, Derek....

That's why public bathrooms are such a big issue - cause women are worried about getting raped by the chromosomes.

Penis vs. Vagina. Period.

Don't change your argument/standard now because a female boxer won the gold medal.

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Women’s athletics and public bathrooms are not the same thing.

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Penis = male

Vagina = female

Don't change your standard/metrics now, Derek.

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