Can the Free Press moderate a Presidential Debate please?

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We shouldn't let israel win. We should encourage or even directly support Israel's defeat of all of its enemies. I used to be for a two state solution. Palestinians, or at least those who claim to speak for them, don't want this. Here I can agree with them. They want a one state solution: a Palestinian state and no israel. I now believe only a one state scenario is possible: ISRAEL. Once this happens the Israelis can then seek a way to address the future of Palestinians. If the Palestinians cannot accept this, too bad. They've had many chances to embrace peace, to accept Israel, to work diplomatically. They refused. They'll reap the consequences. The U.S. bombed the Germans into submission during WWII. the Germans started it and learned their lesson. So did Japan. This is the way one deals with aggressors. This is the right way. Israel is not the aggressor, Palestinians are, have always been. Sorry, war stinks.

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6 mins ago·edited 5 mins ago

The debate may not have answered all questions in independent voters' minds, but it will have settled one matter for them beyond any doubt, if it was something they hadn't realized before. Trump and Vance aren't just running against Harris and Walsh but against mainstream media.

It wasn't just the debate and post-debate 'analysis' that made this clear. Even before the debate started, viewers were categorically assured Vance was going to lie. Whoever you think won between Vance and Walsh, mainstream media were the clear losers; and they've been on a losing streak for awhile, with last night providing a convincing demo for why their credibility is on life support.

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26 mins ago·edited 24 mins ago

Let Israel win? Lol. Can anyone share with me who exactly is "stopping" Israel from doing ANYTHING? Bombings of mutiple countries, "de-escalation through escalation," "preemptive self-defense," impending invasion of Lebanon, etc.

What's the matter, Eli? Checks aren't big enough?

I think The Free Press/Eli won't be statisfied until U.S troops are doing CQB in the middle of Tehran.

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Once Jack gets out of jail, he should switch to cloning goats. Goats are a hell of a lot smarter and they can probably bust him out of prison the next time - guns a blazing.

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When the VP is a heartbeat away from the presidency I believe the debate was major. No question Vance could do the job, self admitted knucklehead Walz is not up to the job. This debate has made a difference as again the public saw the debate and it had an impact as Vance comes out as the one who might have run in the beginning.

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I don't think Trump lost the last debate with Harris. Very few people besides pundits remember the substance of the debate. The only thing that came out of Harris/Trump was Turmp saying "they're eating the dogs; they're eating the cats; they're eating the pets of the people that live there." It's a song and popular dance on TikTok. It brought attention to the idea of entire communities of Americans being "augmented" with tens of thousands of foreigners, whether illegally or legally present.

Nothing in the VP debate was nearly that viral and it will be soon forgotten. Vance talking over the moderators, or Tim saying he's friends with school shooters are both minorly meme-worthy.

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Kids may have not read a book, but their Minecraft creations are second to none.

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You can’t lie compulsively and “win” a debate. Vance also apparently does not know civics or constitutional law, despite believing by a law grad. Walz was weak to forcefully stating we are in an amazingly strong economic position. Vance lied saying it was better under Trump.

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"Vance also apparently does not know civics or constitutional law, despite believing by a law grad"

Explain, please.

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By what metric is it better now?

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As a kid, I read books for several reasons: I was bored; it was raining; the television (what little there was of it back then) was off; no one in the house was paying attention to me; and there was fascinating information within books, transporting me beyond the limits of my small world. Most importantly, I had a father who read stories to me, and a mother whose bookshelves I was permitted to explore and who sent me off to the library to register for my own card. Perhaps, if there had been a screen to look at, which there wasn't, I would have chosen to do that. But even today, when I compare what is available to me on my computer screen, and what I can get from a book, choosing the screen instead of a book would be tantamount to choosing potato chips over steak and wine. Books informed me, transported me, made me literate and articulate. They taught me much that my schooling did not. So, despite having working-class parents, I feel I had a very privileged upbringing. Children naturally will choose the screen over the book, now that that's available to them. It's just less work. I say good luck to today's parents.

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Gotta love how Wiseman / TFP ALWAYS have some snarky “TDS” comment, regardless of what they write about!

A great example the “Weird Debate” last night. Vance clearly won, but since “Trump LOST to Kamala & her ABC lackey’s,” it’s IMPORTANT for us to be reminded that the VP debates just don’t count for anything significant!

Trump & Vance are still “weird,” and Walz is just a “knucklehead.”


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So you also noticed?

But you have to admit, it's sometimes entertaining to read the views of a bunch of turkey basting, bitter, ax grinding women.

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As with many I’m not enamored of either Trump or Harris. The choice is neither who’s the best candidate but who’s the worst. We have some inkling of the workings of a Trump administration. Harris is truly an “empty vessel”. The only question I have is who’s actually controlling her. J.D. is smart, articulate & genuine. The country needs more J.D. Vances & Mike Johnsons & fewer Pelosis, Schumers & McConnells. Walz is a typical politician & it shows. Shapiro is fortunate that he’s not Harris’ running mate. I can’t imagine his being able to tolerate being an appendage to either a Dolt or Obuma. Shapiro count your blessings. It would be poetic justice if Giggles lost Pennsylvania & subsequently the election.

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On You Tube you need a sound engineer!

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Walz was more likable than I thought but admitting to knowing mass shooters is as odd as rapping about eating pets.

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I wish to add one further word so as not to waste your time. I listened to an interview on numerous topics by Bari Weiss et al and the only segment of my interest was touched upon by the two experts ie. the Israeli/ Iranian conflict. Both Richie Torres from NY, certainly not a military expert but I found a person of common sense and a former war expert who served in many fronts, (name not remembered) basically agreed in generalities what I have commented on but added some additional own view information. If you have the time or inclination it is nothing new, but just another of dozens of pundits who offer their views to us, the common folk.

I think both of these commentators offered what I would call is simple common sense to anyone who follows geopolitical affairs more than national affairs. I tend to do this because although related, the US is a mess filled with lies, corruption, and greed so that we, the common sense people, have NO idea what is real and what is total fantasy.

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