
Hey if I predict that some people down the street are going to get run over by a car and then get in my car and run over some people down the street does that make a prophetic traffic expert?

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Larry Summers is an absolutely ghoulish figure. The entirely of his life's work can be best defined as economic crimes against humanity in the form of deliberately immiseration and deprivation of workers and the poor for the purpose of increasing profits for a handful of amoral sociopaths.

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Biden getting America back on track? You must be joking. All credibility lost with that one statement which illustrates Summers is nothing but a political shill.

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Hi Bari, thank you as always for a great interview with key influencers on today’s (and past) economic policies. I am a bit disappointed that you did not press Larry for more when contrary to the name “inflation reduction act”, why he thinks or more importantly the data to show that it “may” have some impact on reducing inflation.

Please read Richard Rahn. He has many decades of economic policy making for not only the US but other countries. He has several great opinions of late on the inflation reduction act, green energy, IRS, etc.

It is worth the read and possibly a podcast interview?

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I was a bit dissapointed to see Bari fail to push Summers on the issue of the woke take over of Harvard, of which he was President. His disgraceful apology contibuted to send Harvard to the crapper. Bari is a fundamental voice denouncing wokeness and I admire her for that, but somehow when she had before her one of its enablers, she missed the opportunity to be as assertive as always.

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welp, there goes the increased the revenue, couple hundred billion just vanished yesterday. Glad were back on track!

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He saw inflation ahead of everybody else? This is dishonest. Everyone who used their eyes could see inflation coming. As soon as Biden cut off the pipeline, cut off our energy independence and stopped oil production, everyone knew inflation was coming. As soon as Biden announced his green energy plan, we knew inflation was coming. If you're using Paul Krugman and the New York Times as stand-ins for everybody else then you are starting with a false premise. Larry Summers has been an intellectual apologist for the left as they dismantled our economy and made the state all powerful. Bari I thought your experience at the Times taught you something. But no, you still need to be a darling of the left. Well good luck to you. Maybe you'll be just like Peggy Noonan and be a member of one of the protected classes. But you are not going to be one of those who saves America. Goodby.

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Larry is a decent man, but is stained, and constrained, by the Hampton's crowd he dare not cross lest he be cancelled. No one who has achieved the status and power he has (and in his case deservedly) will risk losing it. It's that simple. Which explains why our country is in the deplorable position it is.

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He’s being too kind when he allows smart people off the hook for not doing the math. That made them stupid, liars or both.

I think he’s fundamentally confused “revenue” with taxation by assuming government knows how to spend money more wisely than those they take money from.

Those are very slick insider positions and hallmarks of a politician.

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I really enjoyed this. Thanks. All the best to you and Nellie.

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With due respect, Bari, I listened carefully to both your questions and his answers and felt that he was gaslighting both you and us. Despite his "scholarly" demeanor, he is as much a political hack as one may find in, around and embedded in the DC complex. His non-answer and dodge regarding Manchin were doublespeak to hide from all of us the political sausage making that goes into legislation. Inflation reduction, indeed! How slimy.

A wisecracking comic once said that politicians should be forced to wear patches on their jackets, so we know who owns them, the same way NASCAR drivers do to tout their sponsors. There is both truth and merit in that wise crack

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Let me get this correct. Larry knew this turd legislation would not help lower inflation but he was okay with mis-labeling it as such. So we start with a lie and we should view this guy as anything but the usual insider riping the citizens off?

But it's okay since it gives more money to our rich friends and China for more BS green energy while screwing the average person and our grandkids with more debt. Sounds like my acholic stepfather who didn't have the rent so he took what he had to the track to double it. We got kicked out of the house.

So Bidens plan is to spend our selves to prosperity through debt. Larry doesn't strike me as exceedingly intelligent. If the environment is a major concern, were is the funds to clean the ocean, rivers, and desalination plants to relieve water pressure on our rivers. How about the non recycled wind blades, batteries and solar panels?

Typical bullshit from left environmental groups. Get rid of the car and the world is saved. Please spare me! China and other countries strip the ocean of fish, destroy reefs, pollute the ocean and China and India have surpassed us in pollution. Kerry, Spielberg, and other elites pollute way above the average person and they are heroes?

Larry says 1960 5 percent estranged from the economy and today like 15 percent. Can anyone say Dem run cities? How about the elites sending jobs to China. Remember when Clinton said we were a service based economy? Don't need manufacturing here. Drugs and how much more from China and other third world countries?

Larry is no different regardless of background from all of the other lying, cheating politicians and the insiders like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and others. All rich and arrogant.

I have never been President of Harvard or won the Nobel like Klugman but know simply all our problems steem from idiots interested in self coming from DC.

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What a pile of utter rubbish. Larry Summers, second only to Paul Krugman in terms of being wrong and never admitting it.

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Oh Bari. Summers is a hack and only I’m the game because he’s a NYC elite like Krugman. Get a real quant sci guy and stop with the NYC farce.

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More liberal clap trap

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Thanks for exposing the motives of this guest. He side stepped most of your questions especially those about why he supports spending $737 billion to reduce inflation when he says it won’t (well maybe some day in the future).

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