
This article reinforced the happiness I feel about switching to civil law after ten years as a prosecutor in California. The law changed very quickly, and not in a way that is good or sustainable.

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This is state-mandated violence against white and probably Asian people too. It’s an apartheid system. If a white or Asian person - unflavored races - and black person commit the same crime, and both say “I’m not going to jail,” police will violently subdue only the person of unfavored race. We’ve seen this script before - the 20th century is filled with millions of executions of successful and despised minorities. “Landlords,” Jews, kulaks. (In the USA, among youth, whites like everyone else are now minorities.) We’re on a path to “kill the Boer” and the mass graves of communism and national socialism.

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There has to be a push back! It feels like it’s already happening. Even this article (and others) is proof. Normal thinking people will reject this outrageous lunacy. Trying to be hopeful...

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A black man ran over a white man and killed him, left tge scene, hid away, destroyed evidence, lied, was caught by police, AND WAS LET GO BY A JUDGE. DISGUSTING. Where is the Justice?

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Canada is a joke to start with. The prime minister is a total disaster and the idiots that keep electing him and his cronies deserve exactly what they are getting.

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Spectacular journalism! Felt like I got a very complete, objective story. Props!

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Canadians who fear for their personal safety will get guns regardless of laws. Their criminal justice system is letting criminals off only because of their race, a policy that will create a criminal class. Canadians will associate criminals with minorities, and fear them because they are not held accountable. We in the U.S. have less restrictive gun laws and our citizens take advantage of those laws to obtain guns they want. But anyone from any country will want guns if the police cannot protect them, and those fearful citizens will get them laws or not. The implicit promise of a gun free society is that the police will protect and that guns will not be used in crime. That promise is now broken, and we in the U.S. should learn that once the lawful guns are gone, the police will not protect and we will become crime victims.

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I would rather judges explicitly consider race than to simply make everything legal for everyone, which is where we seem to be headed in the US.

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What a nightmare this is For Nadya Robinson! A absolute third world situation. I knew of something similar that happened in my hometown in Russia in the 1990.

The driver lost control of his car, hit a pedestrian road, killed the child and left mom completely paralysed. The local justice found the way around to let him with minor punishments. It is a haunting story of my youth. With this hit and run crime I see it repeating itself in what was supposed to be an epicentre of civilised democracy. It is utterly destructing for a human soul. Poor Nadya. May there be people and forces who support her…

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Stop acting strange. I commented on why the Indian community is so liberal and you gave me your reasons for why they really are not liberal in Canada. I then commented on how it is different in the US and provided examples. There is nothing bizarre about the exchange. What's bizarre is your country.

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IRCA’s are fine if all disadvantaged people can use them. Those sons who lost their dad aren’t doing too well, they should qualify.

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this is so dumb because almost EVERY criminal regardless of background usually has some weird or traumatic things in their life like abuse neglect addiction poverty that led them to a desperate still needs to be punished because plenty of people with horrible lives go on to live productive and meaningful lives that don’t harm anyone else

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"black people from poor neighborhoods have less control over the decisions they make"

Nice liberals will say racist stuff like this and then act surprised that someone would believe it and treat black people differently. Humans have moral agency; animals don't. I believe that black people are human; does the left agree with me?

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Ask yourself where this will lead? When you have a favored ethnic group within a society of multiple ethnic groups, with privileges based solely on skin color? We used to have a name for that, and it wasn't "justice."

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Until such time as we stop posting comments and start standing en masse in front of the state houses of our elected representatives, this is how things will continue to be.

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Impact on Race and Culture Assessment (IRCA) is a very unfortunate and misguided tool whose use to racially level the crime playing field of crime is futile!

It is true that in the West in a bygone era (past few centuries) laws were used by White state officers and those in power to discriminate against non-White people. Various civil rights reforms were hard-fought to do away with such. Now reintroducing discrimination by race-based favouritism, whether IRCA for shorter sentences, or affirmative action in education institutions, etc. as a way to even the score is just plain wrong! The reverse discrimination idea disguised as a redress of disparate impact etc. is based on a now-it-is-your-turn-to-suffer vengeance. It will end badly.

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