
As a lifelong moderate Republican (fiscally conservative / socially liberal) let me tell you my view on Trump, which I believe to be the view of a majority of conservatives at this moment. I am so gut sick of the weak liberals allowing the radical Woke mob to control every power center of America (education, media, large corporations, federal govt. agencies, etc) that I want to send them the largest and loudest middle-finger I can find - and the most unapologetic and grotesque middle finger is Donald Trump. After nearly a decade of this insanity, I have developed the counter-weight condition to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which is Woke Derangement Syndrome. As Michael Moore explained in 2015, a vote for Trump is a protest vote against the corrupt elites who run both the federal govt. and corporate America. And now, on top of voting against those elites, he is a vote against the Woke cultural elites, who are dismantling the entire Western civilization, brick by brick. A vote for Trump is the strongest possible message from the “normies” that we will fight this culture war to the end of time, that we are so committed to opposing the Woke mob that we make you suffer that which you most abhor, until you return to sanity. I will be ready to support reasonable, normie Republican candidates for President when the gutless liberals find their balls and put down the Woke mob, which only they have the power to do.

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When Haley pulled her prepared barb "“Honestly, every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber.”

Vivek should have smiled, turned casually to her, or maybe to the camera, and suggested "My, you are starting to sound as desperate as your poll numbers suggest."

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I'm just glad that someone came along that really speaks for/resonates with the GOP base. Can finally be their true, authentic selves.

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I guess we were watching on different channels. I thought there were three or four very credible candidates for president and contrary to your assertion at some point voters may reconsider whether Trump's duck strategy makes sense, I believe it does not. The American people are clear on a couple of things. First they vehemently do not want either Trump nor Biden on their 24 ballots. That residual alone should encourage people like DeSantis, Haley and Scott and even possibly Bergen. Second, the RNC seems to be run by idiots. Debates are a chance to sell the brand yet the first two debates were not widely streamed. Haley had a great idea to stream the Rumble feed on her site. Third, I don't know how the rest of the world feels but the $7 trillion dollars add to our national debt during Biden's presidency is going to be an issue. Trump, despite his protestations was almost as bad.

If we get stuck with Biden and Trump as the nominees it is not because of the good efforts by legit candidates to get a message out. I heard some pretty good ideas last night and although there were also the typical one up style debating - there was a good discussion about many of the key issues. The pseudo sophisticates who declare that the GOP race is over are as deranged as the people who claim the "science" is settled.

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This country is screwed. With the choice going between a corrupt senile Biden and a corrupted contemptible Trump, we are in trouble as a nation. Virtually any one of these people would be a vast improvement, although I would prefer for Pence, Christie and Ramaswamy to disappear. Pence is vapid, Christie is, well Christie, and Ramaswamy is unsure of any of his positions. I would gladly vote for any of the other Republican candidates.

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The approach to this article is silly and self-destructive. The author, Savodnik, can’t just do what good reporters do and earnestly tell us facts readers should know. That’s beneath him. Instead, like so many mainstream ‘journalists’ the Free Press’s subscribers are trying to flee, he imposes a snarky and cynical frame that makes the writer feel clever and self-satisfied (a woeful delusion in the case of this article) but ultimately misinforms readers.

The writer’s irrelevant and misleading comparisons to selective memories of Ronald Reagan—comparisons that aren’t even close to being justified by the arbitrary fact of the debate’s location in a place named for Ronald Reagan—aren’t just present in this article; they dictate it. They’re arbitrary, misleading, reductive and contrived, but they make the writer feel clever and creative, so here we are.

We see this fundamental approach to coverage all the time in the mainstream media, where stories masquerading as serious factual and logical analyses are in fact just convulsions of the writer’s ego. Unfortunately, The Free Press, built on a legacy of work in mainstream media, has a nasty habit of falling back into old habits. The writer should know better, and the editors too.

