I feel like Justin Trudeau has been in power for forever now. Is he just a dictator at this point?

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Trudeau is jealous of Xi And boy is it showing. I’m curious as to just what the psychopathology is behind his thin-skinned, petty, narcissistic totalitarianism.

Warning: This post will not be seen in Canada.

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One aspect missed here is the impact on the growing independent media sector in Canada. Even outlets that have less than 10 million in earnings per year will find that the places where they advertise gone. See this substack by Paul Wells - he is a former journalist with major legacy outlets who is still left of centre: https://paulwells.substack.com/p/how-bill-c-18-is-threatening-a-local#details

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Here in the states things are obviously not perfect. And even our founding documents are limited and imperfect. But I’m so glad we have them. At the very least we have something we can point to when the authoritarians start ramping up their insufferable “rules for our own good.”

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In the early 1930s the new German government (National Socialists) required all Jewish businesses to register and advertise on their store fronts they were Jewish owned. Nothing bad came out of that!

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Maybe I missed something, but here is my question: If a content provider simply ignores the censorship law, what can the Canadian government do to them? How is this law enforceable?

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Amazing to me how much censorship is needed to keep free speech alive and well.

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"First they came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me"

-First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller

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Full transparency. I do not agree with Bill C-11 or 18 and I think they have potential to be dangerous. Also avid reader and supporter of TFP.

However, currently I have access to TFP, NYT, and CBC on instagram. I also have access to Glenn Greenwald on Rumble and I'm a Canadian in Canada.

Not sure if things have changed since August but that's a current update from a Canadian.

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Over 50% of Canadians voted for this. Good luck suckers.

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Are you absolutely sure you don’t mean to say “China” when you’re saying “Canada”?

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My favorite part of this article.

"Bill C-11 “will help make sure that our cultural sector works for Canadians and supports the next generation of artists and creators,” said federal official Pablo Rodriguez."

Say the Canadian official with the most Spanish name I've read in some time. Ha ha and I live in California!

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He’s the epitome of a long term greasy progressive

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When you see governmental repression of free speech and personal expression such as this, its time to make an exit plan.

Some lady with the last name Churchill has stated the WEF has had banks lock the accounts of over three hundred Canadians for criticizing the WEF. I have not seen other evidence of this, but it sounds like something the globalists would do.

For my Canadian friends, install an internet proxy service to get access to news sources. A proxy is a method of making your computer appear to be located in another place (perhaps the US). This will restore your ability to read more than approved news.

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Being in the U.K. under GDPR laws, there are quite a few smaller international news organisations that we don’t have access to because they don’t want to comply. It’s a shame but it doesn’t dramatically change our lives.

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How would you know it doesn’t affect your life?

Anyone who agrees the government should control what they see, IS the problem.

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You have to give them credit. Europe was the world leaders in descending in to socialist utopian hell but Canada has really surged ahead in the last few years and have taken the lead in anti-freedom policies and rhetoric.

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Who knew the Canadians of 2023 would begin to build their own version of the Iron Curtain? It didn't work out so well for the last country.

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Perhaps we can call this new curtain the "Maple Maginot Line"? Or the "Poutine Partition"?

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