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“I must explain this to you, since you cannot understand it yourself.” - great perspective on the attitude of many educational institutions to their students. Part of what I liked so much about doing graduate school online was 80% of my learning was reading books on my own time. While figuring out myself how to apply the content to the real world. A skill I use at work everyday. Most of what the professors did was critique, which is probably how it should be. I liked it a lot more than how things were during my undergrad.

My older brother taught himself to write computer code when he was 12. By the end of high school he was running his own web hosting company with two employees in India doing tech support for customers. 18 years old, self-taught and already outsourcing jobs. God bless America.

I wish school had more of an emphasis on self directed learning.

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A long time ago, I remember trying to convince my fellow high school classmates, as we were reading Huxley's Brave New World, that it would be better to take the Soma and follow Ford than the alternative.

Of course, no one identifies with a society that drugs its citizens and creates a strict caste system. I didn't find any takers for my argument.

And yet... we now have a public school system that, through DEI, advocates exactly that. Perhaps the argument would proceed differently today, though I doubt any teacher interested in remaining employed would teach Brave New World.

We have to fight it because, like John in the novel, we were born in exile and cannot find happiness in that society.

Now, as we raise children, we see them joining their peers on TikTok, in classrooms where they are taught to express their feelings (as long as they are appropriate feelings) and disdain anything uncomfortable, like learning about the world.

What to do?

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