
Without words. It’s been everywhere. This response. Also in the Netherlands, where I’m from. It triggers a demoralizing anxiousness about what’s to come and yet - not voicing a fierce resistance would be much worse. Be strong, you have friends still and they are many.

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I have been a Republican all my adult life. In the past 8 years I've been called a Nazi by people on the left who are now proving themselves extremely anti-semitic. My grandfather was a Jewish Republican. He married a Methodist minister's daughter, my grandmother. My wife & half my family is Jewish. I have supported Israel all my adult life.

It's time for fashionably leftist people to face reality. The left is largely anti-semetic. The right has a small anti-semetic fringe. It's really an easy choice.

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I'm sixty now, and I've supported Israel my whole adult life. I deployed on DESERT STORM, and I was proud of my Army colleagues who manned the Patriot batteries that helped defend Israel against Saddam's SCUDs.

But, I'd hoped that, by this point in my life, the U.S. could start disengaging from being the world's policeman. After 75 years of keeping the free world (to include Israel) safe, at some point you can't blame Americans if they start to ask themselves help if they've done enough, and now they've earned the right to move on and look out for their own needs for a change. Especially if it seems that Israel didn't take its own defense as seriously as it should have. (You let thousands of Hamasniks from the Gaza Strip into Israel daily on work visas? It took HOURS for Israel troops to get to the kibbutzes under attack? Many of the weapons in your settlements were under lock-and-key in central storage, where people couldn't grab them quickly?)

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I cannot begin to remotely understand how the "progressive" left supports the least progressive, violent organization in the world an does so over a people who's history and thought lead to the very enlightenment that makes their freedoms possible.

Saw a video the other day of a gay, Antifa activist confronting a man speaking out against the transitioning of children. The activist calls over 3 young, Arab, Muslim women and asks them for support. The 3 young women immediately begin berating the Antifa activist telling him that their faith does not allow for such things. When the Antifa activist decides he has had enough he walks off with the three women following him and continuing to tell him that LGBTQ is a sin and not allowed.

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“You should have known better”, etc. doesn’t help. Not easy to leave a job that puts clothes on your back, food in your mouth, and a roof over your head. “Ethics of the Fathers” teaches Jews not to judge others until we are in their exact position because we may have acted worse. My advice is to start hanging with Chabad or other positive Jewish groups when you are off work. Good luck in finding a new job and getting away from that toxic vipers nest.

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Here is the real deal. The 1400 Israeli dead might eventually be seen as martyrs, I hope I'm not using this word inappropriately. That is because their deaths might prevent what would otherwise be tens of thousands if not more deaths in the future.

Related to Douglas Murray's comment that I just saw for the first time and very much resonated, these deaths will be the flare that gave the light to Israel, the vision that they can no longer be shackled, they now have to be ready to rumble, Don't mess with the zohan!

Bibi is probably not at fault. An event like this was eventually bound to occur. If not 1400 deaths now, perhaps tens of thousands in the future, as it is hard to defend against adversaries whose 100% focus and reason to be are based upon destroying you.

These 1400 deaths will be seen as the impetus needed to eradicate Hamas, and Hezbie, and the head of the snake, Iran's current leadership.

So perhaps in the future this event will be seen almost as a necessity, an event so vile and repugnant and reprensible, it allowed Israel to finally have the justification to do that which is necessary, wipe out those delusional, demonic, and inhumane poor excuses for humanity.

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Hear! Hear!

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Some writing doesn’t require any fluff. The simple statements of fact are powerful enough to ring in the mind of the reader. Very impactful piece.

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Iran -the head of Human Rights at the U.N.? So we can all know, if we didn't already, that the U.N is a joke. (And a very anti American one according to Nikki Haley's book. Good read, would recommend.)

That new flag? I'm glad it gives props to the Palestinians as we all know most all Muslim countries is a great place to be gay!

And those students going on a "hunger strike" to support their crazy professor? They are going to fold like a house of cards as soon as the real hunger pains start. But bless their hearts for trying.

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The Guardian has been beyond a joke for years, but any remaining decent readers will move on after this. I wish you luck in your search for employment at a more respectable paper.

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Come to Israel. I know this sounds upside down but you’ll be safer here.

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Sad to read this, but what did this person expect? The tolerant lefties that are in universities, media, etc all think this way. why this person would be surprised to hear these things or read these things is a bit strange considering the proffesion that he/she are in. It is sad that he/she couldn't list their name. Imagine

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A concrete example of why everyone should urge their friends, family etc to subscribe to the Free Press. Thank you, Bari and your fellow journalists that work at a Free Press.

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Yes definitely look for other jobs

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Anonymous should have read the writing on the wall long time ago. The Far Left has been anti-Israel for many years now. Now that position has morphed into a much more open anti-Semitism. It was inevitable.

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Glad you've had the light bulb moment, pal.

But. They came for you and yours and there was no one there for you.

The Grauniad has been something I wouldn't wrap chips in or wipe my arse with for twenty-thirty years or more and you should have known what you were waliking into when you took the job.

Invented Xtianity, how did that turn out for y'all? Were with Mohammed at the beginning and when he invaded Palestine, y'all look pretty stupid now, eh? Marx was a ...? Trotsky and halve the Bolsheviks & original politburo were...? The Frankfurt School, inventors of Critical Theory: all Jews fleeing the Nazis. Advocating for, and building the Bomb. Backed the US Immigration laws that lead to the border crisis. Heavily involved in Civil Rights, mostly as Communist subversives.

I could go on. Do you lot have a death wish? It sure seems you've spent 2 millenia going out of your way to generate violent nihilistic idiotolologies whose First Commandment is "Kill the Jews".

Nevermind looking for a job here; make Aliyah and put the three years in. It is the least you owe Judaism and Israel.

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I truly can't imagine the pain you are feeling. The world has gone mad. I'm a middle class Catholic woman and I stand with you. What happened to Israel is beyond comprehension and although I hope the IDF can minimize civilian casualties, I understand that they need to protect their people. Your coworkers obliviousness to what happened is inexcusable.

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