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I’ve read that John Dewey, so important in influencing the direction of American educational theory, proposed that children be removed from parental controls. He held it critical that children should be exposed only to proper guidance. It appears that the teacher knows that he knows the TRUTH, as Dewey was also confident. I call it totalitarian.

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That letter from that teacher is frightening. Teachers are supposed to work as a team with parents to support the child, not judge parents' values or keep secrets from them. That's not even touching the author's contempt for what he clearly views as an inferior "Hispanic" culture - yikes.

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Education, as an issue, is misfocused. Many who clamor for it, can’t do it well and really want something else — a better life. The access to it and the rewards from it are distorted by social programs. Resources spent on it have not produced much, so why spend at those rates? Institutions self-described as involved in “Higher Education” have permitted mob rule, lied about their own principles — for decades which resulted in lower expectations. Higher related costs - without concomitant benefit - have resulted in diminished lives. Often, academic thinking is constraining and duplicitous rather than freeing and enlightening. What will we learn from The University of Austin, and when?

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Glenn Sacks claims that teachers aren’t deceiving parents while simultaneously lying to the Free Press Community by omission. He is a union flack, not just a social studies teacher.

In a nutshell, that’s why parents are right not to trust “educational entities” like him. They lie to parents constantly, on any topic, and without hesitation any time it benefits themselves, regardless of the harm to children.

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I'm puzzled as to how someone thinks removing the First Amendment, so the police can arrest people for retweeting unpleasant tweets or spreading "disinformation", will work in our society.

Who gets to decide? Do we have a trial decided by our peers? Is there some sort of Fact Tribunal, perhaps run by the staff of The New York Times, that determines whether a statement is prosecuted? Maybe we can spend some serious money and get Nicolas Maduro himself to decide what's protected speech and what isn't?

The UK is quickly turning into a third-world country. Not because of who lives there, by the way. But because it's being governed incompetently. The Tories never wanted Brexit, so they alienated their base. Labour was able to win easily, without having to appeal to moderates in any way whatsoever. They're dismantling industry and energy costs are unaffordable for the middle class. I don't think we want to emulate them and tear up our Constitution.

Instead, we should thank the UK for making our Constitution possible in the first place, and continually reminding us why the freedoms outlined in the Constitution are so important.

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But many do want to tear up our constitution or at least modify it in ways that would substantially water down the first and second amendments and without doing so by amendments ( as required by the Constitution ). As for who gets to decide I like to ask those who favor limits on speech if they would allow Trump if elected to have the same powers in this regard as they would give to Kamala. There should be little doubt that Mary Poppins would pop back into the picture if the Dems get full power.

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I find the pro keeping secrets from families letter uncompelling. It didn’t add anything to the debate. The case for teachers keeping secrets has always been that parents are bigots and teachers know whats best for children, not the children’s parents.

In reality this is not the case. The few valid examples of protecting a homosexual child from homophobic parents is outweighed by the many many examples of predatory behavior by teachers. Often the gender transition pipeline starts at school.

Neither his letter nor my comment have added anything new.

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Totally agree. If abuse is happening at home, it needs to be reported to CPS or the police. Otherwise, we do not need teachers inserting themselves between a parent and a child.

Also: homeschool your kids.

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Thanks for posting these letters for hearty debate. Mr. Sacks wrote an op-ed to keep schools closed in 2020 and now he wants to keep secrets from parents about their children. Both are disqualifying and cause more harm than good. Parents have rights over their children. Adults who are not parents should not be discussing sex and gender with minors unless they have parental consent.

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