
A protest suggestion that would be truly passive aggressive. The leaders of Iran are so afraid of women showing their hair in public, then oblige them. The women shave their heads bald in protest. It would drive the authorities crazy.

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Biden, morality? Please

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"You simply can’t make deals with terrorists."

And yet, the Biden administration continues to do so to the direct detriment of women in Afghanistan and Iran.

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Once again, our traitorous far left moron-in-chief has tried to gaslight Americans into believing that the Iranians would use $6bn of released funds to buy food and medicine. Like money isn't fungible. Like they can't even legitimately buy food and medicine that they might have bought with other funds now released to build nuclear weapons or drones for Russia or sponsor terrorists all over the world. I wonder - how much of that $6bn is buying airfare to Mexico so that terrorists can walk across our southern border and hop on a bus to a sanctuary city?

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I am so in awe by the sheer bravery of these iranian women and the men who support them, and deeply sad that it seems like the fight must still go on without relief.

More bumbling foreign policy by the US, and women and girls - in Afghanistan, in Iran - are the immediate victims (but not the only ones).

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Iran not only brutally oppressed it’s citizens, and supplies Russia with weapons to use against Ukraine, and yet the Biden Administration still bends over backwards to the regime and gives them money at every occasion.

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It’s a poor choice to ever give in to blackmail. It just means more Americans will be kidnapped and ransomed in the future. Get them back through force if need be but never by ransom. Anyone foolish enough to go to Iran or even close by under the current conditions surly knows the risk and has to take the consequences without endangering others

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I believe the new revolution in Iran could have already happened, if it wasn't for the fear, that the West/US would take advantage of the unrest to interfere and replace the tyranny of the mullahs with their own tyranny, like they did when they orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected Mosaddegh-government to replace it with the brutal pro-western shah-regime, that could only be ousted by a bloody revolution which resulted in the establishment of the present theocratical tyranny. Or that Iran could share the fate of places like Somalia, Libya or neighbouring Iraq, where western intervention resulted in replacing a tyrant with something even worse, a failed state where a bunch of equally tyrannical warlords are destroying every kind of civil life and any hope for a better future.

I think the probably most stabilizing factor in nowadays Iran is the "the devil I know"-attitude, that let's a lot of Iranians hesitate to give up the relative stability the present tyranny still provides for a possible apocalyptic future when out of control foreign interests can play out in the country and/or when a revolution would just replace one tyranny with another, just like it happened in 1979 and all that bloodshed would once more prove in vain.

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So at a dinner party, with much drink involved (?) two women rattled on about the color pink and you assume that this silliness comprised the totality of their commitment to women's issues? And then by extension you claim that "American feminism has become a decant postmodern wasteland of navel gazing? The women I know who are concerned and fighting for, for example, abortion rights aren't doing it for fun. (Nor are they evil proponents of the killing of innocent lives) They are people who genuinely believe that women need access to this kind of healthcare. Period. The women who suffer when access to abortion is restricted are not elites, they are the women who can't afford the time away from work to travel. Whatever your stance on abortion you can't accuse women who are fighting for these rights for others of living in a postmodern wasteland. I'm 68. I've seen that "navel gazing" accusation thrown around in more ways than I can count. Who is navel gazing? Some students who are trying to sort our their role in the world? A couple of women holding forth at a dinner party? Sure, I'm not denying that the side of feminism that seems focused on identity and intersectionality and all that blah blah blah rhetoric isn't annoying. But avert your eyes and ears and pay attention to what real women are doing in the world. Luckily I don't judge all republication women by Marjorie Taylor Green. :)

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This is for those who foolishly believe she died of cardiac arrest from a previous illness. That is an utter lie. She was 22 and was beaten to death.

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Stop demonizing the trans movement. Stop thinking of it as a movement. It really doesn’t not becomes a movement when politicians make it one. Most people who care are trans rights aren’t pushing for “bad things” they are trying to get it right and maybe making mistakes along the way. All this obsession with the rhetoric and heightened feelings on the fringes is destructive. It just is. Seriously who cares about drag queen story hour (a bad thing?) Puberty blockers? Way more important but also way way more complicated. How to get policy right on this? Maybe by not looking at the outliers but by listening carefully to everyone involved.

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Yes, and then what? Where is this state of grievance getting us? What if we all decided to actually listen to these “lectures” and consider what we can learn vs reacting to where we feel unfairly accused or misunderstood. Costal elites “smostal elites” these categories are useless and doing more harm than good.

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I stand with Iranian Women and Iranian Jews. ❤️

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Where is Meghan Markle, the great courageous, well-dressed heroine of womens' empowerment, when we need her?

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There haven't been any serious signs of revolution. Instead, regrettably, the usual signs of a movement losing steam.

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I have read there are Large parts of Iran whee government officials don't go without Armed Escort.

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