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She doesn't pick the Jewish guy, and then makes the announcement in the Jewish guy's home state. For someone who's "gotta be woke", she seems half asleep...Wonder if she'll draw some boo's tonight...

Fascinating display of poltical acumen... :\

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Sounds more like a big F-U to Shapiro and Jews.

Bottom line is that the Democrats are now a full-blown Jew-hate party, like Labour in Britain or the Socialists in most of Europe.

We conservatives joke that, except for not being a POC, Hitler would have been a perfect Democrat - LGBT, vegetarian, Socialist, pro-Palestinian, anti-Christian, sympathetic to Islam and obsessed with race.

Only since 10/7 it's getting to be uncomfortably close to the truth.

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{Could Josh Shapiro Help—or Hurt—Kamala Harris?} - In no rational society would this question even be asked. The Biden/Harris administration has been one of the colossal failures of my lifetime, and I'm in my mid-40s.

The very idea we're even sitting here contemplating a Harris Presidency ... a woman who was the least supported dem candidate just a short time ago, and one who was merely days from being exiled herself (that is until the machine remembered they still had America's corrupt media on their side to help take her over the finish line). The Left isn't even trying to hide their contempt for America any longer. Turn on any TV screen and you're inundated with talking head after talking head telling you the last 4 years were all just a hallucination - and if you're not in support of Harris now - you're simply a "misogynistic racist". This phrase is so overused, but I'm seriously contemplating: "It would be sad if not so comical" as our country's new national motto.

Welcome to the freak show folks.

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Harris is set to officially announce her VP pick tonight — *in Pennsylvania*. I can’t help but think some Dem powers that be were all ready for Shapiro, thought it was a done deal, and then something happened (Pelosi happened?).

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Nazis within the Democratic Party happened.

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It’s Walz!


John Hinderaker

August 6, 2024

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will be Kamala Harris’s running mate. I think it was a process of elimination. Mark Kelly seemed like a strong candidate, until it came out that he invested in a spy satellite company with the Chinese. I think Kamala Harris had every intention of selecting Josh Shapiro; the fact that the announcement will be made in Philadelphia certainly pointed in that direction. But at the eleventh hour, helped by an essay Shapiro wrote when he was in college, the anti-Semites blocked him. So who was left? Tim Walz.

As an American, I am horrified at Walz’s selection. He is small-minded, mean-spirited man. In one way, he will fit in with the Harris ticket: he ran a basement campaign for re-election in 2022, refusing to show up for debates with Republican Scott Jensen after the first one went badly. So Jensen was left debating an empty chair.

Walz’s character defects are considerable, but let’s leave it at this: he was largely responsible for the George Floyd riots that devastated Minneapolis and other cities, because he dithered for days rather than calling out the National Guard. By his own admission, he held off out of sympathy for the rioters’ cause.

We are still living with the consequences.

Walz has a terrible record as governor. This post https://www.americanexperiment.org/what-america-needs-to-know-about-tim-walz-of-minnesota/ sums it up.

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I honestly can't believe they (she??) picked Walz. It seems like the Trump ad makers must be salivating. Burning businesses and a police precinct; stores being looted, "mostly peaceful protests" will be powerful visuals.

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Watching Ben Shapiro, who was saying this just shows how Bad a politics she is.

And So It Begins

Barack Endorses Kamala PARODY


Aug 6, 2024 #Politics #News #Trending

Barack Obama endorsed Kamala, but the video announcing this endorsement was so fake, I had to make a fake one of my own.

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Either she's bad at politics, or the Dems are very good at election rigging and know that none of this will matter.

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If its the latter....Look Out!

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Well, what will the Republicans do in a case like that? Just stomp their feet?

They never seem to find a hill to die on, do they?

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Better hope/pray we don't find out.

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That is pretty funny. Thanks for posting it.

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I guess the answer was "hurt". I am not a person who sees anti-Semitism everywhere, but given the extremely small advantages of Walz and the fact that Shapiro could deliver Pennsylvania, I can't help but think this was a nod to the "Death to America" lobby. Kamala made this winnable for Trump, again.

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It was winnable for Trump even before this. This just made it more so.

