Iran -the head of Human Rights at the U.N.? So we can all know, if we didn't already, that the U.N is a joke. (And a very anti American one according to Nikki Haley's book. Good read, would recommend.)
That new flag? I'm glad it gives props to the Palestinians as we all know most all Muslim countries is a great place to be gay!
Iran -the head of Human Rights at the U.N.? So we can all know, if we didn't already, that the U.N is a joke. (And a very anti American one according to Nikki Haley's book. Good read, would recommend.)
That new flag? I'm glad it gives props to the Palestinians as we all know most all Muslim countries is a great place to be gay!
And those students going on a "hunger strike" to support their crazy professor? They are going to fold like a house of cards as soon as the real hunger pains start. But bless their hearts for trying.
Iran -the head of Human Rights at the U.N.? So we can all know, if we didn't already, that the U.N is a joke. (And a very anti American one according to Nikki Haley's book. Good read, would recommend.)
That new flag? I'm glad it gives props to the Palestinians as we all know most all Muslim countries is a great place to be gay!
And those students going on a "hunger strike" to support their crazy professor? They are going to fold like a house of cards as soon as the real hunger pains start. But bless their hearts for trying.