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Once again, but last time, no discussion necessary. He is not ready. You are determined to mention his color so I’ll address that. Over the past 50 years this country specifically and the West generally have passed laws, spent money and generally done everything we can think of short of reparations to acknowledge and remedy the prejudices off the past. When you and others continually draw attention to color, race, or other perceived differences you demonstrate your own prejudices, diminish your successes, AND draw lines between us. Stop it. At some point we must trust each other to move forward. Vivek has demonstrated shortcomings for the job for which he is applying. Race has nothing to do with it.

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We did, but was that because of Trump or in spite of him. My big question is, as in baseball the War measurement. What did he do that an average Republican wouldn't have done?

The remain in Mexico policy was a good one. But the rest he didn't do anything. He inherit a bad Obama economy, he cut regulations that anybody with half a brain could have done. He couldn't pass anything through Congress. And he did nothing with the deficit. He spent like a drunken sailor, and Nancy pelosi had him over a barrel in the last 2 years. He was okay. The economy was good under Obama and with a little bit better under him. But he choked during the pandemic and failed in his reelection. The next election has to be about Biden, if it's about him the Republicans win in a landslide. But it'll be about Trump, and nobody outside of 40% of the country who are his fanboys likes him. He's the only one that can lose that idiot. I don't want to take that chance.

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Can't wait for "Trump: Season 2"

It's gonna have everything!

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Trump's going to be in prison come election time. One of the people on that stage last night is likely going to be the next President. Even if Biden's decline accelerates and Newsom jumps in, I still think the GOP has the edge. You should take this more seriously.

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I get why some people love Trump. Populism, the cult of personality, stick it to the establishment, etc. But it's foolish to hold onto someone who cannot deliver and will drive this country insane. If he wins in 2024. Who will be his cabinet? He barely cobbled together competent staff 2016-2020 (remember the revolving door in Trump's cabinet?) Now he's even riskier to attach oneself to. His administration would be incompetent (potentially even less competent than Biden's) at a time when we face grave threats to our nation. And not a single Democrat will be willing to work with him. How much can be accomplished in DC with the Democrats in lock-step opposition? Plus recall that Republicans lose more on ballots when Trump is at the top. I predict he will get essentially nothing done in 4 years if he's elected. Those of us who want an alternative are wondering, what do Trump voters really think is going to happen?

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Thank you Bob for sharing the rationalization that people have regarding the 2020 election AND President Trumps behaviors to the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. (as shared in the 1956 book, When Propecy Fails, "When a true believer is faced with "undeniable evidence" that what he believes is wrong, he will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor about convincing and converting other people to his view."

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Everyday I see lawlessness in our cities whether it be smash & grab, car jackings, senseless attacks on innocent citizens & the shooting of children by children. Illegals are creating a financial drain on our cities & states. Seventy thousand of our young have died in 9 months of this year from fentanyl overdoses while illegals are housed in hotels at our expense. It's only going to get worse. Our wounded warriers are left to vegetate while fortunately private organizations like Tunnel to Towers fill the void. Our Congressional leadership is inept & filled with office holders who have long overstayed their time. It's a clown show controlled by extremists in both parties. Congress fails to pass meaningful legislation while taking Impeachment to new hights. It's becoming an obsession. The Republican Party is cursed by two issues, Donald Trump & Abortion. Republicans seem smitten with Trump. While so many of his policies were succinct, he's abrasive, antagonistic, egotistical, delusional & often abnoxious. So many of the pillars of his administration despise him. Christie's presence on the debate stage is based solely on a hatred of Trump. Pence has the Jesus vote. Good luck with that. I like Scott but he's not Obama. Vivek is extremely bright but he's young & sleeps with China. Maybe someday he'll succeed as a politician, or not. When DeSantis first ran for Governor I believed he was a nut so I voted for the Democratic Mayor of Talahassee. It was later disclosed that the Mayor was a cocaine addicted devotee of Farrakhan. Just my kind of guy. DeSantis was right about the pandemic & Florida is thriving, all be it a Retirement/Nursing home for wealthy retirees. I admire Nickki Haley but her political options are limited. It's the economy stupid & women's choice that are major determinants of election outcomes. In any number of red states voters have rebelled against restrictive abortion laws. Biden is feeble, supremely corrupt, as is Trump, appears more of a puppet, heads a dysfunctional administration & uses subterfuge, censorship, lies & perversion of the Justice Department to maintain control. The Democrats tout this as a plus. So unless America comes to it's senses, which is highly unlikely, our choice will be President Dementia vs Former President Obnoxious. With No Labels at least I can take pride in not having voted for either.

