I don't agree with the parallel about actors and AI simulacrums. If a producer uses this technology, it seems fair to extend the standard contract to match what the producer would pay for an actor.

No art or individuality to the stevedores. They are providing an important function, just like blacksmiths provided a long time ago. Automation can and should replace many of these jobs - and this work stoppage proves how important it is to hurry along that technology.

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Cremieux makes a good case here that paying the dockworkers far more than what they make now to just NOT work, and replacing them with robots would end up being a net win: https://www.cremieux.xyz/p/just-pay-them-off

Not sure if I agree completely, since I think there's social value in having high-pay low-skill working-class labor. For the same reasons I reject any economic arguments either way for immigration, I also am skeptical of economic arguments around automation. We should be willing to sacrifice ANY amount of money to keep our culture intact, so technology should be embraced in a way that does not destroy our social fabric. Electricity, the combustion engine, internet, cell phones, and fertilizer have irreparably harmed our culture. But I might just be a crank, so leave me in the corner to read my Ted Kandinsky.

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