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The selection of Shapiro, a sabbath observant Jew and Zionist, runs counter to the neo-marxist values that are now prevalent among the progressive elements of the party. I fear his selection as VP would be nothing more than a ruse designed to mislead voters into concluding that Ms. Harris (despite her record and rhetoric) is a moderate in the mold of Bill Clinton and not a radical who intends to undermine the separation of powers, appease our enemies and impose a woke agenda on the nation. Gov. Shapiro is a wise man and I hope he has the good judgment to decline the VP job, stay on as Gov. and wait to run in 2028 in a reformed democratic party that has been cleansed of its neo marxist and anti american elements.

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I like both Shapiro and Walz, but choosing Shapiro would send a good message that Democrats won't let their party get taken over by extremists the way Republicans have.

Harris shouldn't worry about the far left: they'll find some minor issue or stance to be outraged over and refuse to vote, anyway. They're the loudest wing of the Democratic party, and the dumbest, but they're in no way the majority.

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"I like "both Shapiro and Walz, but choosing Shapiro would send a good message that Democrats won't let their party get taken over by extremists the way Republicans have."

I'd like some of whatever you're smoking. Such delusion must be drug-induced.

The party that backs Hamas and Iran, whose Socialist wing openly supports the eradication of the Jewish people, that believes there are hundreds of genders, that men can have babies and women can have penises, that believes you can cut crime by defunding police, that believes that going soft on minority criminals will make them less likely to commit crime, that encourages mentally ill and violent homeless people to destroy our cities, that allows ten million unvetted immigrant to pour across the border solely for the purposes of changing the electorate (Yes, white replacement is real), that diverts billions of dollars to help said ILLEGAL ALIENS over citizens, and thinks abortion should be allowed up to the moment of birth (hey, I'm pro-choice but even at that I have my limits), that thinks that public schools can encourage kinds to undergo sexual mutilation without telling parents - and WE'RE the extremists?


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Yes, nothing proves you're not the extremist like an unhinged rant of conspiracy theories.

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It's really, really weird to see folks read that list and call any one of them a "conspiracy". You don't truly believe that, I know you don't. We don't have to agree politically, (and we obviously don't), but even my most hardened liberal friends can easily see the above list as legit - and admit a large faction of regressives have highjacked their party. Again, seeing anyone call that a "conspiracy" .... wow ..... it's like zero (absolutely ZERO self awareness).

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Your reply reads like a cry for help

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After reading your posts here, the best I can say about you is that I could walk into a psychiatric ward at a hospital, pick a patient at random, and odds are that patient would have a better grip on reality than you.

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If you walked into a psychiatric ward, they'd never let you out.

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LMAO .... classic regressive projectivism. Not at all surprising.... The only thing "crazy" here is that you and your type don't yet realize this charade doesn't work.

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Walz has been for horrible for Minnesota. People are leaving MN as quickly as they can - just like they are abandoning California.

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He's got a +15 approval rating in the state so I don't think your sentiment is valid.

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In part, because he has worked hard to drive out Republicans, thus solidifying leftist control over the state. Think "Curley Effect".

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Well, there really isn't a factual basis for that. His approval rating is high & Minnesota posted a positive population growth in 2023. In the only data I could find on individual counties the population gains between 2000-2022 in Minnesota showed more red counties gained in population than did blue counties. Minnesota has been blue every Presidential election since 1976 and has fluctuated between dominant blue wins like 1996 at16% & 2008 at 11% to very close ones at 2.4% in 2000 & 1.5% in 2016. Point being, I don't think Walz is "driving out Republicans solidifying leftist control". It's been blue, and has been even bluer than it is now before.

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Is this a Star-Tribune poll? Even those of us from well outside MN know how badly their polls have skewed to the left?

Now, I doubt he's under water in a moderately leftish state, but it's not as far left as NY or CA. I believe the Ds have a narrow majority in the legislature, and Trump got pretty close in 2016.

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The favorability rating? That number came from several sources such as Morning Consult & KSTP-TV/SurveyUSA both reporting greater than 10% approvals.

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In the last hour, betting on Tim Walz has increased exponentially, with a corresponding drop for Shapiro. These things can turn on a dime or a false rumor, but something happened.

If I'm Trump, I'm celebrating. Minnesota Democrats don't even call themselves Democrats and Walz is rather easily tied to the far left. He presided over the destruction of Minneapolis and some rather crazy anti-police policies in recent years.

He also looks a lot older than he is (six months older than Harris, who looks quite young for her age). Vance has his work cut out for him, but he can effectively differentiate himself from Walz and tie him to Harris - something that would have been difficult with Shapiro.

