“You should have known better”, etc. doesn’t help. Not easy to leave a job that puts clothes on your back, food in your mouth, and a roof over your head. “Ethics of the Fathers” teaches Jews not to judge others until we are in their exact position because we may have acted worse. My advice is to start hanging with Chabad or other positiv…
“You should have known better”, etc. doesn’t help. Not easy to leave a job that puts clothes on your back, food in your mouth, and a roof over your head. “Ethics of the Fathers” teaches Jews not to judge others until we are in their exact position because we may have acted worse. My advice is to start hanging with Chabad or other positive Jewish groups when you are off work. Good luck in finding a new job and getting away from that toxic vipers nest.
“You should have known better”, etc. doesn’t help. Not easy to leave a job that puts clothes on your back, food in your mouth, and a roof over your head. “Ethics of the Fathers” teaches Jews not to judge others until we are in their exact position because we may have acted worse. My advice is to start hanging with Chabad or other positive Jewish groups when you are off work. Good luck in finding a new job and getting away from that toxic vipers nest.