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“The many and the money.” Wow. Any guess on who he meant by “the money” ?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Maybe the most pathetic thing--and there are many--about Black Jew-haters like Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Briahna Joy Gray, Mark Lamont Hill and their gibbering ilk, is they wouldn't even have civil rights if it weren't for Jews who fought and even died for the cause of Black civil rights.

The pro-Hamas mob is human filth. Every single one of them.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Bowman is seriously one of the dumbest people ever elected to Congress, and that's saying something.

The problem as I see it though, even though Latimer seems like your run of the mill, Bill Maher normal liberal Democrat, which is a good thing, the Woke Dems still control the party, which means everything Latimer ran on won't matter because he'll just vote with the lunatics in his party on everything from abortion until the moment of birth, and DEI and identity politics, and men invading women's private spaces and fields of sport, and all the other Woke nonsense his campaign rightly said normal liberals are sick and tired of from the Democrat Party.

So what actually changes?

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Dumber than Maxine Waters? Dumber than Mazy Horono? Dumber than Sheila Jackson Lee? That’s really dumb.

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Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Jamaal Bowman Story

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15 or 20 million…that’s a lot of money to get rid of stupidity!

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Cheap compared to keeping stupidity in power.

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i cant believe a formal middle school principal falsely pulled a fire alarm. that is rule #1 I’m going-to-school 101

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One antisemite down! Many more to go. The power of the people have spoken. Let this be a warning to all terrorist sympathizers, gynophobes, antisemite-racists, your days in power are numbered. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

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Well, it's a relief to know the Democrats are all back to the "sensible middle."

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It's hard to imagine a guy like that being a middle school principal! Good thing he is now unemployed (or rather will be in a few months).

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Agreed, he wasn't even remotely qualified for that job.

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I wish I could be surprised, but I sent my kids through public schools and this fits. We chose to send them to public schools exactly because they would learn things, life lessons, they wouldn't get in a private school. Years of conversations with my kids about how to think critically and independently, using as examples the laughable hypocrisy of some teachers and admins, has actually helped them understand the world a little better. So, yeh, Bowman is kinda typical. But the exposure can be akin to inoculation against what kids will face on their own in today's world.

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Actually, when I read he was a former middle school principal, my first thought was 'makes sense'. If you think Congress is bad.. Trust. You haven't seen ineptitude until you've worked in a large urban public school district.

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Bowman was the Democratic equivalent of the "kook" candidates Republicans have nominated, such as Herschel Walker and George Santos (among several). That he was able to ride in under the radar amidst the BLM hysteria was sheer opportunistic luck. He is not the sort of person who should represent any district in Congress.

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Hmmm, I'm not sure the we-were-hoodwinked explanation is persuasive. The Dems have been all-in on this stuff for the last several years.

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My comment was not an « explanation » of anything. I was merely observing that Bowman’s win 2 yrs ago was in a different atmosphere. Voters often don’t know what they’re really getting with a first time candidate. George Santos is the perfect example. Republican voters on L.I., like Dem voters in Westchester, didn’t know how crazy he was.

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In 2020 the race-baiting revolution was in full swing and readily apparent. And the Democrats were all in. As a political matter, I get the back pedaling now, but that's an awful lot of poor recollection to hope for.

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While I reject the accusation of backpedaling, since you seem determined to make your point about Dems, perhaps you would like to « explain » how the Republicans came up with George Santos, Herschel Walker, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene as proper candidates. Care to backpedal?

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You're making a point about individual eccentricity and unworthiness (partly as deflection, perhaps), but my criticism is of a party-wide embrace of aggressive cultural revolution.

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Ah, something we can agree on! although that embrace was maybe not so complete as you think. Some of us centrists have never been fans.

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Oh, and "bigly" is not really a word. I hoped the FP was better when it came to real journalism. Real journalists generally do not use such informal language.

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Real journalist often mock the stupidities of politicians. Surely you know who the target of the jibe was?

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Bowman stinks. I live in NY-16 and I can tell you, George Latimer is not much better. He's a two-bit politician. He's generally honest. What he supports, however, is not much different from Bowden. I am glad Bowman lost, but there's no reason to celebrate. Latimer has been infecting my local politics for 40 years and there's no telling what degree of damage he can do in Washington.

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'A former middle school principal' - Reimagine the carnage this guy put in young minds. What a train wreck.

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Was glad he lost. He seemed emotionally unstable ranting and raving when he tried arguing with Massie, who remained calm in the face of such nonsense. We need politicians that act like adults not 17 year olds who aren’t getting their way.

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if a government is to funtion for all,it is the middle that must hold. Governing is about concensus and compromise, not winner take all, it is not rife identity politics, not "real politic" speaking out of both sides of your mouth, not using a bully pulpit to protect your own speech but silence others while spreading outright falsehoods and self-agrandized propoganda. It is about working together to build a better union, not simply destroy a society. Maybe people are beginning to wake up from "woke". I sure hope so. It should be clear to both the far Left and the far Right that the American voters"do not want identity politics; they want productive politics that get results.” Partisanship must give way to bipartisanship. Unlike most nations of the world, we were founded from a melting pot, we are, for better or worse, a melting pot. We need this middle. Are you listening Congress? Are you listening America?

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