Of course, Shapiro could be the guy again tomorrow.

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So in 24 years, the Democratic Party has gone from welcoming a moderate Orthodox Jew on the ticket to fighting against having a liberal, non-Orthodox Jew on the ticket because he doesn't think Jews should walk into the Islamist boxcars or go quietly into Iran's nuclear ovens.

And the Democrats call us Republicans Nazis?

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Leftists project. They always, only, ever project.

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"Baruch Obama" is the best part of the article.

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As someone who went to the UR and worked on the Campus Times, I have a pretty good idea of his experience there. It was a campus with a lot of Jewish students from the east coast. His opinion would not have been all that notable.

Coming out of the failed Camp David meetings, it was kind of obvious the Palestinians would never accept a solution that included the existence of Israel. They would choose their own deaths over letting their enemies live.

Back then, sentient adults understood this. There was no question Israel had our friendship, Jewish, atheist, Christian or otherwise. We saw, time and time again, that no matter what approach Israel used, it was met with violence.

Now, things are different because college campuses are different. Administrators indoctrinate and professors seek load lifts. Students are selected for political reasons, and not for academic reasons. And, yes, when they strap on their hoodies and the keffiyeh and chant for Israel's destruction and attack and intimidate Jewish students, that's straight from the KKK playbook.

I would welcome Shapiro's candidacy if I thought he'd be chosen for any other reason than to help win the election, then get stored in a office somewhere, preserved in mothballs.

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Anyone who flips the bird to the extreme wing of their party is a welcome sight for moderates and centrists.

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From the article, "On Friday, an op-ed Shapiro wrote when he was a 20-year-old junior at the University of Rochester surfaced, causing discomfort for the governor. In it, he argued that Palestinians were “too battle-minded” to accept a two-state solution in Israel, adding that they “will not coexist peacefully.” At a rally, Shapiro said his views had since evolved."

Evolved? Seems like an accurate assessment as of Aug 5, 2024, just as it was an accurate assessment in the 1990's.

As for medhi's comment "by picking the guy who compared antiwar students to the KKK ..." that also an accurate assessment. They are awful and bigoted.

There's truly nothing "progressive" about Palestinian society. They are fine with murder, kidnapping, and terrorism. But its a hard 'NO' to LGBT rights, women's rights, voting rights, freedom of the press, speech and religion. There's no right to peacefully protest and no 'rule of law'.

Any honest assessment of Palestinian society comes to a simple conclusion. It is one of the worst in the world. it is vile, corrupt and inept. There's nothing which makes it "progressive". Those protests were filled with useful idiots, cheered on by iran's mullahs and hamas.

The Dem party needs to look at reality and the gray area is simply not there. I don't want an America which resembles today's Iran. The protestors seem to be rooting for it. Dems need people willing to speak the truth, even if it offends the dishonest and bigoted progressives.

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There’ a very interesting juxtaposition of events going on here while all the useful idiots focus on WEIRD. While not being openly discussed the U.S. along with their allies in the region are preparing to defend against a possible offensive from Iran. If the iron dome and other defensive tactics employed during this Iranian attack result with the same result as the last rocket/missile attack and it becomes a total dud and waste of their weapons that will only show their military shortcomings again.

Meanwhile it looks like Kamala will name Shapiro her running mate which will make the Hamas wing of the democrats apoplectic. As part of the vetting process Shapiro has disavowed his comments as a 20 year old just like an appeasing political whore would do. He was correct back then. He said it politely but what he meant was that the Palestinians do not and have forever rejected many opportunities to create their own state. We should listen when they tell us what they really want, which is to destroy Israel and kill all Jews.

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With Biden "running the country" (???), one can only hope and pray somebody competent and serious in the administration is "preparing to defend against a possible offensive from Iran."

I still want to know who is doing the vice president's job right now.

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Shapiro's criticism of antisemitism-tolerant university leaders and his support for Israel is a problem in today's Democrat party, but Harris' selection of him will reassure reasonable voters and Jews to . . . vote for that party?

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Choosing Shapiro won't make me think more of Kamala, but it will make me think less of him.

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Goll-LEE! You just reminded me that a long time ago -- maybe two weeks? -- when people thought no one would want to be her running mate because it would lower their chances for running for president in 2028. Wow, it's fun to remember old times.

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