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Off to a great start......

Nobles: “Can you explain the timing of the Aug. 6 WhatsApp message? Why is that evidence of some wrongdoing?”

Smith (R-MO): “I’m not an expert on the timeline. I would love to have, um, President Biden and his family to tell us about all the timeline.”

Nobles : “But if he's not the president or the vice president at that time, where’s the wrongdoing? He wasn’t even a candidate for president at that time.”

Smith: (R-MO) “He was a candidate.”

Nobles : “On Aug. 6 of 2017?”

Smith (R-MO): “So apparently, apparently … what source are you with?”

Nobles: “I’m with NBC.”

Smith (R-MO): “So apparently, you’ll never believe us.”

Nobles: “I’m not saying I don’t believe you. I’m asking you a very direct question. You presented a piece of evidence that you say came on Aug. 6 2017, that demonstrates that Joe Biden was using political influence to help his son.”

Smith (R-MO): “What’s that?”

Nobles: “The WhatsApp message you put up. How does that demonstrate that there was some sort of political influence put over him if at that time he wasn’t a political figure, he’s not an elected official?”

Smith (R-MO): “I’m definitely not going to pinpoint one item.”

Nobles: “You presented it. It was your first thing that you brought.”

Smith (R-MO): “So, apparently you don’t agree with it.”

Nobles: “It’s not that I don’t agree with it. I’m asking you to explain it.”

Smith (R-MO): “I’ll take the next question.”

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Getting really tired of reporters dumping on these republican candidates and debates. YOU are the ones with bias and shaping America's view of these candidates. "Let me tell you folks there's nothing to see here". I have no idea what the hell you are looking for exactly, nor do you outline that! Instead of truly listening and assessing what they're saying all you can say is that they're not exciting enough to beat Trump. You're playing into the cult of personality. Several of the people on that stage have far more character, content, and the seriousness that it takes to run this country well. Perhaps that's boring or dorky b/c it doesn't produce exciting flashy headlines for you, but it's what we NEED. Trump is is good at lots of blustering (most in self interest) and very little real tangible content or vision these days, and agree that he doesn't have the guts to debate b/c maybe he realizes these candidates have a lot more to say than he does. I weep for someone who truly does care about this country and is willing and able to fight with more than just words. I saw several of those people on the stage last night.

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Thank you.

Yes--like so many similarly structured articles in the mainstream media, the piece is an exercise of a writer’s egomania. Instead of receiving intellectually serious insight into the substantive character and positions of the candidates, we get a writer trying (and failing) to prove he’s clever.

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These men and a woman are auditioning for a role that Trump already has played. And played successfully in terms of what regular people care about - quality of life issues. Costs of groceries, gas, etc... were manageable. The economy was strong. Women and minorities had the lowest unemployment rate in history. And, inherent safety with no active war involvement. Personality preferences aside, Americans can see that he has been targeted from day 1 with accusations that have never come to any real legal fruition. Even now. The weaponized Justice department just tries over and over and over again. He has been turned into a political martyr and those who have always backed him, and others who have come to the conservative side, want, to lift him out of persecution and crave a redo of all that the Trump era had to offer, plus, plus. No one else can match this powerful combo.

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