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"The assumption being that Kamala Harris, a black woman, requires a Caucasian male to balance things out"

Today Trump was convicted of lie. He said that Kamala, by her own words, was Indian American . Black she became few years ago. Trump emphasize he respect both. I checked. Indians think she's theirs. Blacks think she's black. But Trump is a racist and a liar, no matter what he says, which makes me dizzy.

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I predict she will pick the running mate that makes the least logical sense and most in line with progressive ideology. Shapiro doesn’t stand a chance.

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The dye is cast. Choosing Vance changed everything. He did not help Trump; and Trump never helps himself every time he opens his mouth.

And of course, true Dems will “find” votes where ever they need them. Our shadow dem government now has a taste of power no matter how bad Kamala is. They will not go quietly into the night.

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Gavin Newsom definitely says “I’d rather not be the second most powerful

person on earth”. He ran the other direction as soon as Harris was the pick - bc he doesn’t want his shiny future tainted by being on her ticket or by a loss to Trump.

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...has there ever been a Jewish vice president?

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We were a few hanging chads away from VP Joe Lieberman.

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Shapiro is still a Democrat. Rumors that he supports Israel are vastly overrated. If he were to accept the position, he would have to accept that Iran will be allowed to nuke Israel and move on to the rest of the world's Jews.

Like Harris, he will be shuffled off to his new office in January and left there to be the "czar" of something. Maybe White House china like Nancy Reagan.

The betting market seems to reflect it's a done deal.

I don't think Harris will lose. The media and big tech are working too hard on this. They won't make the mistake of letting people decide for themselves based on the facts.

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Shapiro: In 2020, he was AG of Pennsylvania and guaranteed Trump would lose the state. He ignored the Supreme Court and allowed mail-in vote dumps to be counted for days, which erased Trump's lead. Serious journalists would look into this disqualifying scandal. Imagine what would happen if a Republican AG of a swing state guaranteed Biden would lose the state.

Walz: In 2020, he let Minneapolis burn. He is no different from Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison.

Kelly: Voting 95% with Biden is not Moderate. Both of them are far left and have destroyed the country.

It doesn't matter who Kamala picks, MSM will bootlick the entire ticket. Their records are horrendous and their rhetoric is inane, but the propaganda will be relentless to help them win. Not to mention the 3AM vote dumps...

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Trump has never been far enough ahead that the "battle box" stuffing wouldn't kill his chances in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia. This nation is so divided that even after the assassination attempt, all the Democrats need is to run those three states. They will. The media/tech/DOJ will ensure that no one who questions this is left unpunished.

Lefties like the guy they printed that Kamala meme boo-hoo piece from are rending their shirts over the Electoral College and such. They don't understand that this was covered in 2020 with the absentee ballot non-legislation. The Electoral College seems broken today because of hyper-partisanship. Only six states matter this year because the other 44 would vote for a dead body in a basket if it represented their party. For most of our country's history, the Electoral College worked exactly like it was supposed to work.

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Even if Donald Trump could shut his big fat mouth and stick to a script that centers on rational policy and counters the bad moves the Biden-Harris administration has made, the Democrats will not allow him to be president again. They will do whatever is necessary to prevent it.

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Sadly, I agree with everything you said.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Shapiro is the obvious choice and Trojan horse. The question is whether they will bet on attracting more Jewish votes than the antisemitic supporters that they could lose (most of the party). I think they are way too spineless to take that chance.

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