'Penn Professor Amy Wax Punished for “Inconvenient Facts”'

This title correctly sums up the anti-academic actions of U Penn toward Professor Wax. It also reflects the reality of the neo-Marxist left that dominates our universities and shapes the views of their students. Just as with American journalism and K12 education, our universities are almost entirely corrupted and unworthy of our population. U Penn, along with many others (American and Canadian), should be investigated, defunded, and reformed or closed.

Philip Carl Salzman, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, McGill University

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"Ruhle claims to be a journalist. Her obligation is supposed to be to her viewers and the truth."

Ha, ha; good one. Haven't you been paying attention for the last decades? So called "journalists" first loyalty is to the Democrat Party. They are proud of that. Their obligation after the Dem Party is far left theories and policies of society, race, and sex. Why do you think the public no longer has any faith in the media?

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Are traditional news journalists envious of fashion writers, music critics, and other tastemakers?

When you consider how many young people want to be influencers ( https://www.npr.org/2023/04/17/1170524085/gen-zs-dream-job-in-the-influencer-industry ), is this how young people now see journalism?

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Madeleine, you are the best! This is stunning!

"Ruhle’s attack on her own supposed vocation was depressing enough. But then, things got even worse. After she defended Harris for not sitting for interviews, Ruhle was rewarded by the Harris campaign. . . with an interview."

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Can you refer me to at least one story you've run about the vacuousness of Trump's policy positions? You're constantly running stories accusing Harris of failing to detail many of her policies. Where's your touted truth in journalism? You appear to be a Trump hack.

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I watched the Bill Maher episode mentioned above, and I think you've got it wrong. Brett was making the case that his personal vote for Harris was dependent upon her cooperation with journalists. Stephanie Ruhle, and Bill as well, were not arguing as journalists, nor for or against journalism; they were arguing as voters who are facing an existential threat if Trump wins. I have to agree. In fact it was refreshing to hear from a journalist who is not so pouty or self-important as to threaten to withhold their vote from the only viable alternative to Trump on the ballot.

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23 mins ago·edited 23 mins ago

You are wrong

Stevens was saying Harris has to at least tell us what her policies will be if she wants his vote.

He clearly stated he won’t vote for Trump but also as clearly said he wouldn’t vote for Harris just because she isn’t Trump.

You are as lacking in ethics and understanding as Ruhle is.

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TFP hiring of Maddie Kearns is one reason I renewed my subscription- please, Ollie, try to be less judgmental and follow her lead. We need good journalism written by people who can see compassionately beyond their own biases, and this skill CAN be learned. It’s fine to keep your priors, but don’t let them blind you.

Great recap and story selection. Always interested to read Peter Savodnik’s stories and I’d run across a lot of misinformation about Ms. Wax.

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“Gawad had also recently been named a writer-in-residence at the Wilton Library in Wilton, Connecticut.”

Is it just me or are there way too many ‘awards’ given to journalist? They love to award and praise each other almost daily.

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Regarding Harris's past positions in favor of getting rid of the death penalty, legalizing prostitution and a pathway to citizenship for "Dreamers," as a libertarian leaning, traditional conservative, I could be persuaded to agree on all three, depending on the details.

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As a Libertarian I agree BUT why doesn't she have the courage to say this is her position now. If it isn't what is it and why did she change her position. It is perfectly reasonable for beliefs to evolve but if you want to be President you ought to be able to articulate why.

More importantly it would be nice if the MSM had the backbone to ask her these questions.

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Oh, but there's no time for nuance in today's political arena. The nirvana that Stephanie Ruhle waxes on about is not one in which journalists ask politicians real questions. It is one in which politicians can answer real questions from journalists without the so-called journalists spending the next 24 hours twisting their words into something entirely different.

Harris is the perfect candidate for today's media.

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any time I read about educators or education today I'm alert: Abdel Gawad is a teacher of English at a private academy? What does her curriculum consist of? How does she ensure that her private views are kept private and don't "trigger" any of her students who may not believe as she does. The faculty at a specialized NYC hs where I taught was instructed by the principal that we were to keep our views out of the classroom. I didn't especially like that telling the kids that "kike" used in Great Gatsby is a slur and the response was laughter.

Or that a kid blurted out ...different class "all Jews are racist." Israel never came up. I particularly enjoy telling how a conference on introducing modern Arab lit to our classrooms opened with an anti Zionist ...Israeli...show us a racistly anti Judaic anti Zionist film....for our edification. I objected to the film when asked for our reaction. No one else said they found it offensive. Afterward some of the participants privately thanked me.

I'm more worried than ever that antisemitism via racist Anti Zionism will more and more be "normalilized" in the classroom. Mr. Stephens...I only saw a clip on TV.....vervy, very disappointed in him. He doesn't has Mr. Murray's ability to put Ms. Ruhle in her place...Nirvana indeed. How assinine a comment can someone make....apparently today it's very accepted. Man do I miss Pres Kennedy's wit...and I was a kid.

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Remember when the National Museum of African American History and Culture, a Smithsonian museum (that exemplar of education) exhibited the “Whiteness Poster”? https://www.theamericanconservative.com/smithsonian-whiteness-anti-white-propaganda/

This is not a one-off.

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"Reminder: TV anchor Stephanie Ruhle claims to be a journalist. Her obligation is supposed to be to her viewers and the truth."

- Surprise? At her partisanship, or how obvious it was?

"Students today “have such a fence around their brain,” she told Peter. “They see unpolitically correct thoughts coming from 1,000 feet away, and they zap them off. That is bad for their intellectual development. But you know what it’s really bad for? Our democracy, our republic, if we can keep it.”

- Bad for their intellectual development? Yes, going to college is.

"Aisha Abdel Gawad is not having a good week. ...she claims (without offering proof) that she had become “the target of a campaign of intimidation, defamation and death threats.”

- Free speech is our right. Consequences will follow

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Surprise? At her partisanship, or how obvious it was?

At how obvious

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The purse strings are held by the House of Representatives, and approved by the Senate. Econ 101. The President's job description is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States, and each state's militia when the nation has need of it. The President may grant pardons and reprieves for crimes against the United States. All other minor duties are subject to the approval of the Senate. Has anyone, anyone asked Harris how she is qualified to be in charge of our security and armed forces? NOOOOOOO.

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Stephanie Ruhle, MSNBC. Need I Say More?

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